Friday, January 2, 2015

Rachel Hauck Fires Up the Romance with “A Brush with Love” Kindle Giveaway!

This week Rachel Hauck is celebrating her newest novella release with a Kindle Fire giveaway!  Read below how you can join in!  Make sure you do it today as the contest ends on Monday, January 5th.  And come back later this month to see what I thought of her newest book.

"Fire" up the romance in the new year with Rachel Hauck's newest book, A Brush with Love, by entering her Kindle Fire giveaway! And be sure to catch a sneak peek of the soon-to-be-released How to Catch a Prince!
 One grand prize winner will receive:
  • A Kindle Fire
  • A Brush with Love by Rachel Hauck
Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry, the giveaway only runs for a week, 12/30 – 1/5. Winner will be announced January 6th on Rachel's blog.

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