Thursday, December 31, 2015

Money Saving Mom by Crystal Paine

Have you ever thought, "Maybe I could make some money doing this for other people?" Or, are you in need of some extra income for your family?  Then this book would be a great resource for you to pick up and add to your own home library.  Crystal Paine shares her life experience of walking down the road to building her own business and adding needed income to their family's budget.  Take some time to read below about a book that is sure to get your "creative juices" flowing.

From the Back Cover:

Entrepreneur, author, and popular blogger Crystal Paine shares the secrets of building income at home, using real life examples to from her own journey in becoming a money-making mom as well as the stories of other women from all walks of life. The nuts and bolts of how to make more money from home are revealed in clear steps that can be immediately and easily put into practice.
But more than just a how-to book for earning extra income, The Money-Making Mom is a challenge to dream big and create a pathway for life. Paine offers examples and insights about what "finding your purpose" can look like in family, career, and service to others. Readers will find inspiration and hope for a life that’s more than “just getting by,” one driven by vision and the freedom to bless others generously.

About the Author
Crystal Paine is a speaker and author of the New York Times bestseller Say Goodbye to Survival Mode. In 2007, she founded, a site that has since grown to become one of the most popular blogs on the web, currently averaging more than 1.5 million readers per month. She lives with her husband and three children in Wichita, Kansas.

My Review:

I have thought about doing different business type adventures throughout life, but haven't really pursued my dreams.  Maybe because in some way I'm scared to fail, or don't know how to bring about those dreams, or maybe it is just making the time for the project.  I really enjoyed reading Crystal Paine's book.  There are a lot of really encouraging  examples given of women from all walks of life pursuing a way to add more income to their family's budget.   Crystal does a great job of walking "newbies" step by step of how to begin with a concept and turn it into a viable business.  She also encourages people to not only think of themselves, but once your needs are met, to look at how you might be a help to others.  So if you're thinking about starting a business and need help getting on the right track, pick up this book and make sure you have a notebook and pen handy to write down all those great ideas!

***I received this free book from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Find Christmas Stocking Stuffer Cards AND Clubhouse Magazine Christmas Stories, Crafts, and Recipes on the Odyssey Adventure Club!


Tired of the Christmas shopping, the baking and sugar overload, the Christmas festivities that keep you away from your family during the season? Take time special time to spend with your loved ones and invest in your community—with Focus on the Family's help!

You can download a fun gift to give to your friends, family, and community! Each Christmas stocking stuffer card directs you to a special place to hear an Adventures in Odyssey Christmas episode. Plus, you’ll be able to read a special excerpt from Imagination Station #12, “Danger on a Silent Night.” Sign up here to download the free cards.

Plus stop by this page for a slew of crafts, recipes, and stories to share with your family during this special time of year!


If you're still looking for one last gift to give your kids this year, give the gift of the Odyssey Adventure Club (OAC). It offers safe and free content for everyone in your family, including an Advent calendar, a broadcast download with tips to create a memorable Christmas, AIO cutouts, and Christmas stocking stuffer cards. Membership to the OAC costs just $9.99 a month — or even less if parents make a six-month or one-year commitment. Enrollment provides more than enough content to keep kids engaged throughout the year:
  • Access to exclusive content and first looks at books and select Radio Theatre dramas.
  • On-the-go access to the OAC app for both iOS and Android users.
  • 24/7 streaming access to nearly 800 AIO episodes.
  • A new, members-only AIO episode every month.
  • A subscription to Adventures in Odyssey Clubhouse Magazine, and more.
To learn more about the Odyssey Adventure Club, visit, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Merry Christmas from Odyssey Adventure Club! Plus a free gift, and access to crafts, recipes and stories to share!

Tired of the Christmas shopping, the baking and sugar overload, the Christmas festivities that keep you away from your family during the season? Take time special time to spend with your loved ones and invest in your community—with Focus on the Family's help!

You can download a fun gift to give to your friends, family, and community! Each Christmas stocking stuff card directs you to a special place to hear an Adventures in Odyssey Christmas episode. Plus, you’ll be able to read a special excerpt from Imagination Station #12, “Danger on a Silent Night.” Sign up here for to download the free cards.

Plus stop by this page for a slew of crafts, recipes, and stories to share with your family during this special time of year!


If you're still looking for one last gift to give your kids this year, give the gift of the Odyssey Adventure Club (OAC). It offers safe and free content for everyone in your family, including an Advent calendar, a broadcast download with tips to create a memorable Christmas, AIO cutouts, and Christmas stocking stuffer cards. Membership to the OAC costs just $9.99 a month — or even less if parents make a six-month or one-year commitment. Enrollment provides more than enough content to keep kids engaged throughout the year:
  • Access to exclusive content and first looks at books and select Radio Theatre dramas.
  • On-the-go access to the OAC app for both iOS and Android users.
  • 24/7 streaming access to nearly 800 AIO episodes.
  • A new, members-only AIO episode every month.
  • A subscription to Adventures in Odyssey Clubhouse Magazine, and more.
To learn more about the Odyssey Adventure Club, visit, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Civil War Meets Romance in Andrea Boeshaar’s New Book (Plus a Kindle Giveaway)

 A Thousand Shall Fall is a new book by Andrea Boeshaar that begins her newest series, Shenandoah Valley Saga published by Kregel. This Civil War novel is worth your time!  The story is not only educational, but is filled with mystery, danger and love.  So take some time to read below and find out why this historical fiction novel should be on your shelf!  Also, don't forget to enter to win a Kindle Fire!

About the book:

A Thousand Shall Fall: A Civil War Novel (Kregel, November 2015)

A story of love, hope, and healing set in the midst of the Civil War

Nineteen-year-old Carrie Ann Bell is independent and spirited. The only thing she really fears are the Union soldiers fighting against her Confederate friends. When her youngest sister runs away from home, brave Carrie Ann is determined to find her and bring her back. Disguised as a soldier, she sets off---only to find she's fallen into the hands of the enemy.

