Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Scripture Memory MAP For Women

 Scripture memory is something we know we should do, but often it gets pushed aside in the busyness of life.  Psalm 119:105 tells us that God’s Word is lamp that lights our path. And in Psalm 119:11 God tells us that we should treasure His Word in our hearts so that we don’t sin against Him. Barbour Books has just released a tool to help you add scripture memory into your daily life.

Each two page spread has space for you to not only write the verse your memorizing, but also help you to think through the verse and how it applies to your life.  I appreciate that they encourage you to apply the verse. In the back of this book, there are 145 suggestions of verses to memorize to get you started in case you don’t know where to begin. There are a total of 32 two-page spreads for memorizing your verses, and the book only costs $7.99.
So if you are wanting to add scripture memory to your bible study time, pick up this little resource to help you build a habit in your life to hide God’s truth in your heart!

My Rating: ★★★★★

***I  received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review. 

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