Thursday, February 25, 2016

A Refuge at Highland Hall by Carrie Turansky

Have you had the chance to read Carrie Turansky's Edwardian Brides series? Her first two books were such fun reads I knew that I needed to pick up this third one and find out about Penny Ramsey's story!

From the Back Cover:
The Great War shakes the world of a spirited young woman and the brave British pilot she loves, taking her from London to her family's magnificent country estate, and sending him into war torn skies over France.
Penny Ramsey has always considered Highland Hall her home, but when Britain becomes involved in World War I, she travels to London to help her sister Kate with the eight orphan children she and her husband, Jon, have taken into their home.  Doing her part for the war effort takes priority over Penny's dream of romance until she meets Alex Goodwin, a Royal Naval Air Service pilot in training.
Alex is determined to prove his worth and do his part to defend his country.  Knowing he is heading off for the dangerous assignment of chasing Zeppelins in France, he feels it's unwise to form any romantic attachments. But he can't help admiring the pretty, warm-hearted Penny and wondering what if would be like to find her waiting when he returns home from the war.
As Penny writes to Alex, their friendship blossoms, and she becomes his tie to home and normalcy as he faces the hardship of war.  But being an RNAS pilot means confronting the enemy, and the fallout from those experiences pushes Alex beyond Penny's reach.  Can God mend the brokenness left by the losses of war?

My Review:
I was excited to be able to finally read this third book about the Ramsey family.  Miss Penny Ramsey is a likable character that definitely has you rooting in her favor to finally find some romance of her own.  She is full of life, kind to all, and grounded in her faith.  As she faces the uncertain times thrust upon Britain, she is continually reminded that she must trust in God in order to have the strength to go through these trials.  Alex, on the other hand, is a bit self-confident, but quickly learns that he cannot live life on his own strength.  It was fun to read the continuing story for so many of the characters that I've come to know through this series.  This is a great series that is clean, and wholesome.  One that I would let my daughter read when she is older.  So consider picking up this series and find out all about the Ramsey family.

You can click on the book titles to find my review of The Governess of Highland Hall and The Daughter of Highland Hall.   If you'd like to read the first chapter of A Refuge at Highland Hall, click here.  Find out about the author by clicking here.

***I received this book free from Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Monday, February 22, 2016

The Lost Heiress by Roseanna M. White

Let me just say that this book was fun to read! From the mystery of Brook possibly being the lost Heiress of Whitby Park to the mysterious death of Brook's mother, this story is filled with questions that will keep you digging for answers until the very end of this novel.
That being said, I must mention that there is a scene in the book where a servant catches two of the characters in bed together. What is mentioned is only that a man was in a women's bed and nothing more. I'm a little disappointed that this was added to the story. But other than that one little section, this book was great.

***I received this book for free from LibraryThing's Early Reviewer Program. All opinions are my own.

Friday, February 12, 2016

The Bible is my Best Friend Family Devotional by Shelia Walsh

Are you looking for a new family devotional to use with your family this year? B&H Kids has a new devotional out by Shelia Walsh called, The Bible is my Best Friend Family Devotional.  It is a collection of 52 Devotions and intended to be done once a week.  Each week your family will have a Bible verse to memorize, a devotional story that ties in Scripture, 2 questions: one for kids and one for parents, a fun activity, and a weekly challenge to complete.

My Thoughts:
I thought the devotional was fun.  It takes a truth from Scripture and usually adds a story to help a child understand how that Scripture applies to their life.  I liked that it takes other approaches to help cement the idea that has been talked about with games, questions, crafts, and a challenge to get everyone thinking. While the material isn't all that deep theologically, I think that it presents simple concepts of truth that would work well for families that have kids ages preschool up to later elementary.  If you have been wanting to begin having devotions with your family, but are having a hard time getting started or making the time, try this devotional.  It's a great way to start a new habit.  It's once a week and then focuses on that truth all week long.  What a great way to start a new habit in your family that will draw you closer together and to the Lord.

***I received this devotional free from B&H Publishing Group in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Keeper of the Stars by Robin Lee Hatcher and Fire Kindle Giveaway!

