Monday, December 30, 2019

Braver, Stronger, Smarter: A Girl's Guide to Overcoming Worry And Anxiety by Sissy Goff MEd, LPC-MHSP

Does your child struggle with fear, small or irrational? All kids struggle with fear some time. Some just seem to struggle more than others.
In her workbook Braver, Stronger, Smarter, Sissy Goff has written a manual for elementary-age children to help them identify their fear, give it a name, and then use the tools she teaches them to help kids fight against the fear that affects their bodies, minds and hearts.
I found as I was reading through the material, that I could identify many areas where my children struggle with various issues. And this book will definitely be a useful tool to go through with them. The book is intended to be used with girls and they can either read it through with an adult or on their own. I think I'll probably read through this workbook with all three of my kids (two boys and a girl) and use it as a great talking point with them.
There is also another resource available that is written for adults called Raising Worry-Free Girls which would be great to read as your child goes through the workbook. It will go through the same concepts that your child is learning to fight her fear. And you may learn some great techniques to help yourself in the process. I think this is a great resource and I look forward to using it with my own kids. 

My Rating: ★★★★★

***I received this complimentary book from Bethany House Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

The Moon is Always Round by Jonathan Gibson

Jonathan Gibson's new book, The Moon is Always Round seeks to help young children understand the questions they may have when suffering enters a family's life.
When a family is excitedly awaiting the arrival of a new baby and the unexpected happens, the parents teach their little boy that God is good no matter what happens in our lives.

This book is specifically about going through a stillbirth. This story is sad, but having gone through miscarriage myself, I know that life doesn't always go as you expect.  And if there are children that are old enough to understand the loss, this book has a unique way of handling the hard question of why. I appreciated the author's appeal to what children already know to be true about the moon always being there even though sometimes we only see part of it or none of it at all. It is a good illustration that children can grasp and relate to.

If you have gone through deep heartache and are looking for a way to help your kids through it, take a look at this story and see if this would be a way to talk with your kids about the goodness of God in spite of suffering.

My Rating:  ★★★★

***I received this complimentary book from New Growth Press. I was not required to write a positive review.  All opinions are my own.

Misleading Miss Verity by Carolyn Miller

The third Aynsley sister finally has her own story. Misleading Miss Verity by Carolyn Miller shares the story of Miss Verity Hatherleigh, the youngest of the three daughters of Aynsley.

From the Back Cover:
Verity Hatherleigh has a mind of her own. She's feisty, intelligent, and willing to bend the rules of propriety to see justice done--but her impulsive actions do not impress her viscount papa. When she gets into one scrape too many, she is sent off to the wilds of Scotland to rethink her headstrong ways.
Anthony Jardine relished his role as curate, but his new duties as laird of Dungally aren't always to his liking. Though he thought his new inheritance would be a blessing, somehow  he's finding nothing but trouble on these estates. Not only must he keep up his lands on shoestring funds, his tenants are struggling with famine and his neighbors are being driven out of their homes by money-laundering landlords.
The bright, compassionate, fiery lass sent to rusticate next door is unexpectedly one of Anthony's  biggest problems. He's falling in love with her, but she doesn't share the Christian faith that's his foundation--not to mention he's been misleading her about who he really is. For the truth-loving Verity, his deception may prove unforgivable.
The tangled web these two have woven may spell disaster for their happiness--and for the tenants of Dungally.

My Thoughts:
Carolyn Miller has written another engaging story to end this delightful series. Miss Verity's story is full of impulsive behavior that gives some spunk to this story. Her character is a great addition to the Aynsley series. I can just imagine the look on Verity's face when she gets a brilliant plan. I liked how the author takes Verity through different circumstances to help her character change and confront her unbelief in God. But Verity's story isn't the only interesting story that is told.  I really liked Anthony Jardine's story too. He is a well-balanced character, and his faith really shines throughout the story.

This series has been a fun one to read, and I would recommend reading this series in order. You can find my reviews for Book 1--A Hero for Miss Hatherleigh by clicking on this link, and Book 2--Underestimating Miss Cecilia by clicking on this link. If you're looking for a fun new series to read, check out Carolyn Miller's Regency Brides: Daughters of Aynsley series. And make sure to check out Carolyn's other series by visiting her website.

My Rating:

***I received this complimentary from Kregel Publications. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Imagine: The Miracles of Jesus by Matt Koceich

Matt Koceich has released another book in the Imagine series called The Miracles of Jesus. As with the other books, a middle schooler finds themselves in their normal life one moment and then waking up in a mysterious place the next. And this mysterious place turns out to be a story from the Bible. Each book in the series tells the story of a different tween, but all of the stories are hooked together in a bigger plan that is slowly being revealed as the series progresses.

This book was interesting as 12 year old John Le is one moment flying in an airplane heading home, and the next moment finding himself in ancient Israel. As John experiences the miracles of Jesus, he learns what it means to trust God even in very trying and fearful circumstances. Satan shows up as different characters (Lion, Dragon, Angel of Light, and Snake) throughout the story. The author does a good job conveying how satan is actively trying to destroy us, and how our power to defeat him comes from Jesus alone. I think it’s a series that will make kids think and also give them a fun adventure to enjoy.

