Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Spiritual Warfare for Women by Leighann McCoy

Spiritual Warfare has been around since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden.  A battle we fight daily.  How much do you know about winning the war against the enemy, Satan?  Are you equipped for the battle that is raging around you?  Leighann McCoy's book is separated into four different parts to help you in your daily battle:

1. The Most Powerful Weapon of All--the Love of God  (chapters 1-3)
2. The Enemy Exposed (chapters 4-6)
3. The Targets in Our Lives (chapters 7-11)
4. Victory Is Mine (chapters 12-14)

Each chapter ends with questions and overview ideas,  a prayer, key Scriptures and an idea of how to commit Scripture to memory.

Reading through this book was a great reminder of how Satan is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour as stated in I Peter 5:8.  I found myself contemplating a lot of what was said in this book.  I think that Leighann McCoy did a great job in being true to Scripture and informative as to how believers can be victorious through Christ.  In chapter 4--Spiritual Warfare is Real, the author writes,

"Satan's purpose and passion is to profane the name of the Lord.  He has at the core of his being the desire to destroy God's reputation and shed doubt on His motives.  Just as he did in the beginning, Satan works his way into the hearts and minds of God's children.  For when he can steal the testimony of a disciple, when he can kill the joy in her heart, and when he destroys her spirit, Satan profanes the name of the Lord.
Because you are a child of the King, you are a target for attack.  Every day you make decisions that will either proclaim the name of the Lord or profane the name of the Lord.  There's no middle ground on this battlefield.  You are either with God or you're against Him." (page 80)

I enjoyed this book and would recommend it especially for Christians who are young in their faith and are just learning what it means to stand firm against the Enemy in their daily lives.

You can read the introduction and first chapter of the book below.
Spiritual Warfare for Women

**I received this free book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for an honest review.

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