Her childhood friend Confederate Major Joshua Blevins has warned her against these Yankees: they're all devils, ready to inflict evil on unsuspecting young women. When Colonel Peyton Collier arrests her for her impersonation of an officer, it seems to confirm all her fears.

Soon, though, she finds herself drawn to the handsome, gallant colonel. He rescued her, protected her, and has been every inch the gentleman. Carrie Ann discovers that her foe has become her ally---and more than that, someone she could love. But the arrival of Joshua in the Union camp as a spy will test her loyalties. Will she protect someone who has been like family or be loyal to this stranger to whom she wants to offer her heart? When her world is being torn apart around her, whom should she trust?

Set against the backdrop of the American Civil War, A Thousand Shall Fall is framed around compelling characters and a very romantic setting in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley. Andrea Boeshaar's extensive research guarantees historical accuracy and romance genre enthusiasts and Civil War buffs alike will enjoy the Christian perspectives on actual historical events.

Purchase a copy:

About the author:

Andrea Boeshaar is the cofounder of American Christian Fiction Writers and runs "The Writer's ER," a coaching service for writers. She is the author of thirty published works, including Threads of Faith, a finalist in the Inspirational Readers Choice Awards. Andrea is also the author of a popular devotional and regularly blogs on a number of sites.

Connect with Andrea: website, Twitter, Facebook

My Review:
To say that I thoroughly enjoyed this book is an understatement.  Although I did have a hard time getting into this book at the beginning, it surely didn't characterize this book after about the third chapter.  In fact, I stayed up past midnight last night and finished this book in 3 days because the plot was moving so quickly from chapter to chapter that I couldn't put it down!  The characters in this story have very interesting backgrounds in their family life that seem to just pull you into the story.  Carrie Anne Bell, the main character of this story, definitely has a lot of spunk in her personality.  Her quick wit, intelligence and winning personality are huge assets to keeping the reader's interest. When her younger sister, Sarah, foolishly runs off with a no-good-peddler, Carrie doesn't let something like a Civil War stop her from searching for her wayward sister. She is determined to right this situation that has gone terribly wrong. Carrie isn't on a side of this war even though she lives in the South.  She is constantly showing that she will care for the blue or the grey because they are all made in the image of God.  Along the way, she meet the other main character of this book, Colonel Peyton Collier, a colonel in the Union army.  His character is also one that has a lot of depth.  His bad boy image is one he is trying to change, but the past can be hard to overcome when the people around you remember all the bad you've done.  His character is definitely one of change, proving that God can change any heart.
You can head over to the blog tour by clicking here and see what others are saying about this great book.

Kindle Giveaway Information: 
The search for her runaway sister goes awry when Carrie finds herself arrested during the Civil War for impersonating an officer in Andrea Boeshaar's A Thousand Shall Fall. Soon, though, she finds herself drawn to the handsome, gallant colonel who arrested her. Carrie Ann discovers that her foe has become her ally—and more than that, someone she could love. Will she protect someone who has been like family or be loyal to this stranger to whom she wants to offer her heart? When her world is being torn apart around her, whom should she trust?

Andrea is celebrating the release of A Thousand Shall Fall with a Kindle Fire giveaway!

400 - a thousand shall fall 

One grand prize winner will receive:
  • A copy of A Thousand Shall Fall
  • A Kindle Fire HD 6
Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on December 10th. The winner will be announced December 11th on Andrea's blog.

a thousand shall fall-enterbanner

***I received this free book from Litfuse Publicity Group in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Looking for a great gift idea? Give the gift that lasts all year!! Odyssey Adventure Club!

Holiday to-do lists often become longer and longer as we get closer to Christmas. From holiday parties to host, Christmas pajamas to coordinate, family pictures, gifts to buy, travel plans to finalize, and more, the joy of the season can often be lost in the midst of the hustle and bustle.


Adventures in Odyssey and Odyssey Adventure Club have you covered. Karen Ehman and Glynnis Whitwer, authors of Everyday Confetti, share ideas and tips for simplifying and taking the stress out of the holidays. Pointing to the real reason for the season, they offer ideas to help you keep Christ at the center. Click here for a free broadcast download to learn how to simplify and de-stress your holiday season.

Speaking of de-stressing, let me help you out with your last-minute gift shopping. One of my top recommendations: the Odyssey Adventure Club (OAC) because it offers free content for everyone, including an Advent calendar, a broadcast download with tips to create a memorable Christmas, AIO cutouts and Christmas stocking stuffer cards. Membership to the OAC costs just $9.99 a month — or even less if parents make a six-month or one-year commitment. Enrollment provides more than enough content to keep kids engaged throughout the year:
  • Access to exclusive content and first looks at books and select Radio Theatre dramas.
  • On-the-go access to the OAC app for both iOS and Android users.
  • 24/7 streaming access to nearly 800 AIO episodes.
  • A new, members-only AIO episode every month.
  • A subscription to Adventures in Odyssey Clubhouse Magazine, and more.
Some other great ideas for gift giving this season are:

Family friendly games--Telestrations, Pie Face Game
Christmas Pajamas
Needed Clothing
Family Pictures for the grandparents
Stocking Stuffers--Favorite snacks, hot wheels, hair accessories, pens/pencils, crayons and maybe a treat or two.

Last year we decided to start a fun new tradition with our kiddos.  They each get 20$ to spend on their 2 siblings (so $10.00 a piece).  It is fun to see them think of others instead of themselves and try to figure out what their sibling would like for Christmas.  It's also fun to watch them give out their presents.  They get so excited!!

Christmas is such a wonderful time of year to think of others and focus on the reason we celebrate this great holiday--JESUS!!  Have a Merry Christmas!

