Monday, May 13, 2019

Devotedly, The Personal Letters and Love Story of Jim and Elisabeth Elliot by Valerie Elliot Shepard

Many have read books written by Elisabeth Elliot and have been greatly encouraged by her wisdom as she taught women what it means to follow Christ with their lives. What we haven't read is the love story between Jim Elliot and Elisabeth Howard from
1948-1956.  Devotedly, written by Jim and Elisabeth's daughter, Valerie Elliot Shepard, beautifully tells the story of Jim and Elisabeth's relationship  through their letters and journal entries. 

This story was amazing to read. It was beautifully written and the flow between letters and journal entries was well done. I think now having read this book, it makes me want to go back and read others of Elisabeth Elliot's works. This book gives such a great glance into their lives and their absolute love for the Lord and a constant desire to see Him exalted above all even their relationship with each other. Are Jim and Elisabeth perfect in their relationship with each other? Not by far. They were two humans that still had to fight the temptations of the flesh.  And Jim even had some thoughts you'll find surprising when it comes to their relationship. But this book shares the real life of two people trying to seek God as best they can and to navigate the waters of friendship, engagement and marriage. There are many great truths spread throughout this book as they wrote to each other often of what they were learning or just counseling each other through hardships.  I loved this thought that Elisabeth shared: "The soul who loves God only for Himself, apart from His gifts, knows indescribable peace." (p. 136) And this is how she lived, striving to know and love God for Himself.

If you're looking for a great book that will encourage your heart and give you something to think about, pick up this new book, Devotedly. This is definitely a book you'll want to add to your library!

My Rating: ★★★★★

Enjoy this video about the book!

***I received this complimentary book from B&H Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

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