Friday, December 22, 2017

Imperfect Justice (Book 2, Hidden Justice series) by Cara Putman

Are you into the thriller, romantic suspense genre? Cara Putman has recently released her latest novel in the Hidden Justice series called Imperfect Justice. This novel is one you'll definitely want to check out. Read below to find out why!

From the Back Cover:
To the world it seems obvious: Kaylene Adams killed her daughter and then was shot by police. Attorney Emilie Wesley knows a different story: Kaylene would never hurt anyone and was looking for a way out of a controlling, abusive relationship. Her death shakes Emile's belief that she can make a difference for women in violent marriages. Self-doubt plagues her as she struggles to continue her work in the wake of the tragedy.

Reid Billings thought he knew his sister--right up until he learned how she died. He discovers a letter from Kaylene begging him to fight for custody of her daughters if anything should happen to her. No attorney in her right mind would support an uncle instead of the father in a custody case, but Kaylene's letter claims Emilie Wesley will help him.

Thrown together in the race to save Kaylene's surviving daughter, Emilie and Reid pursue the constantly evasive truth. If they can hang on to hope together, can they save a young girl--and find a future for themselves in the process?

My Thoughts:
I thought this novel was well written and definitely lives up to its genre of suspenseful thriller. It was a story I couldn't put down, but one that had me tense with anticipation as to what would happen next. I liked how Cara's characters are a group of friends, and how they each play a part in the other's lives. It's fun to read about characters in the beginning of a series and see them show up in the subsequent novels. It makes you feel a little familiar with the story even though you are reading a new book. I will say that even though I have not read the first book in this series, it did not hinder me from beginning with the second book. You can tell there is a story with Andrew and Hayden, but not knowing that story didn't interfere with me enjoying this novel. I would definitely recommend this series to anyone who loves mystery and suspense. So make sure to pick this one up the next time you're looking for a new book to read!

My Rating: ★★★★
Make sure to take a look at Cara's Website here and also check out her Pinterest page about Imperfect Justice, including pictures of Emilie and Reid.

***I received this complimentary book from Litfuse Publicity Group. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Little Iffy Learns to Fly by Aaron Zenz

Are you looking for a fun, new book for a young child in your life?  I am so excited to be a part of a blog tour for Little Iffy Learns to Fly by Aaron Zenz. This book was just released in October and is great for kids ages 1-5 years old.

Little Iffy is a fun, sweet character who happens to be a griffin who is afraid to fly. His friends are concerned, but Little Iffy is content to stay down on the ground. Iffy's friend, Eggs Pegasus, is determined to help Iffy and has devised a plan. But will Eggs' plan work?

I thought the book was great, and enjoyed looking at all of the beautiful art that Aaron has drawn. The illustrations will definitely keep a little one's attention.  My two boys, ages 3 and 5, thoroughly enjoyed reading this story with me. In fact, my three year old even thought that he would try flying like Little Iffy and Eggs. This was definitely worth videoing.

I loved how the story naturally leads into some great questions you can have with your children.  Little Iffy struggles with being scared of trying something new, and I think that all kids can relate to that in some way. It's a great story to show that it's normal to be afraid of trying new things, but we shouldn't let that keep us from trying. I also loved how Little Iffy's friends are all around him encouraging him to try something new. It's a good example of how friends can stick together and support one another.

If you're looking for a great, new book to add to your home library, make sure to pick up Little Iffy Learns to Fly to enjoy with your kids.

My Rating: ★★★★★

Now, make sure to hop over to these other blogs to find out what they are saying about Little Iffy too!

Mile High Reading:
Seven Impossible Things:
100 Scope Notes:
Librarian's Quest:
Kids Talk Kid Lit  :
Nerdy Book Club  :
Picturebooking Podcast  :

***I received this complimentary book from the author. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Sing: How Worship Transforms Your Life, Family, and Church by Keith and Kristyn Getty

Keith and Kristyn Getty, who have written many beautiful hymns for corporate worship, have written a book called Sing! This book's primary focus is not on how to better improve the singing of your worship team, but encourages a different question--How is your congregation singing?

Often the focus for worship is shifted to the musicians and those on the stage who are leading which results in the congregation becoming spectators like at a concert. We are all commanded to sing together to edifiy one another, not as an island promoting ourselves.

I think this book is a great resource for all believers and is desperately needed in our churches. It reminds us that there is a far bigger picture in this life than ourselves, and that church music must be evaluated in light of God's grand plan for the church.

My Rating: ★★★★★

***I received this complimentary book from B&H Publishing Group. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

365 Classic Bedtime Bible Stories inspired by Jesse Lyman Hurlbut's Story of the Bible and Illustrated by Alessia Girasole

I'm always looking for fun new books to share with my kids. This new book from Barbour Publishing, 365 Classic Bedtime Bible Stories,  just released this month on November 1st.

