Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Express Bride by Kimberley Woodhouse (The Daughters of the Mayflower series, book 9)

The Daughters of the Mayflower series is back with it's newest addition, The Express Bride by Kimberley Woodhouse.  This is the ninth book in the series, and takes readers on a trip out west to when the Pony Express was the fastest way to get your mail.

From the Back Cover:
In 1860 Utah Territory, after her father's death, Jacqueline Rivers becomes manager of a home station for the Pony Express as well as a way station for the stagecoach line. There are daily stresses placed on her in this unconventional role as she cooks and cares for a ragtag crew of young men who have become her family--and now a government official is asking her to sniff out counterfeiters.
When Elijah Johnson passes through from Saint Louis on the stage, while on an exhausting quest to find his boss's heir, he doesn't want to leave the beguiling station manager. In fact, he may never leave when caught in the crossfire of the territory's criminal activities.
Jackie can't decide whom to trust when trouble lurks around every corner. Can she remain strong when secrets of the past and present are finally unearthed?

My Thoughts:
This whole series has been so interesting to read as it moves throughout American history, and this newest addition is just as great! I thought this was a fun story that brought the history of the Pony Express to life and gave the reader an idea of what it would of been like to be a part of a way station in the year 1860. I never thought about the logistics of making something like this work especially with their horses needing to be changed out so often in order for them to ride hard and fast! The characters are charming, and I love Jackie's spunk and determined nature to keep the station going after her father's death. The story was told at a good pace that engages the reader and keeps their interest all the way to the last page.  So if you're looking for a little mystery, suspense and romance, make sure to pick up The Express Bride by Kimberley Woodhouse!

My Rating: ★★★★

Watch for the next books coming soon!
#10 The Rebel Bride (1863--The Civil War) by Shannon McNear coming December 2019, and
#11 The Blizzard Bride (1888--Children's Blizzard) by Susan Dietze coming February 2020

***I received this complimentary book from the author. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

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