Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Full Disclosure by Dee Henderson

If you are into murder mystrery novels, then Dee Henderson is your author.  I just finished her new book, Full Disclosure.  FBI agent Paul Falcon has been trying to catch a mysterious lady who has killed 30 victims, but hasn't been caught.  Out of nowhere Paul gets a lead from the Midwest Homicide Investigator Ann Silver.  Paul is pursuing this lead, but also intrigued by the women who dropped in on his desk.  This novel has a great plot and many twists and turns.  If you like a good murder mystery novel, make sure to pick this one up.  I highly recommend it.

**I received this book free from Library Thing in exchange for an honest review.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Courting Cate by Leslie Gould

Courting Cate was a joy to read.  From the first chapter the author had me laughing quite a bit.  Cate is a feisty girl who is convinced that everyone is out to make her the brunt end of their jokes.  She's convinced that no one really likes her and that all the boys just want to date her beautiful sister, Betsy.  Cate has had a hard life.  After her mother died when she was young, she had to practically raise her infant sister.  Since Cate has sworn off getting married and is always buried in books, her father makes an edict that Betsy can't get married until Cate does.  As you can imagine, this makes for quite a bit of tension between the sisters.  When a young, handsome guy named Pete Treger shows up, Betsy thinks there might be hope that she'll get to marry after all.

Leslie Gould does such a great job.  The situations she has Cate in at the beginning of the book are rather humorous.  I usually don't read Amish books, but this one is a keeper.  Cate has to learn a lot of hard life lessons to rid her of her harsh, stubborn ways.  I love the part in the story when she finally sees what she would be like if she continued down the path she was choosing.  The path would end in a very sad life.  Seeing the error of her ways, she makes a pivotal choice to turn and embrace what God would have for her.  After this choice, there is quite a change in Cate.  A change that everyone can see.  If you have a chance, pick this book up. You won't be disappointed. 

**I recieved this book free from Library Thing in exchange for an honest review.

My Stubborn Heart by Becky Wade

 Becky Wade released her debut novel My Stubborn Heart this past May and I had the privileged of getting my hands on a copy.  This is a fun contemporary romance novel.  I usually don't read a novel that is strictly romance, but I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked it.  Kate Donovan is a great girl who just hasn't succeeded with finding love in a  relationship.  But when she agrees to take time off of her job to go help her grandmother restore an old house that her grandma grew up it, she meets someone who is as stubborn as she is.  Matt Jarreau is quite a catch but isn't looking for love since tragedy has left his heart with scars.  You'll have to read the book to find out what happens b/c I'm not spoiling anyone's fun here.
This was such a fun book to read!  I would encourage you to pick up a copy and read it for yourself. I'll definitely be looking up her new novel releasing in May 2013 called Undeniably Yours.

** I received this free book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for an honest review.

No Safe Harbor by Elizabeth Ludwig

I just finished reading the first book in Elizabeth Ludwig's new Edge of Freedom series called No Safe Harbor.  It is definitely one to get if you like a good mystery novel.  From the very first chapter, the author had me wondering about Cara's past.  Who is Cara? She is an Irish lass who has lost her family.  Her parents have passed away and her brother was assumed dead after he went into hiding and had not been heard from.  But after a mysterious note arrives from her brother telling her to not to trust or talk with anyone and come to America, she uses all the money she has to buy a ticket.  Cara has no idea what her brother has done and if she'll be able to find him, but she is hopeful that they will reconnect once again. 

This book was a fun read.  I really enjoyed all the mystery involved in the story line.  The author did a great job keeping me guessing as to what secrets the characters were each carrying.  I'm really looking forward to reading more in the series!  Book 2 releases August 2013 and Book 3 will release in early 2014.

**I received this free book from Bethany House Publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

No Safe Harbor by Elizabeth Ludwig Book Review, giveaway and Facebook party!

I am so excited to be a part of the Blog Tour for Elizabeth Ludwig's new series Edge of Freedom.  I just finished reading her the first book in the series called No Safe Harbor.  It is definitely one to get if you like a good mystery novel.  From the very first chapter, the author had me wondering about Cara's past.  Who is Cara? She is an Irish lass who has lost her family.  Her parents have passed away and her brother was assumed dead after he went into hiding and had not been heard from.  But after a mysterious note arrives from her brother telling her to not to trust or talk with anyone and come to America, she uses all the money she has to buy a ticket.  Cara has no idea what her brother has done and if she'll be able to find him, but she is hopeful that they will reconnect once again. 