Keeper of the Stars by Robin Lee Hatcher just released last month!  This is the third book in A Kings Meadow Romance series.   Check out below about the book and my thoughts about this book.  Also, don't forget to enter for a chance to win a Fire Kindle by clicking on the graphic at the end of the review.

About the book:

Keeper of the Stars (Thomas Nelson, January 2016)

Because it's not always love at first sight!

When her mother died from pneumonia, Penny Cartwright was heartbroken. But now, after burying her younger brother just 12 years later, she is devastated. Anger, guilt, and sorrow cloud Penny's mind, and the last thing she wants is to be reminded of her pain---but that's exactly what happens when a stranger comes to town.

Trevor Reynolds has been chasing fame for more than a dozen years, but his musical career can't get off the ground. While on the road, an accident kills his young drummer, Brad Cartwright. Trevor wasn't behind the wheel, but he still blames himself . . . and so does Brad's sister, Penny. Now Trevor finds himself in Kings Meadow, determined to follow through on his final promise to his friend.

Still feeling the pain of Brad's death, Penny and Trevor must learn that forgiveness is the only thing that can heal their hearts. And if they do forgive, something beautiful may rise from the ashes of heartbreak.

My Review:
Robin has done a great job writing another fun Kings Meadow Romance novel.  I liked the way the story bounced from the perspective of Brad in the past to the present story of Penny and Trevor.  I thought it was a great way to fill in the gaps by having the character, Brad, tell his own story instead of the story being shared as seen through the eyes of his sister.  The book didn't take very long to finish because it was so interesting and kept my attention.  The only negative thing I would mention is that Trevor who doesn't seem to be a Believer, kind of just becomes one seemingly through his experience and feelings.  There's no definite conversion based on acceptance of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection.  I wish that books would be more firm on what true conversion is rather than that the character just had an experience with God and now feels at peace.  Overall, I thought the book was well written and very clean (meaning no language or inappropriate intimacy between characters).  While this book is part of a series, you can read it as a stand alone novel.  This book is definitely one I would recommend to those who like contemporary romantic fiction.  Be sure to check out what others are saying by clicking here to head over to the blog tour. 

***I received this free book from Litfuse Publicity Group in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.


About the author:

Best-selling novelist Robin Lee Hatcher is known for her heart-warming and emotionally charged stories of faith, courage, and love. The winner of the Christy Award for Excellence in Christian Fiction, the RITA Award for Best Inspirational Romance, two RT Career Achievement Awards, and the RWA Lifetime Achievement Award, Robin is the author of over sixty novels.

Connect with Robin: website, Twitter, Facebook
Purchase a copy:

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Enter to Win by Clicking the box below!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

A Worthy Heart by Susan Anne Mason

The second book in Susan Anne Mason's Courage to Dream series is out!  A Worthy Heart was released on January 5, 2016.  Read below to find out about Maggie and her brother Gil as they travel across the ocean from Ireland to visit family in New York.

From the Back Cover:

Will Maggie Listen to the Warnings of Those She Trusts Most or the Leadings of Her Heart?
The answer to Maggie Montgomery's dream of seeing America has arrived at just the right time. Not only will she be reunited with her beloved brother Rylan, but she'll finally be able to escape Neill Fitzgerald and his increasingly unwanted attentions. She's intent on never returning to Ireland, hoping to build her future in the land of opportunity and perhaps find the love of her life.

While visiting Irish Meadows, she meets an intriguing man she thinks is a stable hand. Only when her brother demands she stay away from Adam O'Leary does she learn he's Rylan's brother-in-law, recently released from prison. Nonetheless, Maggie can't seem to make her stubborn heart conform to her brother's request.

Adam O'Leary has never felt worthy of his place in the family. Now a free man, Adam's only desire is to earn back his family's trust. Falling in love with the newly arrived Maggie, however, was never in his plans. Despite everyone's efforts to keep them apart, the two develop a bond it seems nothing can break--but they soon discover the past isn't easy to overcome.

My Review:

I loved this continuing story of the Montgomery and O'Leary families. Much like the first book of this series (Irish Meadows--see my review here), this book was hard to put down!  Susan Anne Mason had her work cut out for her in making Adam a likable character for this book, and she did a great job. The book does have some tense moments that add to the whole impact of this story of love, betrayal and forgiveness. This book is not a stand alone novel and definitely needs to be read in the order of the series so that you can get the whole story.  I would highly recommend this series!!  Make sure to watch for book 3, Love's Faithful Promise in this series coming out later in 2016!

