Monday, August 1, 2011

Francine Rivers' Her Daughter's Dream

This book is the sequel to Francine River's book Her Mother's Hope.  You can read the review I wrote on the first book here.  The author continues to develop the relationship between grandmother, mother and child.  The story has it's twists and turns, yet each character seems to be dealing with very similar issues of insecurity and guilt over past failures.  The women choose to build walls that close them off from those they love, and they hide instead of confronting the issues.

I was excited to finally get this sequel from my local library, but as I began reading it, I was a little disappointed with the story.  I would rather not read about the rape of a child especially since I myself have a little girl.  I don't like that kind of imagery floating around in my head.  While I continued to read because I really wanted to find out the end to the story, I thought that most of this book was rather depressing.  The story is definitely real to life, but I guess I read so that I can escape from some of that reality.  So unfortunately, I didn't not like this book and would not recommend it to others.

** I checked this book out from my local library to read for the Tyndale Summer Reading Program.

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