Saturday, August 17, 2019

Take Back Your Time by Morgan Tyree

Organization! Who doesn't want more organization in their lives?! I was excited to read this new book by Morgan Tyree called Take Back Your Time. I'm always feeling like I'm running behind when it comes to my life being what I dream it could be. And this seems to be a normal feeling for young moms with young kids. So when a book comes out about time management, I pick it up and hope that finally something will click for me.
Morgan's book has a unique way of looking at time management with dividing your time into different "time zones"--Green (focus energy time), Yellow (multitasking time), and Red (personal time).  She encourages her reader to embrace the season they are in at this moment. So many times we feel like we should be accomplishing more, but the season of life we are in doesn't allow for it. I love that she takes this into consideration.
Morgan says, "With different seasons of life come different opportunities and obligations. Recognizing your current season of life is essential to knowing how to intentionally orchestrate your time." (loc.160 in ebook)
I loved all the questions that Morgan includes throughout her book to help guide you in implementing the time management strategies that she teaches. They are definitely a useful tool! I also enjoyed the section on how your personality plays into your management of time. I guess I never really thought about how my personality would influence this part of my life. Morgan also advises that you keep a "Done List." I'm not sure why I never did this before, but it is brilliant. I am forever saying to my husband when he asks how my day went that I can't remember what on earth I did that day!  I think this happens so much when you are at home with the children. Life seems to fly and you are busy all day long picking up messes and feeding kids, but when you get to the end of the day, it just all blurs together! So keeping a simple list of the tasks I accomplish will help me to see that I have been productive throughout my day.  And last but not least, I appreciate that Morgan says that our greatest influence with our time management is God. "The most significant thing you can do to positively impact your time management and find the sweet spot is to lean into God and his direction for your time. He has given you the Holy Spirit to help you through each hour of your life. Press into his guidance and his still small voice." (loc.1839 of ebook) This was encouraging to read that the author acknowledged the priority of God in directing our steps.
If you're looking for a little direction with your time management, pick up Morgan Tyree's new book, Take Back Your Time and start learning how to better management the time that God has given you.

Check out Morgan's Website, Podcast, and social Media below:


About the Author:

Hi there! I’m Morgan, a professional organizer (chaos calmer), writer (list lover), and fitness instructor (exercise enthusiast). I’m generally energetic and motivated, but also (very) realistic. My life tends to be full and fun, and somewhat messy too. I believe in prioritizing and measuring progress one day at a time, while also “keeping it simple.” 

***I received this complimentary book from Revell. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

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