Monday, November 5, 2012

Christ Our Mediator by C.J. Mahaney

Christ Our Mediator by C. J. Mahaney is an excellent book that discusses the impact of the cross and how that relates to Christ as the bridge between God and man.  There are 8 chapters in this book:

1. The Divine Order
2. The Divine Dilemma
3. The Divine Rescue
4. Staring into the Cup
5. Your Face in the Crowd
6. The Scream of the Damned
7. What God Understands
8. Assurance and Joy

Mahaney takes his readers on a journey beginning with the reason we need a Mediator in the first place.  He then explores the reality of what Christ went through to become that Mediator for all who would come to the Father.  He then ends with the assurance and joy that can come from having a cross-centered life.

This was the first book I have read by C. J. Mahaney and I really enjoyed it!  It was a quick, easy read that made me think.  I like books that leave me wanting to meditate on the truths that were discussed.   I think the chapter on Your Face in the Crowd really struck me.  I had thought about the cross and how Christ died for my sin, but I had not imagined myself in that crowd that crucified Him.  But I would of been there before coming to Him for salvation.  Mahaney says, "I identify most with the angry mob screaming, 'Crucify Him!'  That's who we should all identify with.  Because apart from God's grace, this is where we would all be standing, and we're only flattering ourselves to think otherwise." (Loc. 670 in e-book)  Another chapter I really liked was What God Understands.  Mahaney writes, "But I do know that in our time of deepest affliction, none of us find comfort by endlessly focusing on that suffering.  There's an element of mystery in all our suffering, and in this life we can't fully understand it, yet we face a subtle temptation to relive and review our suffering.  That's an exercise that will never bring rest and release.  What will bring rest and release is spending more time meditating on the cross and the God of the cross." (Loc. 822 in e-book) I often find myself re-hashing my suffering.  I meditate on that instead of the God of the cross.  I get stuck in the pit of my despair wallowing in the muck, joyless and depressed.  But David says that God will lift us up out of that miry pit and put our feet on a rock.  A right focus is critical when facing suffering in this life.  Finally in the last chapter, I really appreciated this thought, "And the inevitable result of preaching the gospel to yourself will be a pronounced joy, and infectious joy, a consistent joy." (Loc. 943 in e-book)   "So cultivate this continually meditating on the gospel.  Let the cross always be the treasure of your heart, your best and highest thought...and your passionate preoccupation." (Loc. 952 in e-book)  There is joy to be found in the cross!

Pick up C. J. Mahaney's book today and read it for yourself.  I highly recommend it.

**I received this free e-book from Blogging for Books program by Waterbrook Publishing Company in exchange for an honest review of this book.  All opinions are my own.

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