To learn more about the Odyssey Adventure Club, visit, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Monday, November 30, 2015

The Midnight Visitors by Juliet David; Illustrated by Jo Parry

Kregel has a fun new book out for Christmas called The Midnight Visitors by Juliet David.  This book gives a different point of view for the story of Jesus' miraculous birth.  The animals in the stable are the ones filling us in on what happened that night in Bethlehem.  Miriam the cow is snug in her warm bed of hay, when others animals come knocking on her door looking for a warm place to stay the night.  But little did Miriam know that a special couple would also come to stay in her small stable since there was no room for them in the Inn.

I thought that the story was cute in how it was told from the perspective of the animals staying in the stable.  It's a great way to get children to think about what it would of been like that night when Jesus was born in place that was probably smelly, and dirty.  The illustrations are filled with vivid colors and the animals look cute and cuddly. This book is for children ages 2-4 years old.  If you're looking for a fun, new Christmas book for your younger kids, make sure to check this one out.

Recommendations: I would check this one out at my local library rather than buying it.
How Many Stars: I would give this book 3.5 stars out of 5.

You can view the book on by clicking here.

***I received this book free from Kregel Publications in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

On This Foundation (book 3 of the Restoration Chronicles) by Lynn Austin

Lynn Austin's newest book in The Restoration Chronicles is out!  On This Foundation is the third book in this exciting series about the return of the exiles to Jerusalem.

About the Book:
Stone by Stone, the Wall Will Rise Once More Around God's City
When news reaches him that Jerusalem's wall is shattered and its gates burned with fire, a distraught Nehemiah seeks God's guidance in fasting and prayer. Granted an unexpected leave from his duty as cupbearer to the Persian king Artaxerxes, Nehemiah sets out for Jerusalem to rebuild the city wall--never anticipating all the dangers that await him on his arrival.

The leaders of the surrounding nations become his fierce enemies, plotting to assassinate him and stop the wall's reconstruction forever. A drought, meanwhile, has left the country impoverished, with many families resorting to selling their children as bondservants just to keep from starving.

Capturing the rebuilding of the wall through the eyes of a number of characters, On This Foundation is the powerful conclusion to The Restoration Chronicles. This exploration of faith in the midst of oppression offers hope that, in spite of appearances, the gracious hand of God is upon those who believe.

My Review:
What a beautiful story of God's faithfulness and preservation of his people.  I loved reading about Nehemiah and the time in Israel's history when the walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt.  The way Lynn Austin crafted the fictional telling of this story just drew me in, and gave me a way to picture what life would of been like for Israel at this time.  Lynn Austin does a wonderful job of not only telling a compelling story and keeping her readers attention, but she also makes you want to read that portion of Scripture again maybe seeing it in a different way as you contemplate what life was really like for real people.  This series has been wonderful and I would highly encourage everyone to pick up The Restoration Chronicles.
You can read my reviews of her other two books in this series by clicking on the titles:

Return to Me
Keepers of the Covenant

About the Author:

Lynn Austin has sold more than one and a half million copies of her books worldwide. A former teacher who now writes and speaks full-time, she has won eight Christy Awards for her historical fiction. One of those novels, Hidden Places, has also been made into an Original Hallmark Channel movie. Lynn and her husband have raised three children and make their home in western Michigan. Learn more at

*** I received this free book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Happy Cooking by Giada De Laurentiis

I was excited to get Giada's newest book, Happy Cooking.  I've always enjoyed her recipes off of the internet and they seem to have so much flavor!  The subtitle of her book is "Make Every Meal Count... Without Stressing Out" is a great way to describe this book.  This book takes common everyday meal options and makes them not only taste good, but look beautiful.   Her book covers the following:

First Things First: #breakfast; Snacks and Small Plates;
Salads and Seasons; Soups and Stews; Eating Clean
Weeknight Warriors; Vegetables and Sides;
Weekends and Holidays; Treats and Sweets

I thought that the pictures in the book were just beautiful!  I love to see what the food is supposed to look like when I'm done, and I'm always excited when the author takes the time to add photos. Just like any other cookbook, I saw some recipes I would definitely try and others that I would not attempt at all.  The book does say that a portion of these recipes were previously published in a digital magazine called Giada from 2013 to the present.  So if you notice some recipes that seem a little familiar that may be the reason.  I was a little disappointed with some of the pictures of the author as her tops were low cut.  But all that being said, I'm looking forward to trying some of these recipes that have my mouth watering.

***I received this free book from Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Golden Braid (A Rapunzel re-telling) by Melanie Dickerson

Melanie Dickerson has a series that is a re-telling of the Medieval Fairy Tales. The Golden Braid (A Rapunzel fairy tale re-telling) is the 6th book in the Hagenheim/Fairy Tale Romance Series. The others are as follows:
1. The Healer's Apprentice (A Sleeping Beauty re-telling)
2. The Merchant's Daughter (A Beauty and the Beast re-telling)
3. The Fairest Beauty (A Snow White re-telling)
4. The Captive Maiden (A Cinderella re-telling)
5. The Princess Spy (A Frog Prince re-telling)

Melanie Dickerson also has another Medieval Fairy Tale called The Huntress of Thornbeck Forrest (Robin Hood meets Swan Lake).
So, take some time to read below about the book, the author and my review!
About the book:
The Golden Braid
(Thomas Nelson, November 2015)

The one who needs rescuing isn't always the one in the tower...

Rapunzel can throw a knife better than any man. She paints beautiful flowering vines on the walls of her plaster houses. She sings so sweetly she can coax even a beast to sleep. But there are two things she is afraid her mother might never allow her to do: learn to read and marry.

Fiercely devoted to Rapunzel, her mother is suspicious of every man who so much as looks at her daughter and warns her that no man can be trusted. After a young village farmer asks for Rapunzel's hand in marriage, Mother decides to move them once again---this time, to the large city of Hagenheim.

