Monday, June 17, 2019

The Intimate Connection: Secrets to a Lifelong Romance by Dr. Kevin Leman

Marriage is a relationship in life that requires daily work. And when this relationship starts to slide, it's good to address the problems right away. Like anything else, the longer the issues are unaddressed, the more work it'll take to get things back in order. Dr. Kevin Leman's book The Intimate Connection: Secrets to a Lifelong Romance seeks to address many of the common issues that have the potential to derail a marriage.

From the Back Cover:

Get the marriage you dream of
Creating a happy, lifelong marriage is about much more than physical compatibility. It's about a lifestyle of 24-7 intimacy that bonds couples in a mutually satisfying relationship. In The Intimate Connection, New York Times bestselling marriage expert Dr. Kevin Leman explores key secrets to the love life couples crave. He helps you

· understand each other's needs, backgrounds, and personalities (and how those factors influence every marital interaction)
· talk so your spouse really listens
· turn negative game-playing into positive behaviors that help you grow closer
· create deep, long-lasting intimacy that's divorce-proof

Whether you are new to marriage or have been married a long time, Dr. Leman's time-tested strategies will create the kind of exciting intimacy, mutual respect, and fulfilling communication that will keep you in each other's arms for a lifetime.

My Review:

I think that Dr. Kevin Leman's book is a great resource for couples that helps to identify the root of potential problems and also gives advice to improve their relationship. He gives 13 different secrets to help improve your marriage. They are:

1. Acts of Love Create an Unbreakable Bond
2. Outside Forces Have Shaped Your Relationship (without your permission)
3. Preconceived Notions Matter
4. There's No Reason to Settle for Blah, Less-Than, or a Battlefield
5. Yup, Men and Women are Different
6. Sex Is Important... but Not for the Reasons You Might Think
7. To Love Your Spouse, You Have to Know Who You Married
8. Clashes Feel Less Personal When You Understand Your Partner's Personality
9. To Truly Know Your Partner, You Have to Understand Their Life Mantra
10. Feelings Pull You Together; Judgements Push You Apart
11. Marriage Isn't a One-on-One Competition; It's a Team Sport
12. For Your Spouse to Truly Hear You, You Have to Talk in a Way That Encourages Them to Listen
13. You Can Have the Marriage You Deserve

I thought Dr. Leman's advice was good food for thought and made me question some of my reasoning behind the way I respond to certain situations. I found the birth order (secret #7), personality (secret #8) and life mantra (secret #9) sections very interesting.  These aspects of a person do explain our propensity to respond the way we do.  The author also includes 3 bonus sections that give some practical ways to implement the ideas he is sharing. This book is more about the psychology behind why we act the way we do and less about implementing biblical principles into your relationship. One other note is this book was previously published under the title Sex Begins in the Kitchen.
Overall, I think this book is a good resource for couples and provides good thoughts to help aid in strengthening the marriage relationship.

My Rating:  ★★★★

***I received this complimentary book from Revell Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

About the Author:

Dr. Kevin Leman is an internationally known psychologist, radio and television personality, and speaker. He has made house calls through hundreds of radio and television programs, such as Fox & Friends, The View, Fox's The Morning Show, Today, Hallmark Channel's Home and Family, The 700 Club, CBS's The Early Show, CNN, and Focus on the Family, and has served as a contributing family psychologist to Good Morning America. A New York Times bestselling and award-winning author, Dr. Leman has written more than 50 books, including The Birth Order Book, Sheet Music, and Have a New Kid by Friday. He and his wife, Sande, live in Tucson, Arizona. They have five children and four grandchildren.

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