Saturday, October 24, 2015

Bathsheba by Angela Hunt (A Dangerous Beauty Novel book 2)

What is your first thought when the name Bathsheba is mentioned?  Have you ever thought of what she went through or how she felt when David's coveting destroyed the life she had?  Do you think that she in some way was at fault?  This book is told from Bathsheba's perspective of the familiar story that hurt many as a result of a secret sin.  Below you can find out about the book and see what my thoughts were after reading this book.

From the Back Cover:

One of Ancient Israel's Most Famous Women--
As You've Never Looked at Her Before

One of the Bible's most misunderstood and misjudged women, Bathsheba comes to life in this new biblical re-imagining from Angela Hunt. Combining historical facts with detailed fiction, this is an eye-opening portrait that will have you reconsidering everything you thought you knew about her.

After receiving God's promise of a lifelong reign and an eternal dynasty, King David forces himself on Bathsheba, a loyal soldier's wife. When her resulting pregnancy forces the king to murder her husband and add her to his harem, Bathsheba struggles to protect her son while dealing with the effects of a dark prophecy and deadly curse on the king's household.

My Review:
This book took me to places I had not thought about when reading this story.  I've only ever thought about David and his sin against God, Bathsheba and Uriah the Hittite.  I have not ever stopped to think about how Bathsheba dealt with all that happened to her--forced to lie with the king, murder of her husband and death of her first born child. I found myself thinking through this story and contemplating the events like never before.  It has also challenged me to take time and review the story from Scripture.  So, I would encourage you to pick up a copy of this book and let it challenge you in the way you think of Bathsheba.  It will force you to see her not as another abstract character in King David's life, but as a real person who endured some pretty hard circumstances.

***I received this book free from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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