My Rating: ★★★

*** I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review. 

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Christmas in Winter Hill by Melody Carlson

When Krista agrees to move to a town that has the name Christmasville, she has no idea of what she has gotten herself into.  Christmas is not her favorite holiday, but she can just get through this once a year celebration, right?
Krista is a single mom looking for a city that will be good for her and her daughter, Emily, to finally call home. But when trouble arises, it looks like Krista and Emily will be back on the road again with no where to go.

Melody Carlson has a written a another heart-warming Christmas story just in time for the upcoming Christmas season. Christmas is such a fun setting for a romance novel, and there is just something about watching a good hallmark movie during this season that people look forward to every year. This story definitely reminded me of a hallmark movie. The characters are down-to-earth people that the reader can relate to.  I think it is comical that the main character who hates Christmas moves to a town called Christmasville and hopes that she doesn't have to do too much with the town's celebrations. Overall, it's a sweet story, maybe a little predictable, but that is what you expect from a hallmark movie. So, if you love cuddling under a warm blanket and watching all the Christmas shows during the holiday season, make sure to pick up Melody Carlson's newest book Christmas in Winter Hill.

***I received this complimentary book from Revell. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Scripture Memory MAP For Women

 Scripture memory is something we know we should do, but often it gets pushed aside in the busyness of life.  Psalm 119:105 tells us that God’s Word is lamp that lights our path. And in Psalm 119:11 God tells us that we should treasure His Word in our hearts so that we don’t sin against Him. Barbour Books has just released a tool to help you add scripture memory into your daily life.

Each two page spread has space for you to not only write the verse your memorizing, but also help you to think through the verse and how it applies to your life.  I appreciate that they encourage you to apply the verse. In the back of this book, there are 145 suggestions of verses to memorize to get you started in case you don’t know where to begin. There are a total of 32 two-page spreads for memorizing your verses, and the book only costs $7.99.
So if you are wanting to add scripture memory to your bible study time, pick up this little resource to help you build a habit in your life to hide God’s truth in your heart!

My Rating: ★★★★★

***I  received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review. 

Friday, September 13, 2019

Finding Lady Enderly by Joanna Davidson Politano

Are you looking for a book full of adventure?  Maybe a story built around some mystery? Joanna Davidson Politano's newest book, Finding Lady Enderly, is sure to take you on quite a ride back to 1871 to London's East End. It's a Cinderella story that is not what it seems.

From the Back Cover:
Raina Bretton is a rag woman in London's East End when a handsome stranger appears in a dank alley, offering her a glittering smile and a chance for adventure. Rothburne Abbey has a unique position for her, one that will take her away from her hardscrabble life and give her a chance to be a lady.
Though Raina has traded squalor for silk and satin, something about the abbey is deeply unsettling. As she wrestles with her true identity, the ruin, decay, and secrets she finds at the heart of the old mansion tear at her confidence and threaten to reveal her for who she really is. Only one man stands between her and the danger that lurks within--and only if he decides to keep her biggest secret hidden.

My Thoughts:
The beginning of this book got my attention. I liked how the author starts with a mysterious scene as the reader is trying to put together who everyone is and where they are coming from. At first it may seem far fetched that the rag girl, Raina, would even entertain leaving town with a stranger, but with the man she loves missing or more likely dead and living in rags herself, a step up in life would be too tempting. I like how the main character, Raina, grows and changes throughout the story. The imagery used about the middle rooms in the Abbey make for such a great comparison to the inner thoughts of her heart. I enjoyed trying to figure out the mystery of Lady Enderly along with the mysterious stranger and his role in this whole plot. So if you're looking for a bit of mystery, pick up Joann's new book and find out what happens when a rag woman tries to become Cinderella.

My Rating: ★★★★

***I received this complimentary book from Revell. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Take Back Your Time by Morgan Tyree

Organization! Who doesn't want more organization in their lives?! I was excited to read this new book by Morgan Tyree called Take Back Your Time. I'm always feeling like I'm running behind when it comes to my life being what I dream it could be. And this seems to be a normal feeling for young moms with young kids. So when a book comes out about time management, I pick it up and hope that finally something will click for me.
Morgan's book has a unique way of looking at time management with dividing your time into different "time zones"--Green (focus energy time), Yellow (multitasking time), and Red (personal time).  She encourages her reader to embrace the season they are in at this moment. So many times we feel like we should be accomplishing more, but the season of life we are in doesn't allow for it. I love that she takes this into consideration.
Morgan says, "With different seasons of life come different opportunities and obligations. Recognizing your current season of life is essential to knowing how to intentionally orchestrate your time." (loc.160 in ebook)
I loved all the questions that Morgan includes throughout her book to help guide you in implementing the time management strategies that she teaches. They are definitely a useful tool! I also enjoyed the section on how your personality plays into your management of time. I guess I never really thought about how my personality would influence this part of my life. Morgan also advises that you keep a "Done List." I'm not sure why I never did this before, but it is brilliant. I am forever saying to my husband when he asks how my day went that I can't remember what on earth I did that day!  I think this happens so much when you are at home with the children. Life seems to fly and you are busy all day long picking up messes and feeding kids, but when you get to the end of the day, it just all blurs together! So keeping a simple list of the tasks I accomplish will help me to see that I have been productive throughout my day.  And last but not least, I appreciate that Morgan says that our greatest influence with our time management is God. "The most significant thing you can do to positively impact your time management and find the sweet spot is to lean into God and his direction for your time. He has given you the Holy Spirit to help you through each hour of your life. Press into his guidance and his still small voice." (loc.1839 of ebook) This was encouraging to read that the author acknowledged the priority of God in directing our steps.
If you're looking for a little direction with your time management, pick up Morgan Tyree's new book, Take Back Your Time and start learning how to better management the time that God has given you.