The journey proves treacherous, and after being rescued by a knight---Sir Gerek---Rapunzel, in turn, rescues him farther down the road. As a result, Sir Gerek agrees to repay his debt to Rapunzel by teaching her to read. Could there be more to him than his arrogance and desire to marry for riches and position?

As Rapunzel acclimates to life in a new city, she uncovers a mystery that will forever change her life. In this Rapunzel story unlike any other, a world of secrets and treachery are about to be revealed after seventeen years. How will Rapunzel finally take control of her own destiny? And who will prove faithful to a lowly peasant girl with no one to turn to?

Purchase a copy:

About the author:
Melanie Dickerson is the author of The Healer's Apprentice, a Christy Award finalist and winner of the National Reader's Choice Award for Best First Book. Melanie earned a bachelor's degree in special education from the University of Alabama and has been a teacher and a missionary. She lives with her husband and two daughters in Huntsville, Alabama.

Connect with Melanie: website, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube

My Review:
I had a hard time putting this book down.  The story was interesting since I remembered some bits about Rapunzel...mainly, that she was kept in a tower. I liked that the story was new but included some familiar aspects.  I love a novel that can get me hooked from page one and keep me quickly turning pages until the end. Rapunzel's character has been fed fear all her life which has kept her from venturing too far on her own.  It's fun to see her break free and want something different in life.  I think in someways we all struggle with an area of fear in our lives.  We all want to be brave enough to break free and pursue our dreams. This would be a great book to pick up if you're looking for some fun reading.  I'm looking forward to picking up the other books in this series too!
You can read more about what others thought of this book by visiting the blog tour page by clicking here.

***I received this book free from Litfuse Publicity Group in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Celebrate the Holidays with Odyssey Adventure Cub! Plus a free advent calendar!


What’s on your children’s Christmas wish list? As excited as they might be about that new toy, as every parent knows, the thrill of the gift will eventually wear off. Focus on the Family and Adventures in Odyssey have created the perfect gift for those who want to give their children or grandchildren a present that will provide year-round fun with eternal impact.

The Odyssey Adventure Club (OAC) offers families 24/7 access to 25 years’ worth of Adventures in Odyssey (AIO) episodes in a safe online environment where children can explore and learn. Christmas really is the perfect time to tap into your children’s imagination while infusing faith and fun into their day . . . and every day of the year.

To celebrate the holidays this year, the OAC is offering free content for everyone, including an Advent calendar, a broadcast download with tips to create a memorable Christmas, AIO cutouts and Christmas stocking stuffer cards. Membership to the OAC costs just $9.99 a month — or even less if parents make a six-month or one-year commitment. Enrollment provides more than enough content to keep kids engaged throughout the year:
  • Access to exclusive content and first looks at books and select Radio Theatre dramas.
  • On-the-go access to the OAC app for both iOS and Android users.
  • 24/7 streaming access to nearly 800 AIO episodes.
  • A new, members-only AIO episode every month.
  • A subscription to Adventures in Odyssey Clubhouse Magazine, and more.
In keeping with AIO’s rich heritage of teaching children about biblical principles — such as the importance of giving — a portion of each OAC membership benefits Focus on the Family partner organizations. Here are a couple of examples of what has been accomplished through Odyssey Adventure Club members:
The Odyssey Adventure Club wants to reach beyond fleeting entertainment this Christmas, partnering with parents in helping their kids grow deep in faith and find their place in God’s story.


Speaking of the holidays, you can prepare for Christmas with Thriving Family's 2015 Advent Activity Calendar — Tales of Christmas Past: 25 Inspiring true stories of the season. Assemble a beautifully designed Advent poster to help your kids focus on Christ this Christmas. Then read Scripture passages and stories that relate to individual flaps on the poster. You can also create easy-to-fold booklets for each story. Get more information about this year's free Advent calendar at, or sign up to download it.

To learn more about the Odyssey Adventure Club, visit, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook by Pearl Barrett and Serene Allison

I had read an endorsement for this book in the past on Money Saving Mom so, I was pleasantly surprised when I had the chance to review it for myself!  Who doesn't want to be trim and healthy?  As we head into a new year here soon, many are looking for ways to make life better with healthy living. Read below to find out what I thought of this new healthy living cookbook. 

From the Back Cover:
In their debut cookbook, the Trim Healthy Mamas share hundreds of delicious, healthy recipes to help readers successfully slim down while eating well.  This companion cookbook to the bestselling Trim Healthy Mama Plan is just what readers have been waiting for.  It features simple, mouthwatering recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner--including slow-cooker and one-pot meals, hearty soups and salads, omelets and waffles, pizzas, breads, and more.  No Trim Healthy Mama should feel deprived, so there are also favorite snacks, delectable desserts, and the smoothies, sippers and teas fans love.  With pantry-stocking advice, time-saving tips, and information on how to cook for the entire family, Trim Healthy Mama Cookbook offers a delicious and nutritious way to make trim and healthy meals with less stress--so you have more time with your loved ones.

