Friday, February 12, 2016

Keeper of the Stars by Robin Lee Hatcher and Fire Kindle Giveaway!

Keeper of the Stars by Robin Lee Hatcher just released last month!  This is the third book in A Kings Meadow Romance series.   Check out below about the book and my thoughts about this book.  Also, don't forget to enter for a chance to win a Fire Kindle by clicking on the graphic at the end of the review.

About the book:

Keeper of the Stars (Thomas Nelson, January 2016)

Because it's not always love at first sight!

When her mother died from pneumonia, Penny Cartwright was heartbroken. But now, after burying her younger brother just 12 years later, she is devastated. Anger, guilt, and sorrow cloud Penny's mind, and the last thing she wants is to be reminded of her pain---but that's exactly what happens when a stranger comes to town.

Trevor Reynolds has been chasing fame for more than a dozen years, but his musical career can't get off the ground. While on the road, an accident kills his young drummer, Brad Cartwright. Trevor wasn't behind the wheel, but he still blames himself . . . and so does Brad's sister, Penny. Now Trevor finds himself in Kings Meadow, determined to follow through on his final promise to his friend.

Still feeling the pain of Brad's death, Penny and Trevor must learn that forgiveness is the only thing that can heal their hearts. And if they do forgive, something beautiful may rise from the ashes of heartbreak.

My Review:
Robin has done a great job writing another fun Kings Meadow Romance novel.  I liked the way the story bounced from the perspective of Brad in the past to the present story of Penny and Trevor.  I thought it was a great way to fill in the gaps by having the character, Brad, tell his own story instead of the story being shared as seen through the eyes of his sister.  The book didn't take very long to finish because it was so interesting and kept my attention.  The only negative thing I would mention is that Trevor who doesn't seem to be a Believer, kind of just becomes one seemingly through his experience and feelings.  There's no definite conversion based on acceptance of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection.  I wish that books would be more firm on what true conversion is rather than that the character just had an experience with God and now feels at peace.  Overall, I thought the book was well written and very clean (meaning no language or inappropriate intimacy between characters).  While this book is part of a series, you can read it as a stand alone novel.  This book is definitely one I would recommend to those who like contemporary romantic fiction.  Be sure to check out what others are saying by clicking here to head over to the blog tour. 

***I received this free book from Litfuse Publicity Group in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.


About the author:

Best-selling novelist Robin Lee Hatcher is known for her heart-warming and emotionally charged stories of faith, courage, and love. The winner of the Christy Award for Excellence in Christian Fiction, the RITA Award for Best Inspirational Romance, two RT Career Achievement Awards, and the RWA Lifetime Achievement Award, Robin is the author of over sixty novels.

Connect with Robin: website, Twitter, Facebook
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