Check out Morgan's Website, Podcast, and social Media below:


About the Author:

Hi there! I’m Morgan, a professional organizer (chaos calmer), writer (list lover), and fitness instructor (exercise enthusiast). I’m generally energetic and motivated, but also (very) realistic. My life tends to be full and fun, and somewhat messy too. I believe in prioritizing and measuring progress one day at a time, while also “keeping it simple.” 

***I received this complimentary book from Revell. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Underestimating Miss Cecilia by Carolyn Miller (Daughters of Aynsley book 2)

Underestimating Miss Cecilia is a new book out by Carolyn Miller that is the second book in her newest series, The Daughters of Aynsley. This series takes place during the Regency era of the early 1800's in Somerset, England.

From the Back Cover:
Cecilia Hatherleigh has many secrets in her shy, sweet heart--but none bigger than her unrequited love for Edward Amherst, the earl's son next door. Her love has persevered over many years, even when he grows to be a bit of a rake. Yet despite his fondness for females, he never seems to see her as anything more than the quiet younger sister, and nothing Cecy does has changed that. Rather than pining after his perhaps unworthy love, she determines to focus on her new found faith, following God's leading to make a better world for the poor and dispossessed around her.
A London riot awakens Edward to the responsibilities due his family name. It's time to turn his life around to please his noble father--and that means restoring his abandoned legal career and making a marriage of convenience. Neither will be easy, given his past and the prejudices of the upper echelons of society to which he belongs.
When misadventure strikes at a house party, these two are thrown together even as their lives are upended. If Cecy can't trust God, overcome her shyness, and find her inner strength, the good work they've both done may be for naught--and they may miss the chance for true love...

My Thoughts:
Miss Cecilia is that middle, overlooked child. She's always trying to be the peacemaker and please her mother, yet inside she is restless. Edward Amherst is the son of an Earl who has played the part of the prodigal son. He yearns to make up for the mistakes in his past, but how many good deeds does he have to do to get rid of the guilt? The author does a great job in growing their characters throughout the book. I love how the author incorporates biblical thoughts and ideas throughout the story as the characters come to realize that pleasing God alone should be their highest goal. The thoughts are not cheesy or forced but flow well and are a great asset to the story line. I enjoyed this paragraph where Edward was struggling with thoughts about whether God had forgiven him for all that he had done.

     "A guilty sinner? Or forgiven? Burdened to restitution for which he'd never make sufficient amends? or set free? Was his life focused on good deeds? Or was he to focus on a good God?
Did God truly see him as a forgiven sinner, or a sinner who was forgiven? Which was greater in His eyes? Somehow, he felt the answer to this would dictate the rest of his life." (p. 186)

This is a story of forgiveness, trust in God and compassion for those less fortunate. I thought that this story was an enjoyable read and a good addition to this series. I'm looking forward to read about the youngest daughters of Aynsley, Misleading Miss Verity, which comes out in November 2019.

One final note: I would definitely read this series in order, so that you are familiar with the characters. In fact, some characters mentioned in this book come from her previous series, The Promise of Hope. I love that I seem familiar characters pop up from previous novels!

My Rating: ★★★★

***I received this complimentary book from Kregel Publications. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Monday, July 29, 2019

How to Be a Courageous Girl of God: An Interactive Journal Inspired by Extraordinary Women of Faith

Barbour Publishing has just released this new devotional for girls ages 8-12 called, How to Be a Courageous Girl of God: An Interactive Journal Inspired by Extraordinary Women of Faith.

From the Back Cover:
Featuring brief descriptions of dozens of Bible women, you'll be inspired to become courageous too, as you learn from the examples of strong women of faith--including:
and dozens more!

Each section will prompt you to read the complete story in your own Bible; draw a related picture; journal your thoughts about courageous women of the Bible; and think about how you can be a courageous girl too!
With each turn of the page, you'll be inspired to live out your very own courageous story!

My Thoughts:
This devotional has 35 different examples that are given of courageous women who followed God. I liked that each character has the scripture for your child to look up on their own and read the section from their Bible. The brief descriptions of the characters are just that.. very brief. This devotional is more about getting your child to read and comprehend what the Bible is teaching on their own than someone telling them what to think about the passage. I like how they encourage different outlets of learning with including drawing along with journaling.

The journaling section has plenty of room for your child to write their thoughts about what was read, and a writing prompt is given at that top of the page asking why that particular character was courageous. The following page encourages them to apply what the have learned to their own lives by how they too can be courageous like the character in their own lives.

This last page of the section gives a scripture verse that sums up what was learned about the character and gives more journal space for your child to write about how this verse would apply.