My Review:
First of all the pictures in this book are beautiful.  The photographer did a great job capturing the food, and I love seeing pictures of what I'm going to be making.  Next, as I read through the introduction, I quickly became aware of the fact that in order to really understand this book, I would need to have the Trim Healthy Mama Plan:Keep it Simple, Keep it Sane book.  There are special mixes that are not included in this book, but are used in the recipes.  So, some of the recipes are not do-able in their healthy version without buy the special mix.  I'm not sure if the amounts are given in the plan book or you would have to buy it from the Trim Healthy Mama website.  While many of the recipes look interesting and like something my family would probably enjoy, I found some of the "not normal" ingredients a bit overwhelming.  If you are wanting to do the Trim Healthy Mama lifestyle, then you need to get the Trim Healthy Mama Plan:Keep it Simple, Keep it Sane book along with their cookbook.  Next, be prepared to buy special ingredients to make this work.  Although, you can substitute normal ingredients, it won't be "on plan" as they call it and may not give you the results you are looking for.  So, if you are Trim Healthy Mama follower or one who is not afraid to jump into to a plan that may require a few extra dollars on products you don't normally buy, then consider checking out this new cookbook. In my opinion, I'm still unsure about this book and hesitant with the use of artificial sweeteners. I'm also not one to needlessly spend money on products I don't know anything about.  So while I may try some of these recipes with regular ingredients, I'm not planning on jumping on the Trim Healthy Mama bandwagon any time soon.
For my information you can visit their Facebook Page by clicking here and their website here.

***I received this free cookbook from Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Monday, November 9, 2015

The Devotional for Women edited by Rhonda Harrington Kelley and Dorothy Kelley Patterson

Are you struggling with making the reading of the Bible a priority during your day? Or are you looking for a great gift to give for Christmas? This beautiful 366 day Devotional for Women is a great resource to get your morning going with some wonderful meditating thoughts from the Word of God.  It's filled with truth from the Bible that will turn your thoughts and focus to Jesus, the One who can give you the strength you need throughout your day.  There are 40 contributors in this devotional including some special contributions from Elizabeth Elliot.

The cover is beautifully embossed and made out of imitation leather.  Each day has a Scripture and a thought from the contributing author.  The day concludes with some ideas for what to pray about and then has an area for you to journal your thoughts as the Lord speaks to your heart through His Word.  At the end of the devotional, a daily Bible reading plan is included to encourage you to read through the Bible in a year.  I thought that this devotional was not only beautiful, but well done. The daily readings are thoughtful and based on truth.  And I liked the fact that you can journal your own thoughts each day.  Make sure to check out this great new resource that you may want to add to your library or give as a gift to someone in your life.

***I received this devotional free from B&H/Lifeway Bloggers in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Bathsheba by Angela Hunt (A Dangerous Beauty Novel book 2)

What is your first thought when the name Bathsheba is mentioned?  Have you ever thought of what she went through or how she felt when David's coveting destroyed the life she had?  Do you think that she in some way was at fault?  This book is told from Bathsheba's perspective of the familiar story that hurt many as a result of a secret sin.  Below you can find out about the book and see what my thoughts were after reading this book.

From the Back Cover:

One of Ancient Israel's Most Famous Women--
As You've Never Looked at Her Before

One of the Bible's most misunderstood and misjudged women, Bathsheba comes to life in this new biblical re-imagining from Angela Hunt. Combining historical facts with detailed fiction, this is an eye-opening portrait that will have you reconsidering everything you thought you knew about her.

After receiving God's promise of a lifelong reign and an eternal dynasty, King David forces himself on Bathsheba, a loyal soldier's wife. When her resulting pregnancy forces the king to murder her husband and add her to his harem, Bathsheba struggles to protect her son while dealing with the effects of a dark prophecy and deadly curse on the king's household.

My Review:
This book took me to places I had not thought about when reading this story.  I've only ever thought about David and his sin against God, Bathsheba and Uriah the Hittite.  I have not ever stopped to think about how Bathsheba dealt with all that happened to her--forced to lie with the king, murder of her husband and death of her first born child. I found myself thinking through this story and contemplating the events like never before.  It has also challenged me to take time and review the story from Scripture.  So, I would encourage you to pick up a copy of this book and let it challenge you in the way you think of Bathsheba.  It will force you to see her not as another abstract character in King David's life, but as a real person who endured some pretty hard circumstances.

***I received this book free from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Song of the Stars by Sally Lloyd-Jones; Paintings by Alison Jay

Are you looking for a fun new book for your toddler this Christmas season that is centered around the true meaning of Christmas?  I was excited to see that Sally Lloyd-Jones' picture book Song of the Stars was available now in a board book.  Just perfect for my 1 year old this Christmas!! Her name may sound familiar if you've seen her fantastic Jesus Storybook Bible.  Such a great book for children!  If you've not taken a look at this sweet Christmas picture book yet, than take some time to read below why you'll want to pick this one up for Christmas.

Book Description

From New York Times bestselling author Sally Lloyd-Jones, Song of the Stars Christmas picture book is now available in the popular board book format.
This board book edition of Song of the Stars, written by New York Times bestselling author Sally Lloyd-Jones and illustrated by Alison Jay, is a Christmas book that explores the joy and celebration in all of creation at the coming of Jesus.
They’ve been waiting with eager longing for the coming of God’s promised Son, and when at last he arrives, the whole earth holds its breath: their Creator, Jesus, Emmanuel has come to the world that he made. Trees, seas, skies, stars, animals—they all spread the news that at last the time has come. It’s time! He’s here!

My Review:
 I thought the story was sweet how it tells the Christmas story through the eyes of the animals.  I think it reiterates that the whole earth, all of His creation, is groaning until Jesus, the Rescuer comes back.  The pictures are beautiful and fun to look at for little ones.  I love the message that is repeated over and over of "It's time! It's time!"  Such excitement that we should be sharing with our kids of our Savior who gave up everything for us in order to rescue us from our sin.  I'm looking forward to wrapping this one up and using it along with other fun surprises for our advent/count down to Christmas this year.

Watch below as Sally Lloyd-Jones reads her book at live online Christmas party in 2011.