This book was a fun read.  I really enjoyed all the mystery involved in the story line.  The author did a great job keeping me guessing as to what secrets the characters were each carrying.  I'm really looking forward to reading more in the series!  Book 2 releases August 2013 and Book 3 will release in early 2014.

You can Buy No Safe Harbor  by clicking here.

Meet Elizabeth:

 Elizabeth Ludwig is an award-winning author and an accomplished speaker and teacher. Her historical novel Love Finds You in Calico, California earned four stars from Romantic Times. She is the owner and editor of the popular literary blog The Borrowed Book. Along with her husband and two children, Elizabeth makes her home in Orange, Texas.

Now for the giveaway and Facebook Party!!  Today is the last day you can enter!!!
Elizabeth Ludwig is celebrating her new book with a Kindle Fire Giveaway and connecting with readers at a Facebook Author Chat party on 12/6.

One winner will receive:
  • A Kindle Fire
  • No Safe Harbor by Elizabeth Ludwig
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on December 5th. Winner will be announced at the "No Safe Harbor" Author Chat Facebook Party on 12/6. Connect with Elizabeth, get a sneak peek of the next book in the Edge of Freedom series, try your hand at the trivia contest, and win some great prizes—gift certificates, books and a Book Club Prize Pack (10 copies for your book club or small group)!

So grab your copy of No Safe Harbor and join Elizabeth on the evening of the December 6th for a chance to connect with her and make some new friends. (If you haven't read the book, don't let that stop you from coming!)

Don't miss a moment of the fun, RSVP todayTell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 6th!

*** I recieved this book free from Litfuse Publicity Group in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Whispers in the Wind by Lauraine Snelling

About a year ago, I was able to review the first book in this new series by Lauraine Snelling.  So, I was pretty pleased to be able to get the second book in the series, Whispers in the Wind when it came out this year.   The story continues with Cassie trying to figure out how to fit into this little town called Argus in South Dakota, and how her life fits in with the Engstrom Family.   So many secrets were kept over the years and now both the Engstroms and Cassie are having to face them head on. 

I really enjoyed reading this second book in the series.  I thought the plot was well developed and really kept my attention.  This book filled in some more details of Cassie's life, but left things pretty open for the next book.  It was thoroughly enjoyable and I would highly recommend this series.

***I received this free book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for an honest review.

Monday, November 26, 2012

The High Calling Newsletter

Have you ever heard of TheHighCalling.org?  The High Calling is "...an online magazine and community founded on the belief that God cares about our daily work."(quoted from their website) The online magazine is a program by Foundations for Laity Renewal.

This online magazine has a newsletter that they send out weekly with a short audio message, and articles relating to work, life and God.  The articles are well written and provide encouragement for Christians in areas of life from the work place to family life at home and everything in between.  All of the articles have the common theme of living a life pleasing to the Lord.

So check out TheHighCalling.org if you're in need of some encouragement as you encounter all the various activities of life.  It may challenge you to live your life not for yourself, but for God.
You can also follow on Facebook here and Twitter here.

** I was asked to review this newsletter for Handlebar Publishing in exchange for a gift card.  All opinions are my own.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Elizabeth Ludwig’s “No Safe Harbor” Kindle Fire Giveaway and 12/6 Facebook Party!

I am part of the blog tour for Elizabeth Ludwig's New book No Safe Harbor.  I'll be posting my review of the book on December 4, 2012.  So make sure to come back and find out what I thought.  In the meantime, you can enter a great contest!!
Elizabeth Ludwig is celebrating her new book with a Kindle Fire Giveaway and connecting with readers at a Facebook Author Chat party on 12/6.

One winner will receive:
  • A Kindle Fire
  • No Safe Harbor by Elizabeth Ludwig
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on December 5th. Winner will be announced at the "No Safe Harbor" Author Chat Facebook Party on 12/6. Connect with Elizabeth, get a sneak peek of the next book in the Edge of Freedom series, try your hand at the trivia contest, and win some great prizes—gift certificates, books and a Book Club Prize Pack (10 copies for your book club or small group)!

So grab your copy of No Safe Harbor and join Elizabeth on the evening of the December 6th for a chance to connect with her and make some new friends. (If you haven't read the book, don't let that stop you from coming!)