Overall, I think the idea is good in trying to help young girls to not only read the Bible stories but to ask the question, how can I apply the godly principles I see here in this character's life to my life? However, I would also encourage my child to not only look at the story of the person, but to first see what the passage is teaching them about God. This is the whole purpose of the Word of God. It reveals our God to us. I wish that would be more of the primary focus instead of the focus being on how to be like the people in the story.
One other thing I didn't feel was a good choice, was that this devotional does include Noah's wife as a courageous example and makes assumptions about her since not much is said in scripture about her. I don't think such an obscure character should of been included.
But, in conclusion,  I think this devotional is on the right track in trying to get tween girls to think for themselves and to study Scripture. And would recommend it along with parental involvement!

My Rating: ★★★★

***I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under not obligation to post a review.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Express Bride by Kimberley Woodhouse (The Daughters of the Mayflower series, book 9)

The Daughters of the Mayflower series is back with it's newest addition, The Express Bride by Kimberley Woodhouse.  This is the ninth book in the series, and takes readers on a trip out west to when the Pony Express was the fastest way to get your mail.

From the Back Cover:
In 1860 Utah Territory, after her father's death, Jacqueline Rivers becomes manager of a home station for the Pony Express as well as a way station for the stagecoach line. There are daily stresses placed on her in this unconventional role as she cooks and cares for a ragtag crew of young men who have become her family--and now a government official is asking her to sniff out counterfeiters.
When Elijah Johnson passes through from Saint Louis on the stage, while on an exhausting quest to find his boss's heir, he doesn't want to leave the beguiling station manager. In fact, he may never leave when caught in the crossfire of the territory's criminal activities.
Jackie can't decide whom to trust when trouble lurks around every corner. Can she remain strong when secrets of the past and present are finally unearthed?

My Thoughts:
This whole series has been so interesting to read as it moves throughout American history, and this newest addition is just as great! I thought this was a fun story that brought the history of the Pony Express to life and gave the reader an idea of what it would of been like to be a part of a way station in the year 1860. I never thought about the logistics of making something like this work especially with their horses needing to be changed out so often in order for them to ride hard and fast! The characters are charming, and I love Jackie's spunk and determined nature to keep the station going after her father's death. The story was told at a good pace that engages the reader and keeps their interest all the way to the last page.  So if you're looking for a little mystery, suspense and romance, make sure to pick up The Express Bride by Kimberley Woodhouse!

My Rating: ★★★★

Watch for the next books coming soon!
#10 The Rebel Bride (1863--The Civil War) by Shannon McNear coming December 2019, and
#11 The Blizzard Bride (1888--Children's Blizzard) by Susan Dietze coming February 2020

***I received this complimentary book from the author. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Friday, July 19, 2019

No Ocean Too Wide by Carrie Turansky (McAlister Family #1)

Have you ever heard of the British re-homing children across the ocean to Canada? I had never heard of this until reading this book by Carrie Turansky. No Ocean Too Wide is a story based on historical events during the late 1800's and into the early 1900's.

From the Back Cover:
Between the years of 1869 and 1939, more than one hundred thousand impoverished British children were sent across the ocean to Canada with the promise of a better life. Those who took them in to work as farm laborers or household servants were told the children were orphans--but was that the truth?

After the tragic loss of their father, the McAlister family is living at the edge of the poorhouse in London in 1908, leaving their mother to scrape by for her three younger children, while the oldest, Laura, works on a large estate more than an hour away. When Edna McAlister falls gravely ill and is hospitalized, twins Katie and Garth and seven-year-old Grace are forced into an orphans' home before Laura is notified about  her family's unfortunate turn of events. With hundreds of British children being sent on ships to Canada, whether truly orphans or not, Laura knows she must act quickly. But finding her siblings and taking care of her family may cost her everything.
Andrew Fraser, a wealthy young British lawyer and heir to the estate where Laura is in service, discovers that this common practice of finding new homes for penniless children might not be all that it seems. Together Laura and Andrew form an unlikely partnership. Will they arrive in time? Will their friendship blossom into something more?
Inspired by historical events, this moving novel follows Laura as she seeks to reunite her family and her siblings who, in their darkest hours, must cling to the words from Isaiah: "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God."

My Thoughts:
I love history and books like this one bring history to life! I had never heard of the orphan ships that traveled from Britain to Canada, so this story was eye opening for me. My heart-strings were tugged as I fell in love with the characters and followed their story across the ocean and into a broken system that had let them down. Laura is willing to care for her siblings, but she is blocked every way she turns. This story is heartbreaking, and there is child abuse mentioned so be forewarned about that if you are triggered by such events. I also wasn't expecting this book to be the beginning of the series, so i was a little surprised it ended without wrapping up the McAlister's story. Overall, I think it's a good story and one that should be told for all of those families that were affected by these historical events. This story is going to be continued in the next book coming out in 2020. I really wished the author would of put a section in the back of the book to let the reader know what is fact and was is fiction.

Check out the Book Trailer!


My Rating: ★★★★

***I received this complimentary book from Waterbrook & Multnomah. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Teen to Teen 2019-2020 Academic Planner by B&H Publishing Group

It's hard to believe that we are half-way through summer and the new school year is only about a month away! With that in mind, I know that my 6th grader will be needing a new planner that she can use to keep herself organized in middle school. And this year, B&H Publishing has just released a new Academic Planner for the 2019-2020 school year just for teens!