About the Author:
Sally Lloyd-Jones is a leading writer of inspirational books for children. She is the author of three bestselling children’s Bibles, including the Gold Book Award-winning Baby’s First Bible and, most recently, the Moonbeam Award Winner and ALA notable, The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name. She has written many picture books for children, including the critically acclaimed New York Times bestseller How to Be a Baby: By Me, the Big Sister. Sally was born and raised in Africa, was schooled in England, and now lives in New York City. She can be found at

*** I received this book free from BookLook bloggers in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own

Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Memory Weaver by Jane Kirkpatrick

Jane Kirkpatrick's newest historical fiction novel just released at the end of September.  The Memory Weaver is based on the true story of the life of Eliza Spalding Warren.  Journey back in time to a place that is filled with uncertainty, uprisings, and adventure.

From the Back Cover:

"Jane Kirkpatrick puts flesh and blood on the bones of history. Set against an authentic nineteenth-century background, this is a superb story of a woman's struggle to triumph over time and place. . . . A memorable book."--Sandra Dallas, New York Times bestselling author

Eliza Spalding Warren was just a child when she was taken hostage by the Cayuse Indians during a massacre in 1847. Now a mother of two, Eliza faces a new kind of dislocation; her impulsive husband wants to make a new start in another territory, which will mean leaving her beloved home and her mother's grave--and returning to the land of her captivity. 

Haunted by memories and hounded by struggle, Eliza longs to know how her mother dealt with the trauma of their ordeal. As she searches the pages of her mother's diary, Eliza is stunned to find that her own recollections tell only part of the story.

Based on true events, The Memory Weaver is New York Times bestselling author Jane Kirkpatrick's latest literary journey into the past, where threads of western landscapes, family, and faith weave a tapestry of hope inside every pioneering woman's heart. Get swept up in this emotional story of the memories that entangle us and the healing that awaits us when we bravely unravel the threads of the past.

Take a minute and watch this book trailer about the novel and then look below for my thoughts about the book!

My Review:
 I had not heard before of this piece of American history.  Jane Kirkpatrick is great at finding historical events that need to have a story written about them.  Can you imagine being the first woman to cross the United States to go and be a missionary to the Indian people?  What a trek across the country, not knowing what to expect and facing all kinds of hardship.  That was the life of Eliza Spalding.  These women were pretty tough back then, and this story has quite a violent background with the Whitman Massacre happening in 1847.  I had not remembered that from history class, and it was interesting to read about a family that would of survived that horrible event.  The events of this story are told by two different women, Eliza Spalding, the mother, and Eliza Spalding Warren, the daughter.  I thought the way Jane Kirkpatrick told the story from two different perspectives was interesting.  While Eliza Spalding Warren told the story in the present, Eliza Spalding, the mother, told her story as past journal entries. The story was thought provoking and an interesting read even though I don't agree with the Presbyterian theology mentioned in this book.  I will say that it was hard to read through this book with all the hardship that each character faced, a little depressing in my opinion. But don't we all face hardships in our lives that we must overcome? I thought Eliza Spalding Warren said things well in the novel:  "Tragedies happened.  People suffered.  I was learning that it was what one did with the suffering that mattered." (pg. 289)  
If you're looking for a book that doesn't cut the corners but tells things like they happened...the good, the bad and the ugly...  Then this book is for you.  A great historical novel about one of the first Presbyterian families to take the message of Jesus to the Indians in the West.  

***I received this book for free from Revell in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 

Friday, October 9, 2015

The Methuselah Project by Rick Barry

Looking for a fun story that has some mysterious, far-fetched scientific experiments happening? Then pick up The Methuselah Project by Rick Barry.  This story will keep you glued to your book wondering how Pilot Captain Roger Greene will every survive being a guinea pig for the Nazi's unthinkable experiment.

From the Back Cover:
Shot down over Nazi Germany in 1943, Roger Greene becomes both a prisoner and an unwilling guinea pig in a bizarre experiment.  Seventy years later, Roger still appears as youthful as the day he crash-landed--and he's still a prisoner.  Nearly insane from his long captivity, Roger finds his only hope in an old Bible.
Not until our present time does Roger finally escape from the secret society running the Methuselah Project.  When he does, the modern world has become a fast-paced, perplexing place.  His only option is to accept the help of Katherine Mueller--crack shot, go-getter, and attractive to boot.  Can he convince her of the truth of his crazy story? And can he continue to trust her when he finds out she works for the very organization he's trying to flee?

My Review:
This book was fun to read.  It was highly entertaining and hard to put down.  Roger Greene is an interesting, likable character that pulls you into his story and has you routing for his escape.  Secret societies are always good for keeping a story filled with action.  And the plot seemed like a story straight out of Hollywood's science fiction.  With way this story ends, I'm hoping that there will be some kind of sequel.  I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and would recommend it!!!

***I received this book free from Kregel Publications in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

‘Just Show Up’ by Kara Tippetts and Jill Lynn Buteyn (Plus a Tried & True Friendship Giveaway)

Kara Tippetts' and Jill Lynn Buteyn's book, Just Show Up has released!  I found great encouragement in Kara Tippett's book The Hardest Peace and was interested in reading this book about "the dance of walking through suffering together."  We are surrounded by people who bear enormous weights whether that be physical, emotional, or mental.  It's very rare that we don't know someone who is suffering.  Our problem is that we have no idea how to connect with them or be an encouragement to them as they endure suffering.  This book is a such a great resource!  And I would encourage you to take some time and read through why Just Show Up would be a great book to add to your library.

About the book:
Just Show Up
(David C Cook, October 2015)

Kara Tippetts's story was not a story of disease, although she lost her battle with terminal cancer.

It was not a story of saying goodbye, although she was intentional in her time with her husband and four children. Kara's story was one of seeing God in the hard and in the good. It was one of finding grace in the everyday. And it was one of knowing "God with us" through fierce and beautiful friendship.

In Just Show Up, Kara and her close friend, Jill Lynn Buteyn, write about what friendship looks like in the midst of changing life seasons, loads of laundry, and even cancer. Whether you are eager to be present to someone going through a difficult time or simply want inspiration for pursuing friends in a new way, this eloquent and practical book explores the gift of silence, the art of receiving, and what it means to just show up.

