Monday, February 8, 2016

The Peaceful Wife: Living in Submission to Christ as Lord by April Cassidy

In this day and age, the act of submission in a marriage is seen as a flaw or weakness.  It is something that is archaic and dismissed as out of date.  April Cassidy thought that she was a pretty good wife living out her marriage in a godly way.  After 14 plus years, she read a book by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs called Love and Respect that talked about the fact that men need respect as much as women need love.  Convicted by this thought, April began a journey of Bible study and research about what it really meant to be a godly wife.  This book shares April's journey to put into practice what it means to live as a godly wife.

I liked that April backed up what she had to say with a good amount of Scripture.  I appreciated that she stressed that submission isn't being a doormat or a robot with no feelings or wants.  She also gave many examples of real life stories of women trying to live out a biblical view of marriage.  I did feel as though the book kind of dragged on after the first half, and that it was repetitive.  I didn't agree with the section about head covering based I Cor. 1:3-6, but she only takes a paragraph to express her opinion on that Scripture.  I appreciated her openness and candidness about her situation and admire her courage to live out what Scripture teaches in a culture where submission is old fashioned.  As far as recommending this book? I would say that this is a book I would check out from my local library, but wouldn't necessarily buy.

***I receive this free book from Kregel Publications in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

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