From the Back Cover:
The Teen to Teen Academic Planner, with its clean design and lay-flat pages, provides generous space for capturing your assignments and keeping you organized with monthly and weekly spreads. Keep an eye on the big picture with a weekly top-three checklist and gratitude sections. Be inspired with encouraging Scriptures and quotes from the bestselling Teen to Teen devotionals. Allow the Teen to Teen Academic Planner to free you from the stress of the details.

My Thoughts:

The gray cover is a great neutral design that is good for either guys or girls. This academic planner reminded me a lot of my bullet journal since it includes a year in view, and a Dates to Remember (future log).

 There is also a weekly schedule and semester planner for Fall and Spring. 
Each month has a full 2 page calendar, and weekly pages to write out assignments. This is where the week's Top Three and Gratitude sections are located.

All throughout the planner you will find quotes taken from Teen to Teen: 365 Daily Devotions for Girls and Teen to Teen: 365 Daily Devotions for Boys.

Overall, I think it's a wonderful planner that will be very useful for my tween daughter. If you're looking for a planner for this up coming school year, check out this new one from B&H Publishing.

You can find this planner with this link for B&H Publishing or this link for
Both places are currently selling the planner for $12.99.

 ***I received this complimentary Planner from B&H Publishing Group. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Don't Blame the Mud by Marty Machowski

Marty Machowski's newest book, Don't Blame the Mud, is a children's book that addresses the sin living inside each and every one of us. But there is hope because Jesus can make us clean!

From the Back Cover:
Despite his mother's reminder to keep his school clothes clean, Max takes the muddy path home and falls into a mud puddle. He tries to hide hi mistake, but the stain of his disobedience goes deeper than the mud on his clothes.
Don't Blame the Mud by Marty Machowski addresses the nature of temptation and sin, pointing to Jesus--the only one to wash us clean.

My Thoughts:
I have enjoyed reading through Marty Machowski's books. They are full of sound, biblical advice for working with children and teaching them the truth of God's Word. I liked the concept of this book. Mud is something that kids can comprehend because they have experienced it. And taking that experience and putting it into this story, was a great way for kids to identify with the idea of being soiled with sin. I also liked how even after the mud was cleaned off of the child, the child identified that he still felt dirty inside. From there, Marty moves into the presentation of the gospel and how Jesus is the only one who can clean us on the inside.  Overall, the story is a good teaching tool especially with young kids. This book is pretty straight forward, but probably not one my kids would pick up and read over and over. I wish that after addressing salvation, the author would of talked about how being saved doesn't mean we don't sin anymore. And how we now can come to the Father and confess our sins to keep a right relationship with Him.

My Rating: ★★★

***I received this complimentary book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Cross My Heart (Book 2, Legacy of Faith series) by Robin Lee Hatcher

Robin Lee Hatcher's newest book in the Legacy of Faith series has just released. Cross My Heart (book 2) continues the legacy of the Henning Family by telling the story of Ben Henning. 

From the Back Cover:
Can two broken paths lead toward God’s redemption?
When Ashley Showalter and Ben Henning meet on Ashley’s horse rescue farm, they quickly discover how much they have in common. Both were raised by single moms. Both want to help where they see a need. And both work with horses in the Boise valley. Ben needs Ashley’s help and expertise after starting an equine therapy barn on his great-great grandfather’s farm—and the more time they spend together, both Ashley and Ben have the feeling that there could be something more between them.
They also carry the burden of past experiences that may drive them apart if the truth is ever revealed. Ben is a recovering alcoholic with five years of sobriety behind him, while Ashley’s brother is an opioid addict residing in court-ordered rehab. Holding fast to the belief that addicts can never be cured, Ashley has promised herself she will never walk knowingly into the chaos created by addiction. Ben knows that with God, all things are possible—but will Ashley find it within herself to give love a chance? Or will her brother’s mistakes and the pain of her past jeopardize her future with Ben?
Cross My Heart threads together a contemporary love story with the heartwarming tale of Ben’s great-great-grandfather, Andrew Henning—reminding us that God’s Word is timeless and that His promises are new every morning.

My Review:
Cross My Heart is a beautiful story about second chances.  A story that isn't fast-paced or a thrilling adventure, but one that has the sense of coming home. A story that leads the reader down a road through bad choices, regret and a change of heart. I thought that the characters had such great personalities. They seemed like everyday people that you would encounter in your life. Robin did a great job weaving in the hope of Jesus into her story, and how following Him can bring the lasting change people are wanting. Also, I loved how there are two stories being told in this novel. On one hand you have the current story of Ben and Ashley, but on the other hand, the author also tells the story of Ben's Great-Grandfather, Andrew Henning from the 1940's. Adding in Andrew Henning's story adds so much depth to the background information about Ben's generational heritage. This is a story that you'll want to pick up and add to your reading pile!
You can read this book as a stand alone novel or you can pick up the first book in this series,  Who I Am With You.  So make sure to check out this series for some great summer reading!