Don't miss a moment of the fun, RSVP todayTell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 6th!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

21 Days to a More Organized Life by Crystal Paine

Crystal Paine author of the blog Moneysavingmom.com  has written an e-book about life discipline.  Who doesn't need help in this area?  There is always a place to grow and be more efficient in my life!  Crystal's book helps you to evaluate your life and how you can make things better where you continually fail.  There is usually one task we just loathe to do and Crystal walks you through a plan to get that dreaded task accomplished.  I like what she says in chapter 1, "But ultimately, whether or not I live a disciplined life depends solely upon me and the choices I make on a daily basis." (pg. 7)   There are no excuses when it comes to discipline.
Each chapter discusses a different area of discipline and then has a practical application section.  The chapter ends with the Mega Project Assignment.  This Mega Project is the one you have been putting off because of it's seems insurmountable.  But...when you break this project down in to 21 different steps, you can accomplish your task!
So, if you are looking for a little discipline in your life, read Crystal's new e-book!  It will help you get a huge jump start in the right direction.

You can order her book by clicking here.

** Crystal provided a free e-book in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Novel Crossings: A Website for Christian Fiction Lovers

Novel Crossing is a website for Christian fiction lovers. It's like Facebook meets Goodreads meets your favorite Christian fiction blogs...all in one place! Whether you're into romance, Amish fiction, mystery, action, sci-fi, historical fiction or any other genre...Novel Crossing is your new trusted source for ALL Christian fiction across ALL publishers!

Novel Crossing has it all...
    • Stay in the Christian-fiction-know with the latest news and feature articles written by top fiction authors, industry professionals, and fiction aficionados.
    • Find your next read (or avoid spending money on a crummy novel) with quick book overviews via 1-sentence reviews or a deeper look at books through full-blown reviews from fiction lovers like you.
    • Get connected with a community where you can friend and follow fellow Novel Crossing members and keep track of new books or articles from your favorite authors.
    • Stay organized with and keep track of the books you're reading, have read, or want to read.
    • Don't miss a beat...get email updates when new books come out from your favorite authors or genres. 
So don't miss out and join the Christian fiction community at Novel Crossings today by clicking here.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Christ Our Mediator by C.J. Mahaney

Christ Our Mediator by C. J. Mahaney is an excellent book that discusses the impact of the cross and how that relates to Christ as the bridge between God and man.  There are 8 chapters in this book:

1. The Divine Order
2. The Divine Dilemma
3. The Divine Rescue
4. Staring into the Cup
5. Your Face in the Crowd
6. The Scream of the Damned
7. What God Understands
8. Assurance and Joy

Mahaney takes his readers on a journey beginning with the reason we need a Mediator in the first place.  He then explores the reality of what Christ went through to become that Mediator for all who would come to the Father.  He then ends with the assurance and joy that can come from having a cross-centered life.

This was the first book I have read by C. J. Mahaney and I really enjoyed it!  It was a quick, easy read that made me think.  I like books that leave me wanting to meditate on the truths that were discussed.   I think the chapter on Your Face in the Crowd really struck me.  I had thought about the cross and how Christ died for my sin, but I had not imagined myself in that crowd that crucified Him.  But I would of been there before coming to Him for salvation.  Mahaney says, "I identify most with the angry mob screaming, 'Crucify Him!'  That's who we should all identify with.  Because apart from God's grace, this is where we would all be standing, and we're only flattering ourselves to think otherwise." (Loc. 670 in e-book)  Another chapter I really liked was What God Understands.  Mahaney writes, "But I do know that in our time of deepest affliction, none of us find comfort by endlessly focusing on that suffering.  There's an element of mystery in all our suffering, and in this life we can't fully understand it, yet we face a subtle temptation to relive and review our suffering.  That's an exercise that will never bring rest and release.  What will bring rest and release is spending more time meditating on the cross and the God of the cross." (Loc. 822 in e-book) I often find myself re-hashing my suffering.  I meditate on that instead of the God of the cross.  I get stuck in the pit of my despair wallowing in the muck, joyless and depressed.  But David says that God will lift us up out of that miry pit and put our feet on a rock.  A right focus is critical when facing suffering in this life.  Finally in the last chapter, I really appreciated this thought, "And the inevitable result of preaching the gospel to yourself will be a pronounced joy, and infectious joy, a consistent joy." (Loc. 943 in e-book)   "So cultivate this joy...by continually meditating on the gospel.  Let the cross always be the treasure of your heart, your best and highest thought...and your passionate preoccupation." (Loc. 952 in e-book)  There is joy to be found in the cross!

Pick up C. J. Mahaney's book today and read it for yourself.  I highly recommend it.

