Monday, December 30, 2019

Braver, Stronger, Smarter: A Girl's Guide to Overcoming Worry And Anxiety by Sissy Goff MEd, LPC-MHSP

Does your child struggle with fear, small or irrational? All kids struggle with fear some time. Some just seem to struggle more than others.
In her workbook Braver, Stronger, Smarter, Sissy Goff has written a manual for elementary-age children to help them identify their fear, give it a name, and then use the tools she teaches them to help kids fight against the fear that affects their bodies, minds and hearts.
I found as I was reading through the material, that I could identify many areas where my children struggle with various issues. And this book will definitely be a useful tool to go through with them. The book is intended to be used with girls and they can either read it through with an adult or on their own. I think I'll probably read through this workbook with all three of my kids (two boys and a girl) and use it as a great talking point with them.
There is also another resource available that is written for adults called Raising Worry-Free Girls which would be great to read as your child goes through the workbook. It will go through the same concepts that your child is learning to fight her fear. And you may learn some great techniques to help yourself in the process. I think this is a great resource and I look forward to using it with my own kids. 

My Rating: ★★★★★

***I received this complimentary book from Bethany House Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

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