My Rating: ★★★★

About the Author:

Robin Lee Hatcher is the author of 80 novels and novellas with over five million copies of her books in print. She is known for her heartwarming and emotionally charged stories of faith, courage, and love. Her numerous awards include the RITA® Award, the Carol Award, the Christy Award, the HOLT Medallion, the National Reader’s Choice Award, and the Faith, Hope & Love Reader’s Choice Award. Robin is also the recipient of prestigious Lifetime Achievement Awards from both American Christian Fiction Writers and Romance Writers of America®. When not writing, she enjoys being with her family, spending time in the beautiful Idaho outdoors, Bible art journaling, reading books that make her cry, watching romantic movies, and decorative planning. Robin makes her home on the outskirts of Boise, sharing it with a demanding Papillon dog and a persnickety tuxedo cat. Visit her website by clicking here and check out the other books she has written.

 ***I received this complimentary book from Robin Lee Hatcher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Monday, June 17, 2019

The Intimate Connection: Secrets to a Lifelong Romance by Dr. Kevin Leman

Marriage is a relationship in life that requires daily work. And when this relationship starts to slide, it's good to address the problems right away. Like anything else, the longer the issues are unaddressed, the more work it'll take to get things back in order. Dr. Kevin Leman's book The Intimate Connection: Secrets to a Lifelong Romance seeks to address many of the common issues that have the potential to derail a marriage.

From the Back Cover:

Get the marriage you dream of
Creating a happy, lifelong marriage is about much more than physical compatibility. It's about a lifestyle of 24-7 intimacy that bonds couples in a mutually satisfying relationship. In The Intimate Connection, New York Times bestselling marriage expert Dr. Kevin Leman explores key secrets to the love life couples crave. He helps you

· understand each other's needs, backgrounds, and personalities (and how those factors influence every marital interaction)
· talk so your spouse really listens
· turn negative game-playing into positive behaviors that help you grow closer
· create deep, long-lasting intimacy that's divorce-proof

Whether you are new to marriage or have been married a long time, Dr. Leman's time-tested strategies will create the kind of exciting intimacy, mutual respect, and fulfilling communication that will keep you in each other's arms for a lifetime.

My Review:

I think that Dr. Kevin Leman's book is a great resource for couples that helps to identify the root of potential problems and also gives advice to improve their relationship. He gives 13 different secrets to help improve your marriage. They are:

1. Acts of Love Create an Unbreakable Bond
2. Outside Forces Have Shaped Your Relationship (without your permission)
3. Preconceived Notions Matter
4. There's No Reason to Settle for Blah, Less-Than, or a Battlefield
5. Yup, Men and Women are Different
6. Sex Is Important... but Not for the Reasons You Might Think
7. To Love Your Spouse, You Have to Know Who You Married
8. Clashes Feel Less Personal When You Understand Your Partner's Personality
9. To Truly Know Your Partner, You Have to Understand Their Life Mantra
10. Feelings Pull You Together; Judgements Push You Apart
11. Marriage Isn't a One-on-One Competition; It's a Team Sport
12. For Your Spouse to Truly Hear You, You Have to Talk in a Way That Encourages Them to Listen
13. You Can Have the Marriage You Deserve

I thought Dr. Leman's advice was good food for thought and made me question some of my reasoning behind the way I respond to certain situations. I found the birth order (secret #7), personality (secret #8) and life mantra (secret #9) sections very interesting.  These aspects of a person do explain our propensity to respond the way we do.  The author also includes 3 bonus sections that give some practical ways to implement the ideas he is sharing. This book is more about the psychology behind why we act the way we do and less about implementing biblical principles into your relationship. One other note is this book was previously published under the title Sex Begins in the Kitchen.
Overall, I think this book is a good resource for couples and provides good thoughts to help aid in strengthening the marriage relationship.

My Rating:  ★★★★

***I received this complimentary book from Revell Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

About the Author:

Dr. Kevin Leman is an internationally known psychologist, radio and television personality, and speaker. He has made house calls through hundreds of radio and television programs, such as Fox & Friends, The View, Fox's The Morning Show, Today, Hallmark Channel's Home and Family, The 700 Club, CBS's The Early Show, CNN, and Focus on the Family, and has served as a contributing family psychologist to Good Morning America. A New York Times bestselling and award-winning author, Dr. Leman has written more than 50 books, including The Birth Order Book, Sheet Music, and Have a New Kid by Friday. He and his wife, Sande, live in Tucson, Arizona. They have five children and four grandchildren.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

The Next Right Thing by Emily P. Freeman

Do you have trouble making decisions in life? Sometimes it's hard to know if the choice you're making is the right one. Indecision has unfortunately been "my friend" too many times in life. So, when Revell had this Emily P. Freeman's new book, The Next Right Thing: A simple, soulful practice for making life decisions, up for review, I thought it would be a great one to check out.

From the Back Cover:

When we have a decision to make, what we want more than anything is peace, clarity, and a nudge in the right direction.
If you have trouble making decisions because of either chronic hesitation or decision fatigue, Emily P. Freeman offers a fresh way of practicing familiar but often forgotten advice: simply do the next right thing. This simple, soulful practice will help you

*  Clear the decision-making chaos
*  Quiet the fear of choosing wrong
*  Find the courage to finally decide without regret or second-guessing

Whether you're in the midst of a major life transition or are weary of the low-grade anxiety that daily life can bring, Emily helps create space for your soul to breathe so you can live life with God at a gentle pace and discern your next right thing in love.