Purchase a copy:

My Review: 
Suffering is something that I know of first hand.  My brother was killed in a car accident at age 20. My husband and I have gone through the grief of 5 miscarriages. For two years, we watched my Father-in-law suffer as he endured colon/liver cancer, passing away last year at the age of 66.  My mother had not been doing well for a few years, something we thought was attributed to a possible stroke in 2010.  But as things got worse, she was finally diagnosed with a rare neurological disease called CBGD (Cortical Basil Ganglionic Degeneration) at the age of 65.  This is a disease that has an average time span of 6-8 years.  Best as I can recall from onset to now, we are in year 5.  Life hasn't been easy.  I've had a few friends who have stood by my side to help me through the deep waters of grief.  I'm so thankful that God sent those people when He did to hold my head above the water.  Often we have no idea what to do for people.  We stand back and do nothing hoping someone who knows them better will give them the comfort they need.  Or, we just talk with them acting like life is as it always has been.  We pretend that everything is fine and avoid bringing up the subject because we don't want to bring up their pain.  I find that when others don't say anything  I end up feeling pretty alone wondering if anyone cares.  But then, there are those who have ventured out of their comfort zone to feel uncomfortable with me, and I'm so thankful for them.

I understand what it is like to not know what to do.  You know what? Half of the time I don't even know what to do, and it's my own family.  This book that Kara co-wrote with Jill is an essential tool to help people understand how to open themselves up to be a help to another, just as Jesus would long for us to do for one another.  It's not easy.  The road of suffering is hard, and watching those you care about enduring hard trials, will weigh heavily on you.  But we have hope!  Hope in the One Who gave up His life for us. And if He was willing to give of Himself for us, shouldn't we be willing to "Show Up" for those around us?  This book will help you to see those moments as part of the good works He prepared for you to walk in (Eph. 2:10) instead of moments to fear.  Because... this life isn't about us.  I highly recommend that you take the time to pick up this book, and make it an essential part of your library!

You can visit this webpage to see what others are saying about this great book on the blog tour!

***I received this book for free from Litfuse Publicity Group in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

About the authors:

The late Kara Tippetts was the author of "The Hardest Peace" and blogged faithfully at Cancer was only a part of Kara's story. Her real fight was to truly live while facing a crushing reality. Since her death in March 2015, her husband, Jason, is parenting their four children and leading the church they founded in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Read Kara's blog.

Jill Lynn Buteyn is the author of "Falling for Texas," an inspirational novel, and a recipient of the ACFW Genesis Award for her fiction work. She has a bachelor's degree in communications from Bethel University. Jill lives near the beautiful Rocky Mountains with her husband and two children.

Connect with Jill: website, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram

Giveaway Info:

What does friendship look like in the midst of changing life seasons, loads of laundry—and even cancer? Kara Tippetts and Jill Lynn Buteyn teamed up to write Just Show Up, a story of their close friendship and walk through Kara's battle with terminal cancer. Whether you are eager to be present to someone going through a difficult time or simply want inspiration for pursuing friends in a new way, this eloquent and practical book explores the gift of silence, the art of receiving, and what it means to just show up.

Celebrate the gift of friendship with a Tried & True Friendship giveaway—a prize for you and for a friend!

just show up-400 

One grand prize winner will receive:
Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on October 23rd. The winner will be announced October 26th on Jill's blog.

Is one of your friends going through a tough time—maybe you need some encouragement? Stop by Kara and Jill's author page, click on the reviews bar, and read through some bloggers' stories of how their friends got them through suffering.

just show up-banner

Monday, September 28, 2015

Celebrate the Whit Award with Adventures in Odyssey


Most people can think of one or two figures whose love and life example had a great impact on the formation of their spiritual foundation. It might be a coach, a Sunday school teacher or a parent or grandparent. Whatever the role, it’s hard to put a value on the investment these people make on a daily basis. In an effort to bring honor to these countless, quiet heroes, Adventures in Odyssey announces the John Avery Whitaker Award. Named after Odyssey’s resident leader and the namesake of Odyssey’s most famous attraction, Whit’s End, the award will be bestowed annually on one deserving mentor.

Like the Adventures in Odyssey character John Avery Whitaker, or “Whit” as he’s known by fans of the show, the person should be someone who is passionate about innovatively teaching children the truths expressed in the Bible. Those who create Adventures in Odyssey know that while Whit might be a fictitious character, there are thousands of real people just like him. “Our hope is that by bringing those people into the light, others will be inspired to follow their example,” says Dave Arnold, the executive producer of Adventures in Odyssey. “If we can spur mature believers in Christ to mentor and influence a generation being barraged with messages of compromise, we can turn the tide and encourage revival in our youth.”

Nominations are being accepted now through October 31 for the “Whits” out there in the world. Beginning on November 1, one nominee will be selected daily and awarded with a prize package including Adventures in Odyssey's latest album, Taking the Plunge, and a DVD of the movie Beyond the Mask. One grand prize winner will be chosen and announced on November 20. This worthy recipient will receive more than $500 worth of Focus on the Family resources, including an Odyssey Adventure Club (OAC) membership. The OAC offers 24/7, on-the-go access to more than 800 episodes of Adventures in Odyssey, as well as a new, members-only episode every month. It is a safe, fun environment where the whole family can explore, create and imagine, all while learning biblical truth.

Nominations can be submitted via this form, or the information can be emailed to (See the Official Rules for all the details.)

To learn more about the John Avery Whitaker Award, visit Discover the Odyssey Adventure Club at or on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

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Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Berenstain Bears: The Very First Christmas by Jan and Mike Berenstain

A new Berenstain Bear book is out this year just in time for Christmas. The Very First Christmas by Jan and Mike Berenstain is part of the Living Lights series, and is for kids ages 4-8 yrs. old. The story begins with the Angel coming to Mary and ends with Mary and Joseph fleeing to Egypt to avoid King Herod.