**I received this free e-book from Blogging for Books program by Waterbrook Publishing Company in exchange for an honest review of this book.  All opinions are my own.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Stanley Books by Linda Bailey

Recently, we have discovered the Stanley books through our local library.  They are quite funny and adorable to read.

There are 5 books in all.  Stanley's Party, Stanley's Wild Ride, Stanley at Sea, Stanley's Beauty Contest and Stanley's Little Sister.  Our family enjoyed reading these books together.  Make sure to check these out at your local library or bookstore.

You can read more about Linda Bailey at her website by clicking here.

Monday, October 15, 2012

She's Got Issues by Nicole Unice

She's Got Issues: seriously good news for stressed out, secretly scared control freaks like us is a new DVD curriculum by Nicole Unice.  The issues that are covered in this bible study are: control, insecurity, comparison, fear, anger and unforgiveness.  Each chapter, Nicole discusses the current topic and also includes personal assessments and quizzes to help you identify the issue in your life.  Each chapter ends with a prayer, journaling exercise and group discussion questions.  For the group session each week, the DVD has a short 5-10 minute interview with a lady who is facing the issue that is being discussed for that session.  This is followed by 10-15 minutes of journaling time, 15 minutes teaching session by Nicole and then ends with 20-25 minutes of discussion time.

I've enjoyed reading through this Bible study material.  Each of these issues are a common struggle for most women, and I could readily identify with what Nicole was discussing in the book.  She does make you stop and think about the things we do in life and what is driving the way we act.  It's good to take a step back and really think through the way you act.  Negatively, one thing I really didn't care for was the use of the NLT and Message Translations.  I really prefer a more literal translation.  Overall, I think the study material is worthwhile and good read.

**I received this bible study material free from Tyndale House in exchange for an honest review.

Friday, October 5, 2012

New Rewards Program for Tyndale House Publishers

Tyndale has a new Rewards Program that you can sign up for and earn points for free books and Bibles. Other perks included are: a birthday gift, FREE downloads, Prize drawings, and so much more. So sign up today by clicking this link and start earning points!! 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

All Things New by Lynn Austin

I recently read Lynn Austin's new book All Things New.  This was a new author to me, and I was pleasantly pleased with the book.  It was really enjoyable and such a great read!  Lynn Austin has a way of pulling you right into the story and making you think about what it must of been like to live during that time in history.  The story begins with the close of the Civil War.  They had been fighting for 5 years by this time.  The book describes the drastic change of life that the south had to face after they lost and the slaves where freed.   Many people maintained the old system of thought that slavery was justified and we're extremely reluctant to embrace a new way.  Each of the characters faces this struggle in different ways.  Some make the change for the better, and others wallow in defeat.
Lynn Austin did a great job portraying the time period and what all of these changes would of been like.  I definitely plan on looking up her other books to read some more works by her.  I would highly recommend this book to anyone who loves to read historical fiction. 

**I received this book free from Library Thing's Early Reviewers Program in exchange for an honest review.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Bridesmaid by Beverly Lewis

 I was privileged to get a review copy of Beverly Lewis' new book The Bridesmaid.   This is the next book in the Home to Hickory Hollow series.  Not too long ago I was able to read the first book called The FiddlerThe Bridesmaid begins with Joanna of the characters from the first book.  She was a good friend to the Englischer, Amelia.   In The Bridesmaid, Joanna and her younger sister Cora Jane do not see eye to eye on everything.  Cora Jane warns Joanna about the age old saying... "3 times a bridesmaid, never a bride", but Joanna doesn't listen and wonders if she is risking meeting someone by being a bridesmaid so many times especially considering that she is already 24 years old.  Cora Jane becomes pretty upset with Joanna when Joanna meets a young man from another state and becomes romantically attached to him.  Joanna is not sure that her long distance romance will last and maybe she will be written off as a maid.
  This was a fun, easy read.  I like to read continuing stories of characters I've previously met.  This book can be read as part of the series or a stand alone novel. It was interesting to see the characters grow as they each encountered disappointing circumstances choosing to trust God in spite of what was happening in their lives.  The plot was well written,  and I would recommend this book.

**I received this book free from Bethany House Publishers and Library Thing in exchange for an honest review.

Understanding World Religions in 15 minutes a Day by Garry R. Morgan

Author Garry R. Morgan has put together a good resource for covering the main points of different religions.  Understanding World Religions in 15 minutes a Day presents only the facts about each religion and does not have a biased viewpoint.  There are 40 chapters in the book.  Each chapter is about 4 pages long and really does only take 15 minutes or less to read.