My Review: 
The format of the book is fairly simple. Each chapter of the book is about 9 pages, ends with a prayer and then has a practice suggestion to help you put this advice into your life. The author uses her own life situation to show how she lived by the advice: Do the Next Right Thing. Sometimes we can't see the whole picture, but we can do what we know is right at this moment of our lives. She does mention some Scripture and says that all advice and practices that she gives should be drawing you closer to God. And for the most part her Scriptural advice is good; although, there was one instance that I did not agree with her.  Overall, I think her story is encouraging and shows that God is at work in the doors that close in your life. Don't stress over having to get every decision perfect, and walk closely with God so that you can do what is the Next Right Thing in the life you've been given.

The author also has a podcast that talks about many of the ideas that are presented in this book. You can find her podcast by clicking here.

My Rating: ★★★

***I received this complimentary book from Revell. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

About the Author:

Adults make over 35,000 decisions every day.
Many are second nature. I’m here for the ones that aren’t. I’m an author, a podcast host, and a curious listener dedicated to helping you create space for your soul to breathe so you can discern your next right thing in love. I’ve made it my job to put into words the thoughts you don’t have time to think. If you’re feeling stuck over a certain decision right now, you’ve weighed the options but just can’t see things clearly yet, I’ve written a book I know will help. It’s called The Next Right Thing and in it you’ll find a simple, soulful practice for making life decisions. Grab a copy wherever books are sold.
Connect with her on the following social media platforms:

Sunday, June 9, 2019

The Number of Love by Roseanna M. White

Roseanna M. White's newest release is out! The Number of Love is the first book in her new series, The Codebreakers. If you're ready for a thrilling ride through mysteries, espionage and love, this is a book you won't want to miss!

From the Back Cover:

The Toughest Puzzle She'll Have to Solve Might Be the Wishes of Her Own Heart 

Three years into the Great War, England's greatest asset is their intelligence network--field agents risking their lives to gather information, and codebreakers able to crack German telegrams for hints of the enemy's plans. Margot De Wilde thrives in the environment of the secretive Room 40, where she spends her days deciphering intercepted messages. But when her world is turned upside down by an unexpected loss, she discovers for the first time in her life that numbers aren't enough.

Drake Elton returns wounded from the field, followed by an enemy who just won't give up. He's smitten quickly by the quick and brainy Margot, but soon the dangers of the war draw ever closer. Margot and Drake will have to team up to save themselves from the very secrets that brought them together.

My Review: 

I was so excited to read Margot's story! The reader is first introduced to Margot in the book, A Song Unheard, which is the second book in another series called Shadows Over England.  I would definitely suggest reading that series prior to this one to fill in Margot's back story. Margot is such a fun, unusual character. Her quick wit, humor, spunk and fire made me smile.  I love how she thinks in numbers about everything, and I enjoyed watching her character grow throughout the story. The historical aspects of this book were great. It was fun to read about Room 40 and to imagine what it would of been like to work there, especially for a woman. This story is filled with suspense and mystery as they try to solve the puzzle and decode the German messages in time.
I think the book was a great read and would definitely recommend it!

My Rating: ★★★★★

***I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author. I was not required to give a positive review. All opinions are my own.

About the Author:

Roseanna M. White is a bestselling, Christy Award nominated author who has long claimed that words are the air she breathes. When not writing fiction, she's homeschooling her two kids, editing, designing book covers, and pretending her house will clean itself. Roseanna is the author of a slew of historical novels that span several continents and thousands of years. Spies and war and mayhem always seem to find their way into offset her real life, which is blessedly ordinary. She and her family make their home in the beautiful mountains of West Virginia. You can learn more about her and her stories at

Author Links:

Monday, May 27, 2019

Made for This: 40 Days to Living Your Purpose by Jennie Allen

It seems like there are seasons in life where we question whether there is more that we should be doing with the life that God has given us. Whether you are young, in the middle of the road or young at heart, we all want this one life to matter.

Jennie Allen’s newest book is about this very question of finding our purpose in life. This book combines two of her other books—Anything and Restless—and turns the thoughts from these books into a 40-day interactive journey that will help you work through God’s purpose for your life. Each chapter has three sections: a main thought, Respond, and Read and Reflect. The main thought is just a short devotional about the topic being discussed. The next two sections are more interactive. The Respond section has questions to answer in relationship to the devotional and in the Read and Reflect section Jennie gives a scripture passage to read and questions to answer about that passage.

 I thought that Jennie’s book was an encouraging devotional and workbook. She has some good thoughts and helps her reader to think through how to live their life for God rather than for themselves.

“Why such restlessness for purpose? Because it is possible to waste our lives.” (p. 42)

Life is about more than us. It is about serving God with every part of our lives. If you’re looking for a book to help you think through your life as you seek God's purpose for you in whatever stage of life you find yourself, pick up Jennie’s new book, Made for This.

My Rating: ★★★★

***I received this complimentary book from BookLook Bloggers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Roseanna M. White’s Newest Release

Look what is coming soon!!! Roseanna M. White’s new book is releasing June 4th!