***I received this free book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for an honest review.  All opinons are my own. 


About the Author

Susan Anne Mason

    Susan Anne Mason's debut historical novel, Irish Meadows, won the Fiction from the Heartland contest from the Mid-American Romance Authors Chapter of RWA. Also a member of ACFW, Susan lives outside of Toronto, Ontario, with her husband and two children. She can be found online at

    Monday, February 8, 2016

    The Peaceful Wife: Living in Submission to Christ as Lord by April Cassidy

    In this day and age, the act of submission in a marriage is seen as a flaw or weakness.  It is something that is archaic and dismissed as out of date.  April Cassidy thought that she was a pretty good wife living out her marriage in a godly way.  After 14 plus years, she read a book by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs called Love and Respect that talked about the fact that men need respect as much as women need love.  Convicted by this thought, April began a journey of Bible study and research about what it really meant to be a godly wife.  This book shares April's journey to put into practice what it means to live as a godly wife.

    I liked that April backed up what she had to say with a good amount of Scripture.  I appreciated that she stressed that submission isn't being a doormat or a robot with no feelings or wants.  She also gave many examples of real life stories of women trying to live out a biblical view of marriage.  I did feel as though the book kind of dragged on after the first half, and that it was repetitive.  I didn't agree with the section about head covering based I Cor. 1:3-6, but she only takes a paragraph to express her opinion on that Scripture.  I appreciated her openness and candidness about her situation and admire her courage to live out what Scripture teaches in a culture where submission is old fashioned.  As far as recommending this book? I would say that this is a book I would check out from my local library, but wouldn't necessarily buy.

    ***I receive this free book from Kregel Publications in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

    Friday, February 5, 2016

    ‘Beyond the Silence’ by Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse (Plus a Giveaway and Facebook Party)

    Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse have combined their book writing skills to author a new stand alone novel, Beyond the Silence.  This is their second novel written together.  Their thrilling tale is a story filled with murder, mystery and a little romance.

    About the Book:
    Lillian Porter takes a chance on a new job and a new 
    future . . . but rumors surrounding her job make Lillian begin to wonder if she made the right choice in Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse's Beyond the Silence. There are rumors in town that her new employer, Woodward Colton, caused the death of his wife. This accusation doesn't match the man Lillian comes to know . . . but soon the Colton olive farm is no longer a safe place. Lillian encounters suspicious characters on their land and mysterious damage done to the farm. Will Mrs. Goodman and Jimmy be able to speak what they know in time to save Lillian from tragedy?

    My Review:
    In my opinion, I thought that the story was pretty predictable.  That being said, it did keep my interest until the end.  The novel was clean concerning language but did contain some violence.  I found all the historical aspects of the book interesting and it was fun to learn more about the history of California, specifically Angels Camp, and about olives.  I did like how the authors kept reinforcing Scripture throughout the story, and how their characters continued to remind themselves of God's Sovereignty in their lives. If you're looking for a good, clean, romantic, murder mystery book, pick up Beyond the Silence.  Head over to the blog tour page to see what others are saying about this new book by clicking here.

     ***I received this book free from Litfuse Publicity Group in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

    Giveaway and Facebook Party Info:
    Tracie and Kimberley are celebrating the launch of Beyond the Silence with a Loaded Fire Prize Pack giveaway (details below) and an author chat party on February 11!

    beyond silence-400 

    One grand prize winner will receive:
    • One copy of Beyond the Silence
    • A Kindle Fire 7
    • A $50 Amazon gift card to load your Fire with books
    Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on 2/11. The winner will be announced at the Beyond the Silence Facebook party. RSVP for a chance to connect with Tracie, Kimberley, and other readers, as well as for a chance to win other prizes!

    beyond silence-enterbanner

    RSVP today and spread the word—tell your friends about the giveaway via FACEBOOK, TWITTER, or PINTEREST and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 11th!

    BLIND DESCENT by Brian Dickinson

      Have you ever wanted to climb a mountain? I can say that thought has never crossed my mind. Scaling the highest peaks has never been on my...