The religions that are covered in this book are as follows:

Roman Catholic Christianity                
Eastern Orthodox Christianity
Protestant Christianity                         
Evangelical Christianity
Animism and Folk Religions                
Native American Religions
African Traditional Religions               
The Nation of Islam                              
Theravada Buddhism
Mahayana Buddism                             
Tibetan Buddism
Secular Humanism
Cults, "Isms" and Contemporary Religious Movements                            
The Unitarian-Universalist Association
The Unity School of Christianity         
The Unification Church
Christian Science                                  
Jehovah's Witnesses
Neopagan Religions                             
New Age Religions
Transcendental Meditation

I think this book would be a great resource to have on hand when dealing with others about different religions.  I know for me I often can get them confused or forget what the main facets of a particular religion are.  Morgan's book is concise and factual.  I would recommend this book for anyone who would like a quick resource on hand.

**I received this book free from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for an honest review.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Live to Give Facebook Launch Party Tonight

Click here to visit the Facebook Party page.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Tyndale's Free E-books this month

I thought I'd share these free E-books that Tyndale is having available for free during certain days in the month of September.  So take advantage of this offer and get them on your e-reader!!  The first 2 that are free from Sept. 2-29th are:

Click here to download Robot Wars.

Click here to download While the World Watched

There are more free e-books to come.  I'll make sure to post them the day they are free.

Friday, August 31, 2012

I Exalt You, O God by Jerry Bridges

I just finished reading Jerry Bridges' book, I Exalt You, O God.  This book is a 31 day devotional that is divided into 4 different sections--the Greatness, Holiness,Wisdom and Love of God.  Each day has a devotional thought and then concludes with an example of how to use Scripture in your prayer life.

I appreciate Bridges' use of Scripture.  He gives abundant support for each of his points as he describes the Greatness, Holiness,Wisdom and Love of God.  Sometimes we can lose that sense of awe and wonder about God since we rely heavily on what we can see and touch.  Bridges describes worship as "an overall way of life" but it can also mean "a specific activity." (loc. 72 in the e-book version)  We are pretty aware of specific activities of worship (Sunday morning), but our overall way of life doesn't always reflect worship of God.  "If we aren't spending time daily worshiping God, we're not apt to contribute to the corporate experience of worship.  If we aren't worshiping God during the week, how can we expect to genuinely participate in it on Sunday morning?  We may indeed go through the motions and think we have worshiped, but how can we honor and adore One on Sunday whom we have not taken time to praise and give thanks to during the week?" (loc. 178 in the e-book version)  What a convicting thought!  I know for me with 2 small kiddos in the house, worshiping God with time in the Word is a huge challenge.

If you want to be inspired with some easy reading that will make you ponder the Greatness, Holiness, Wisdom and Love of God, pick up Bridges' book.  It will also give you a great example of how to use Scripture in your prayer to God.  What a better way to pray using God's own Word.

**I received this e-book free from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing company in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Choice by Robert Whitlow

 This month, I had the great privilege of being on a blog tour for this new book by Robert Whitlow called The Choice.  The blog tour is conducted by Litfuse Publicity Group.  Below is the synopsis of the book, my thoughts and information about the author.  So take the time to read below and find out about this book.  You won't be disappointed!

About the Book: 

One young woman. Two very different roads. The choice will change everything.

Even as a pregnant, unwed teen in 1974, Sandy Lincoln wanted to do the right thing. But when an ageless woman approached her in a convenience store with a mysterious prophecy and a warning, doing the right thing became even more unclear. She made the best choice she could . . . and has lived with the consequences.

More than thirty years later, a pregnant teen has come into her life, and Sandy’s long-ago decision has come back to haunt her. The stakes rise quickly, leaving Sandy with split seconds to choose once more. But will her choice decision bring life . . . or death?

My Thoughts:
Robert Whitlow did a great job with this book.  I thought that the subject of the book was so relevant to today's society as we still battle with the idea of abortion and whether life begins at conception or not.   The book does a great job with the characters as they each face the teenage preganacy and how it effects not just the teenager but everyone around her.  I love the part in the book where Sandy (the pregnant teenager) has trouble falling asleep and decides she needs to take a sleeping pill.  But on her way to get the pill, she pauses as she realizes that it would harm the child within her.  This was quite a wake up call for Sandy as she realizes that taking the life of this child would be wrong.   I love that Sandy chose life in spite of it not being a popular or easy decision.  
This story would be a great one for any teenager to read.  It would help them to contemplate all that takes place when they don't practice abstinence before marriage.   I would highly recommend this book.  It has a great story and a strong message that life is worth it!