You can pre-order at these retailers:

Barnes & Noble:
Christian Book:

Monday, May 13, 2019

Devotedly, The Personal Letters and Love Story of Jim and Elisabeth Elliot by Valerie Elliot Shepard

Many have read books written by Elisabeth Elliot and have been greatly encouraged by her wisdom as she taught women what it means to follow Christ with their lives. What we haven't read is the love story between Jim Elliot and Elisabeth Howard from
1948-1956.  Devotedly, written by Jim and Elisabeth's daughter, Valerie Elliot Shepard, beautifully tells the story of Jim and Elisabeth's relationship  through their letters and journal entries. 

This story was amazing to read. It was beautifully written and the flow between letters and journal entries was well done. I think now having read this book, it makes me want to go back and read others of Elisabeth Elliot's works. This book gives such a great glance into their lives and their absolute love for the Lord and a constant desire to see Him exalted above all even their relationship with each other. Are Jim and Elisabeth perfect in their relationship with each other? Not by far. They were two humans that still had to fight the temptations of the flesh.  And Jim even had some thoughts you'll find surprising when it comes to their relationship. But this book shares the real life of two people trying to seek God as best they can and to navigate the waters of friendship, engagement and marriage. There are many great truths spread throughout this book as they wrote to each other often of what they were learning or just counseling each other through hardships.  I loved this thought that Elisabeth shared: "The soul who loves God only for Himself, apart from His gifts, knows indescribable peace." (p. 136) And this is how she lived, striving to know and love God for Himself.

If you're looking for a great book that will encourage your heart and give you something to think about, pick up this new book, Devotedly. This is definitely a book you'll want to add to your library!

My Rating: ★★★★★

Enjoy this video about the book!

***I received this complimentary book from B&H Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Imagine: The Giant's Fall by Matt Koceich (Imagine series book 4)

The Imagine series is about various kids that go back in time to a major biblical event to re-live these familiar Bible stories that we've grown up hearing as children. In this 4th book, Imagine: The Giant's Fall, a fourth-grader named Wren Evans faces some insurmountable challenges as her mom has recently died from cancer and her house burns down before her eyes. When she is suddenly thrust back in time to Bethlehem, she is shocked to meet a boy named David and to realize that she is actually living the Bible story she knows from scripture.

I'm always on the lookout for new books that might interest my kids, and I have enjoyed reading through this new series by Matt Koceich. This series is intended for kids ages 8-12 years.
I didn't really like this book as much as the others in the series. The author included some of the biblical story of David with Goliath, but Wren was the main focal point and David the tag along. The author did use a lot of creative license with this story. So be ready to answer questions that may come up, and you may wish to re-vist the actual Bible story to establish what is truth and what is fiction.
Now on a positive note, I liked how the author pointed out that God was showing His love for Wren even as she faced hard circumstances. The author takes a young girl who is hurting and gives her a mission that will take her beyond herself and help her to reach out to others.

My Rating: ★★★

If you're looking for a good series for kids, check out these books from Matt Koceich in the Imagine series.

***I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.

Friday, April 26, 2019

The Golden Bride by Kimberley Woodhouse (The Daughters of the Mayflower series, book 8)

The Daughters of the Mayflower series continues to release new books! The Golden Bride by Kimberley Woodhouse is the 8th book in the series and takes place during the California gold rush.

From the Back Cover:
Widowed and outnumbered in a town full of marriage proposals, Olivia Brighton is working in San Francisco at her brother's restaurant and determined to never, ever marry a gold miner. They're filthy, disgusting, and greedy. After losing her parents and then her husband of six weeks--who turned out to be a drifter and dreamer--all she wants is to live a simple life in a quiet little town. However, that can never happen in a place like this. But her brother is all the family she's got left, so San Francisco will have to be home.
Joseph Sawyer has succeeded in the hunt for gold but almost lost his life due to foolish decisions. His best friend has helped him turn his life around, and together they are doing what they can to clean up their city and share God's love. But when he uncovers evil simmering beneath the crime-riddled surface of the town, Joseph must rise everything to rescue hundreds of men, women and children from a life of slavery.
Will Olivia and Joseph unite to find the mastermind before it's too late? Is there hope for San Francisco? Or will it burn like Sodom and Gomorrah?

My Thoughts:
I have enjoyed reading through American history with this series. The books are written by several different authors which gives each story a different flare. This newest book by Kimberley Woodhouse was a very fun read. I loved the opening story. It was unusual and different from other books that I've read as Olivia is faced with a marriage of convenience that is less than ideal. I thought the author did a great job portraying the history of the San Francisco area and all the dangers that would of been present for a single lady in a gold mining town without law enforcement. I also loved how the author brought in the previous stories from the mayflower series through a journal that had been passed down in the family.  It was interesting to see how that journal impacted Olivia as she struggled with so much loss in her life. You never know how your words will impact future generations. I know that with my mom gone, her writings mean even more to me. This story was captivating and a fun addition to the series. If you're looking for a good series to start, I would encourage you to pick up the Daughter of the Mayflower series and read some fun fiction stories that will take you on a trip through American history.

My Rating: ★★★★★

The Mayflower Series

***I received this complimentary book from the author. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

BLIND DESCENT by Brian Dickinson

  Have you ever wanted to climb a mountain? I can say that thought has never crossed my mind. Scaling the highest peaks has never been on my...