I enjoyed reading through this book and thought that the re-telling of the Christmas story was written well for young children. The illustrations are fun, colorful, and keep the reader's attention.  It was fun to read this familiar Bible story illustrated with the Berenstain Bears characters. The Living Lights series has been a good addition to the old Berenstain Bears books. 
I'm looking forward to wrapping this book up and giving it to my kids this Christmas season!  If you're looking for a cute book that tells the true story of Christmas, pick up this newest Berenstain Bears book to add to your library!

***I received this free book from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Art of Losing Yourself by Katie Ganshert

A new book has graced the shelves since April, and I was able to finally read it.  The Art of Losing Yourself is Katie Ganshert's newest book. I have enjoyed her other books and was excited to read this newest one.

About the Book:
Carmen Hart is a local meteorologist for the panhandle of Florida. She takes pride in the fact that she can predict the weather and that to everyone around her, her life seems perfect.  The only problem is that things are not perfect and are heading on a fast track to disaster.  Her years of miscarriages are eating away at her and causing her to pull away from the man she loves.  In the midst of this crisis of marriage and wanting a baby, Carmen's half sister, Gracie Fisher, shows up needed help. Carmen feels overwhelmed but knows that she must take Gracie in and help her. Can God help heal broken hearts and restore broken relationships?

My Review:
Katie Ganshert's novel is painfully truthful. She expresses the emotions of her characters well and has written a story that is true to life.  I myself have experienced miscarriages...5 of them to be exact. It is an emotional rollercoaster.  One that you have to fight the fear of never being able to have kids and to learn that you must trust an almighty God who has a perfect plan for your life.  I would continually remind myself that my babies were His and that He loved them even more than I could. I can tend to hold things in so I related a lot to Carmen.  She tries to make everyone think she's got it all together, but deep inside she is fighting doubts and fears. The story was interesting going between the two sisters, and it was fun to see the characters develop throughout the story.  The story did leave me thinking that there must be another novel coming out about these characters.  At least I'm hoping so!  There were too many loose ends that didn't get tied up! If you're looking to read a more deeply, moving novel, then make sure to pick up The Art of Losing Yourself!

You can read more about the author by clicking here: Katie Ganshert.
And by clicking here you can read the Prologue and First Chapter of the book.

***I received this book free from Waterbrook Press in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Friday, September 18, 2015

M is for Manger written by Crystal Bowman and Teri McKinley; pictures by Claire Keay

Are you looking for a cute new Christmas book to share with your children this coming Christmas season? Believe it or not Christmas is only 97 days away.  M is for Manger by Crystal Bowman and Teri McKinley is definitely a book you'll want to add to your library for your little ones.  This book uses each letter of the alphabet to share the story of Christ's birth in a poetic form. Each page also includes the Scripture verse to support why the author picked the word she did for that letter of the alphabet.

I thought the illustrations in this book were just beautiful!  I love how it uses the alphabet, something so familiar to small children, to tell the story of Jesus' birth.  The poems are creative, short and to the point.  And what child does not enjoy rhyming! It adds a fun playfulness to the story.  I appreciated the fact that Scripture was included to support why they picked the word they did for the letter of the alphabet. This gives parents the opportunity to open their Bibles and show their kids where we can actually find the story of Jesus.

If you're looking for a sweet little Christmas book for your child this coming holiday season, pick up this new book from Tyndale House Publishers to add to your collection.

***I received this book free from Tyndale House Publishers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

About the Author:

Crystal Bowman
Crystal Bowman
Crystal Bowman is a former preschool teacher, author, and speaker. She graduated from Calvin College with a degree in elementary education and studied early childhood development at the University of Michigan.
Her writing career began in 1990 as a lyricist for children's piano music. She began writing children's books in 1993 and has since written more than 70 books for children and 3 for women. She has written books for many popular children's series, such as Little Blessings, BOZ the Bear, MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers), and I Can Read! She has also written two books of humorous poetry for children, three books for women, numerous magazine articles, Bible study materials, and educational resource books.
As a speaker, Crystal enjoys sharing her stories and poetry with students in the classroom and also with adults at teachers' conventions, writers' conferences, and women's seminars. "Writing and speaking can be intimidating because in order to connect with your audience you need to be personal and transparent, exposing what's in your heart and soul. But when readers or conference attendees respond positively to something I've said or written, it is humbling and rewarding all at the same time!"
Crystal and her husband, Bob, have enjoyed 38 years of marriage and are the parents of 3 grown children and 1 grandchild. They live in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Bible Stories Gone Crazy! by Josh Edwards; Illustrated by Emiliano Migliardo

Do you remember the days of Where's Waldo books from when you were a kid? My kids have a couple of I Spy books by scholastic that they love to find all the objects in.  Candle books has come out with a fun search book that involves your favorite Bible stories.  There are 8 fun stories for your children, ages 5-7 years old, to explore.

My kids have absolutely loved looking at this book.  Each 2 page spread tells the story of the picture depicted, and then along the edge of the pages are questions whose answers are found in the picture.  Now these pages aren't just filled with fun pictures from the famous Bible story, but are filled with things that funny and are obviously not from that time period history. I liked the pages of this book. They are great because they are thick and have a glossy feel to them that almost makes me wonder if dry erase markers could be used on it.  And sure enough, when I tried it out, it worked and erased well!

If you're looking for a fun new book to keep your kids occupied for long periods of time, pick up Candle Books new book Bible Stories Gone Crazy!

***I received this book for free from Kregel Publications in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

BLIND DESCENT by Brian Dickinson

  Have you ever wanted to climb a mountain? I can say that thought has never crossed my mind. Scaling the highest peaks has never been on my...