You can purchase your own copy of The Choice here at this link.

*** I received this book free from Litfuse Publicity Group in exchange for an honest review.

 Meet The Author: 

Robert Whitlow is the best-selling author of legal novels set in the South and winner of the prestigious Christy Award for Contemporary Fiction. A Furman University graduate, Whitlow received his J.D. with honors from the University of Georgia School of Law where he served on the staff of the Georgia Law Review. A practicing attorney, Whitlow and his wife, Kathy, have four children. They make their home in North Carolina.  For more about Robert and his other books, visit www.robertwhitlow.com.

You can click here to read what others have said about this book on the Litfuse Blog Tour page.  

Don't forget to Enter the contest below and RSVP for the Facebook Party where you can win some great prizes!!  Today is the last day to enter!

Celebrate with Robert by entering to win a Nook Color with GlowLight!

See what folks are saying about The Choice!

One "choice" winner will receive:
  • A Nook Color with GlowLight
  • A four book Robert Whitlow library (winner's choice)
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on August 27th. Winner will be announced at the "The Choice" Author Chat Facebook Party on 8/28. Meet Robert, get a sneak peek of his next book, try your hand at a trivia contest, and more. There will also be gift certificates, books and a Book Club Prize Pack to be won (10 copies for your book club or small group.)!

So grab your copy of The Choice and join Robert on the evening of the August 27th for a chance to connect with Robert and make some new friends. (If you haven't read the book - don't let that stop you from coming!)

Enter via E-mail Enter via FacebookEnter via Twitter

Don't miss a moment of the RSVP today. Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 28th!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Win a Nook Color from Robert Whitlow in The Choice Giveaway. RSVP for 8/28 Facebook Party.

Celebrate with Robert by entering to win a Nook Color with GlowLight!

See what folks are saying about The Choice!

One "choice" winner will receive:
  • A Nook Color with GlowLight
  • A four book Robert Whitlow library (winner's choice)
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on August 27th. Winner will be announced at the "The Choice" Author Chat Facebook Party on 8/28. Meet Robert, get a sneak peek of his next book, try your hand at a trivia contest, and more. There will also be gift certificates, books and a Book Club Prize Pack to be won (10 copies for your book club or small group.)!

So grab your copy of The Choice and join Robert on the evening of the August 27th for a chance to connect with Robert and make some new friends. (If you haven't read the book - don't let that stop you from coming!)

Enter via E-mail Enter via FacebookEnter via Twitter

Don't miss a moment of the RSVP today. Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 28th!

**Come back on Aug. 27th to find out what I think of the book when I post my review for the book tour!!**

Friday, July 20, 2012

Sound of Red Returning by Sue Duffy (Book 1 in Red Returning Series)

The Sound of Red Returning is a story filled with espionage.  A young musician unknowingly gets entangled in a real spy story.  After many years she thought things had settled down, but quickly realizes that her life is still in danger.  I really enjoyed this book.  The plot is exciting and quite thrilling to read.  I'm looking forward to reading the next book!  I would highly recommend this book.

**I received this book free from Kregel Publications as part of Library Thing's Early Reviewers program in exchange for an honest review.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wildflowers from Winter by Katie Ganshert

Bethany Quinn is a girl with a troubled past that she has tried to run away from.  A past that was full of insecurity and going nowhere fast.  Trying to make something of herself, she left her small town in Iowa for a fast-paced, successful life in Chicago as an architect.  In a sudden turn of events, Bethany is lured back to the town she'd like to forget and has to face a mother she'd rather not talk to.
When Bethany reaches her hometown, she finds everything still pretty much the same except a handsome stranger, Evan, is helping out on her grandfather's farm. While at home, Bethany makes peace with her past, restores a friendship that was lost, and is reminded of what true love really is.

I really enjoyed this story.  I thought that the author developed the plot well and had good depth to her characters.  I love how Bethany ends up using her talents as an architect back in her old stomping grounds.  Something that was quite unexpected by the character.  Each of the characters is battling some inner turmoil that they must deal with before it consumes them.  It was fun to read how each character came around to facing their struggles and moved past them.   Much like in our own lives, we have struggles we have to face instead of running from.  And once we finally face those struggles and overcome them through Christ, we are far better than we were before.

