Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Bunny's First Spring by Sally Lloyd-Jones; Illustrated by David McPhail

Sally Lloyd-Jones, author of the famous Jesus Storybook Bible, has released a new book for spring called Bunny's First Spring

About the Book:
When a cute little bunny is born in the springtime, he gets to see the earth filled with living things and beautiful foliage.  But as the leaves begin to fall and everything begins to turn brown and gray, the little bunny wonders if the earth is dying.  After going through the seasons of fall and winter, the little bunny is excited to see life springing forth once again.

My Thoughts:
I was so excited to get this book.  We just love the Jesus Storybook Bible!  Such a great Bible for kids that paints a beautiful picture of Christ, the Rescuer, throughout the whole Scriptures.  I was also excited about the illustrator, David McPhail.  This book is a beautiful story of the seasons.  The illustrations are full of color and enjoyable to see.  Just when every thing on the earth looks like it is dying, new life begins to sprout and thrive again.  Such a fun book for spring time.  I'm looking forward to putting this in one of the kid's Easter baskets.

About the Author
Sally Lloyd-Jones is a leading writer of inspirational books for children, with an expertise in conveying biblical truth to young children. She is the author of three bestselling children’s Bibles, including the Gold Book Award-winning Baby’s First Bible and, most recently, the Moonbeam Award Winner—The Jesus Storybook Bible. She has written many picture books for children, including Handbag Friends, Time to Say Goodnight and the critically acclaimed, How to Be a Baby: By Me, the Big Sister. A native of England, Sally lives in New York City and can be found at

***I received this book free from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A Brush With Love by Rachel Hauck

Rachel Hauck just released her newest book a Wedding Novella called A Brush With Love.

About the Book 
Ginger Winters is a gifted hairstylist with scars no one can see. The last thing she expects from the New Year is a new chance at love.
Overcoming a childhood tragedy, Ginger emerges from the pain and trauma with a gift for bringing out the beauty in others. From the top big city salons to traveling the world as personal stylist to a country music sensation, success was almost enough to make Ginger forget her she would never be one of the beautiful people.
Almost. Now that she’s back home in Rosebud, Alabama and running her own salon, the truth remains: Ginger is still that girl, forever on the outside looking in. But she needs her confidence this weekend. She’s the acclaimed “beauty-maker” for the Alabama society wedding of the decade.
When high-school crush Tom Wells Jr. also returns to town and shows up at her shop looking for a haircut, Ginger’s thinly veiled insecurities threaten to keep her locked away from love, Despite Tom’s best efforts, Ginger can’t forget how he disappeared on her twelve years ago and broke her heart. Can she ever trust him again?
When Tom challenges her to see her own beauty, Ginger must decide if she will remained chained to the past or move freely into a new, exciting future.

My Review:
 This was my first experience reading one of Rachel Hauck's books, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading this short novella.  Usually, I get to the end of a novella and feel like it should of been longer.  But this novella left me feeling fulfilled at the end of the story.  Rachel did a great job bringing the characters to life.  Ginger's feelings were described in a way that made you feel her pain.  Her character was real, and anyone who has struggled not being in the "in crowd" during their elementary or high school years can identify with the struggle she had of feeling like an outsider.  The other main character, Tom Wells Jr., brings a lot of mixed feelings for Ginger.  I liked how Tom challenges Ginger to see her own beauty that comes from inside instead of focusing on the scars left from the fire.  This is a great novella to pick up.  A quick, easy read for a quite, cozy weekend.  I'm looking forward to reading some more of Rachel Hauck's books!

You can read other reviews by clicking here on this link.

Learn more and purchase a copy at Rachel’s website.

***I received this e-book for free from Litfuse Publicity Group inexchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Little Bunny's Bible by P J Lyons, Melanie Mitchel

The Little Bunny's Bible is a such a cute book with a fun little cover.   Read below about this new little Bible that would make a great gift for the toddler in your life! 