Below you can read the first chapter of the Wildflowers from Winter.
Wildflowers from Winter by Katie Ganshert (Chapter 1 Excerpt)

You can read more about the author here at her website.  I'm looking forward to the next book due out in March 2013 called Wishing on Willows.

**I received this book free from Waterbrook Publishing Group through the Blogging for Books Program in exchange for an honest review.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Fiddler by Beverly Lewis

I don't know what it is about the Amish, but Englischers are sure fascinated by their lifestyle.   Maybe it is their peaceful living or the way they adhere to strict rules yet seem happy.  One thing is for sure, a lot of books have been written about them!  The Fiddler by Beverly Lewis is another great story involving the Amish people.  Amelia Devries is a concert violinist who seems to have everything--boyfriend, promising career and a loving, devoted family.  Yet deep inside she is struggling with if she is truly happy following the plans that others have made for her.  Through a series of events, Amelia meets an Amishman named Michael who is struggling with many of the same things she is.  The two of them hit it off, but both wonder if an Englischer and an Amishman could ever be together.

Beverly Lewis created an interesting plot using music as Amelia's background.  I enjoyed this facet since I myself am a musician.  I guess I never thought about the Amish and what they allow for music.  Music is such a part of my life, I can't imagine not being able to enjoy classical or many other genres.  It is always interesting to read about the Amish people and their lifestyle.  It's so foreign to our way of thinking.  I'm so glad that God doesn't look at what we do to merit any favor with Him, and that our relationship with Him is based only on Christ's finished work.  Overall, this book was a good read and one I would recommend.

**I received this book free from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for an honest review.

Monday, April 23, 2012

The New Voice Bible by Thomas Nelson Publishers

A little while ago, I received The Voice New Testament Bible from Thomas Nelson Publishers and the E-book version from Booksneeze to review.  This Bible is a whole new translation not based on any other previous translation.   It was translated by Ecclesia Bible Society and included 27 Bible scholars, 51 writers, and 36 others contributors. The Voice is written in a dialogue form rather than just chapter and verses.  Each Book has an introduction and the following verses are written in story form having the name of the speaker before the verse so you know who is talking.  For example, Jesus is listed at the beginning of John 3:10 because He is the speaker for the next 11 verses.

Below is a sample of translation of John 3:16:
"For God expressed His love for the world in this way: He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not face everlasting destruction, but will have everlasting life."

The introduction to this Bible has several lists for Readings to Celebrate Advent or Lent and Easter.  There is also a schedule for reading the New Testament in 24 weeks and 40 days of readings for personal growth.

I think that this translation is really unique in how it is written in story form.  I think the translation is well done and would be a benefit as a study companion Bible to be used with a literal translation Bible like NASB or ESV.  This Bible would lend itself well to dramatic presentational readings of Scripture since the speakers are well identified.  The Bible is well laid out in structure and content on the pages and it is easily read and understood since it is written in the language that we use in our current culture.  I would recommend this Bible as a good study companion to your literal translations.

***I received this free paperback Bible from Thomas Nelson publishers and the free e-book version from Booksneeze in exchange for an honest review.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Whole by Lisa Whittle

Lisa Whittle's book, Whole, is about the holes that we create in our lives when we turn to everything else to satisfy us instead of turning to God for that satisfaction.  Lisa writes, "Our comfortable religious traditions can make us feel spiritually productive, maybe even spiritually complete.  But in the process, they can obstruct our view of God.  The reality is that though we feel like we are making efforts toward loving Him, we may simply be in love with our religion." (pg. 25)  Lisa describes well how easy it is to get so busy being involved doing good things, yet not having a love for the One whom you are serving.

I appreciated her openness about the things she had learned in her life.  Lisa grew up as a PK (pastor's kid) and struggled with outward performance that didn't stem from an inward reality of love for Christ.  It is easy to get lost in trying to perform or do what is expected of you, yet miss what Christianity is really about--loving God first and foremost with all your heart.  There were parts where I kinda felt like that books was a little redundant, and sometimes didn't agree with  what she was saying about religion.  But overall it was a good read that made you think.

***I received this book free from Tyndale House in exchange for an honest review of this book.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Free Monthly E-book Downloads from Tyndale

Sign up for Tyndale's E-book Extra Newsletter and receive monthly free e-book downloads!!!  E-books up right now that are available for free are:

So, sign up and get some free books each month for your reader.  Remember that you don't need a reader to have e-books.  You can download a free kindle reader for your computer to get these books for free.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Simply Grilling by Jennifer Chandler

I was so excited when I saw that BookSneeze had a cookbook up to review!  Simply Grilling is written by Jennifer Chandler.  She has been featured on episodes of the Food Network's Dinner Impossible and Martha Stewart's Everyday Food XM/Sirius radio program.
The introduction to the book covers everything you need to know about grilling--both indoors and out.  The book is meant to make grilling easy with "quick-cooking items that you can dress up with a simple sauce or marinade." (pg. vii)  In her cookbook she covers 8 different categories--Starters, Poultry, Meat, seafood, Salads, Vegetables and Sides, and Sweet Endings.  Each recipe has a full page picture with it taken by photographer, Justin Fox Burks.

This book looks great!  The photography is outstanding and I love that each recipe has a picture.  I am partial to pictures and love to see a finished product of what I am making.  The recipes sound so delicious and I can't wait to get out the grill and try some of these amazing recipes.  Jennifer Chandler has done a great job putting together recipes that not only sound delicious but they look very appealing too.  Jennifer also has 2 other books called--Simply Suppers and Simple Salads.  You can take a look at this book on Amazon.com by clicking on this link.  You can also read more about Jennifer at her website and Facebook page. 

**I received this book for free from BookSneeze in exchange for an honest review.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Maid of Fairbourne Hall by Julie Klassen

I recently received The Maid of Fairbourne Hall and had the pleasure of reading it. Below is an overview of the book and my review.  Make sure to read at the end of the post the details about the Facebook party, Kindle Fire Giveaway and Downtown Abbey gift pack!!!  You won't want to miss it!

About the book:
To escape a scheme to marry her off to a dishonorable man, Margaret Macy flees London disguised as a housemaid. If she can remain unwed until her next birthday, she will receive an inheritance, and with it, sweet independence. But she never planned on actually working as a servant. And certainly not in the home of Nathaniel and Lewis Upchurch--both former suitors.

As she fumbles through the first real work of her life, Margaret struggles to keep her identity secret when suspicions arise and prying eyes visit Fairbourne Hall. Can she avoid a trap meant to force her from hiding?

My Thoughts:
I loved this book!!!  I thought that Julie Klassen did an amazing job of putting together her storyline.  She kept me interested all the way to the end of her novel.  Her book truly is like watching a great PBS Jane Austen movie.  Many times I read a book and then think it was good but not one I want to keep in my library to loan out or read again.  This book is definitely a keeper and I will be looking for other Julie Klassen books to read in the future.

If you want to buy the book--paper back or kindle version, Click here.
You can read what others are saying about the book on the blog tour by clicking here.

About Julie:

Julie Klassen loves all things Jane--Jane Eyre and Jane Austen. A graduate of the University of Illinois, Julie worked in publishing for sixteen years and now writes full time. She has won the Christy Award: Historical Romance for The Silent Governess (2010) and The Girl in the Gatehouse (2011) which also won the 2010 Midwest Book Award for Genre Fiction. Julie and her husband have two sons and live in a suburb of St. Paul, Minnesota.

For more information, visit www.julieklassen.com

Giveaway and Facebook Party Details:

Don't miss the perfect blend of Regency-era romance and mystery in The Maid of Fairbourne Hall! Grab a copy and then be sure to enter Julie's Kindle Fire Giveaway and RSVP for her Author Chat party on Facebook! Swoon.

One fortunate winner will receive:
  • A brand new Kindle Fire
  • A Julie Klassen Library (The Maid of Fairbourne Hall, The Girl in the Gatehouse, and The Silent Governess)
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends 3/14/12. Winner will be announced at Julie's Fairbourne Hall Book Chat Party on 3/15. Julie will be hosting an evening of chat, trivia and a sneak peek of her next book - bring your friends! She'll also be giving away some GREAT prizes: gift certificates, books and a Downton Abbey Prize Pack (Seasons 1 and 2)!

So grab your copy of The Maid of Fairbourne Hall and join Julie and friends on the evening of March 15th for a book chat party.
Enter via Twitter
Enter via E-mail Enter via Facebook
Don't miss a moment of the fun. RSVP today and tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on March 15th!

**I received this book free from Litfuse Publicity Group in exchange for an honest review.

BLIND DESCENT by Brian Dickinson

  Have you ever wanted to climb a mountain? I can say that thought has never crossed my mind. Scaling the highest peaks has never been on my...