Book Description

The Little Bunny’s Bible is a soft, cuddly Bible that children age 2-5 can call their own. Throughout this plush-covered book, little ones learn that they’re loved and cared for by God as they hear about God’s faithfulness in stories from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. With sweet, rhyming text and colorful illustrations, this soft and cuddly character storybook Bible is sure to become a classic with preschoolers.

My Review

I thought that the cover on The Little Bunny Bible was really cute.  It is soft and cuddly.  Great for the little person in your life.  Each two page spread has a short little poem on the left-hand side and then a fun picture about the Scripture on the right-hand side.  I loved the art work.  The pictures are so full of color and really cute.  The Little Bunny's Bible covers the following stories: Creation (Gen. 1-2); Noah (Gen. 6-8); Daniel (Dan. 6); Jonah (Jonah 1-3); Christ's Birth (Mt. 1:18-24 and Lk 2:1-7); The Lost Lamb (Mt. 18:12-14); Feeding of the Five Thousand (Jn. 6:1-13); Jesus' Death and Resurrection (Lk. 23:44-24:8).  This would be a great gift to pick up for a toddler. 

About the Author

PJ Lyons received a Master's Degree in Writing for Children at Vermont College and is the author of The Little Lion's Bible, The Little Lamb's Bible, and The Wonderful World that God Made. She currently resides in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

***I received this book free from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Always on My Mind by Susan May Warren (book 4) A Christiansen Family novel

Susan May Warren's book are always a treat to read.  Always on My Mind is book 4 in the Christiansen Family series.  You can read my other reviews of her books by clicking on these links--book 1, book 2, book 3.

Read the summary of the book and my review below and find out about the story of Casper Christiansen.

From the Back Cover: After a failed dig in Honduras, aspiring archaeologist Casper Christiansen heads home to Minnesota to face his unresolved feelings for Raina Beaumont, the woman of his dreams.  But when he arrives unannounced on her doorstep, he receives the shock of a lifetime: Raina is pregnant with someone else's baby.
Heartbroken, especially when he discovers the identity of the baby's father, Casper tables his dreams and determines to be dependable for once, helping his older brother, Darek, prepare the family resort for its grand reopening.  Casper longs to be the hero of at least one family story, but a never-ending Deep Haven winter and costly repairs threaten their efforts--and the future of the resort.
Worse, one of Casper's new jobs constantly brings him into contact with Raina, whom he can't seem to forget.  A tentative friendship begins to heal fresh wounds, but can they possibly overcome past mistakes and current choices to discover a future together?

My Review:
I loved reading Casper's story.  Living in a such a big family, it can be hard to find your own identity especially when you are constantly living in the shadow of two brothers--Darek and Owen.  Casper has to learn that his identity is only found in Christ and not in what he does or accomplishes.  I really enjoyed reading about the mystery surrounding an old resort not to far from Deep Haven.  Mysteries are always fun to read and watch the pieces of the puzzle fall together.  It definitely added a lot of interest to this story.  If you're looking for a fun series to start out this new year, pick up The Christiansen Family series by Susan May Warren!

***I received this book free from Tyndale House Publishers in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Rachel Hauck Fires Up the Romance with “A Brush with Love” Kindle Giveaway!

This week Rachel Hauck is celebrating her newest novella release with a Kindle Fire giveaway!  Read below how you can join in!  Make sure you do it today as the contest ends on Monday, January 5th.  And come back later this month to see what I thought of her newest book.

"Fire" up the romance in the new year with Rachel Hauck's newest book, A Brush with Love, by entering her Kindle Fire giveaway! And be sure to catch a sneak peek of the soon-to-be-released How to Catch a Prince!
 One grand prize winner will receive:
  • A Kindle Fire
  • A Brush with Love by Rachel Hauck
Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry, the giveaway only runs for a week, 12/30 – 1/5. Winner will be announced January 6th on Rachel's blog.

BLIND DESCENT by Brian Dickinson

  Have you ever wanted to climb a mountain? I can say that thought has never crossed my mind. Scaling the highest peaks has never been on my...