From the Back Cover:

Fully-illustrated Bedtime Bible Stories make the Bible come alive for little hearts

Beginning with the creation story, "God Creates the Earth," and ending with "In Eternity with God," children will develop faith in an almighty God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever, while journeying alongside Bible characters including:
Moses, Jonah, Hannah, John the Baptist, Joseph, Samuel, Esther, David, Mary, and many more!
365 Classic Bedtime Bible Stories provides a year's supply of best-loved Bible stories and promises to make bedtime reading a delightful learning and faith-building experience for both you and your kids.

My Review:
I enjoyed looking through the stories and seeing all the bright, colorful pictures. The Illustrations are interesting and are fun to look at for kids. The book is recommended for ages 3 and up, but some of the stories may be a bit hard for little ones to understand. I liked the fact that this book goes through much of Scripture from Genesis through Nehemiah for the Old Testament and most of that is chapter by chapter. The New Testament begins with the Gospels, includes Acts and ends with Revelation. This book includes all of your typical children's Bible stories, but also includes some of the stories other books skip because they seem unpleasant. Of course, as with all books you must read critically examining the truth of what someone has written to make sure it is true to Scripture. You will find some discrepancies in some of the stories like David Spares Saul's Life on page 114. They have written that Saul was sleeping in the cave when in actuality he was using the restroom. So while some of the stories in this book are great, others will require the parent to explain things better. I do appreciate that each story in this book has the corresponding Scripture given so that the parent is able to read the Bible story.

My Rating:★★★

***I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Blind Spot (book 3, Chesapeake Valor series) by Dani Pettrey

It's been fun following this newest series by Dani Pettrey called, Chesapeake Valor.  In book 3, Blind Spot, Declan Grey and Tanner Shaw finally have their story in print.

From the Back Cover:
"The wrath is coming" were the final words that FBI agent Declan Grey heard the suicide bomber say. Now Declan is in the chase of his life--but isn't sure exactly what he's chasing after or when the threat will be unleashed on American soil. When his investigation's best clue leads him to a closed immigrant community, he turns to Tanner Shaw for assistance. She's sought justice for refugees and the displaced around the world, and if there's anyone who can help him, it's Tanner.
Tanner Shaw has joined the FBI as a crisis counselor...meaning she now has more opportunity to butt heads with Declan. As they work together to uncover the mounting threat, the tension between them also includes a spark she can't deny--and she's pretty sure Declan feels the same. But before anything more can develop, they find themselves in a race against time to stop the coming "wrath" that could cost thousands their lives.

My Review:
Blind Spot was another great read! I loved all the suspense throughout the story.  This book just pulled me in and didn't let go. This series should definitely be read in order! Each books introduces a little more knowledge that you must know in order to see the complete story.  I love that all of the characters I was introduced to in the first book, Cold Shot, still have important parts in each subsequent novel even though their personal story might not be the one that is focused on. I think it helps the reader to connect with the characters even more. I'm really looking forward to reading her next book as this one ends with quite the cliffhanger!  If you're looking for a book that will keep you up until the wee hours of the morning, pick up this series by Dani Pettrey!

***I received this complimentary copy of the book from Bethany House Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

12 Days at Bleakly Manor by Michelle Griep

Do you love to read mysteries? Well, here is a current mystery book that you should check out! Michelle Griep has started a new series called Once Upon a Dickens Christmas, and her first book, 12 Days at Bleakly Manor, just released. 

From the Back Cover:
A mysterious invitation to spend Christmas at an English manor home may bring danger...and love? 
England, 1851: When Clara Chapman receives an intriguing invitation to spend Christmas at an English manor home, she is hesitant yet feels compelled to attend—for if she remains the duration of the twelve-day celebration, she is promised a sum of five hundred pounds.
But is she walking into danger? it appears so, especially when she comes face to face with one of the other guests--her former fiance, Benjamin Lane.
Imprisoned unjustly, Ben wants revenge on whoever stole his honor. When he's given the chance to gain his freedom, he jumps at it--and is faced with the anger of the woman he stood up at the altar. Brought together under mysterious circumstances, Clara and Ben discover that what they've been striving for isn't what ultimately matters.
What matters most is what Christmas is all

My Thoughts:
 Since this was the first book I had read by Michelle Griep, I did not have any kind of expectations. After the first chapter of this book, I was hooked. I love a good mystery, and this one reminded me of when I read my first Agatha Christie book in high school. The story has that element of old, spooky house with a crazy cast of characters who are all vying for a prize of some sort. The beginning of the story only told parts and pieces of the real backstory of the main character, Clara Chapman. The lack of information really pushes the reader to read on trying to figure out what has happened. The plight of the main character draws on your emotions and causes you to inwardly hope for the character to have something turn in her favor.  The author has done a fabulous job drawing in the reader and providing some great enjoyable reading. So if you're looking for a fun new series to start especially one about Christmas, check out Michelle's newest series, Once Upon a Dickens Christmas!
Look for book 2 in the Once Upon a Dickens Christmas series, A Tale of Two Hearts, coming Fall of 2018.

My Rating: ★★★★★

*** I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Master's Mind: The Art of Reshaping Your Thoughts by Lance Hahn

Lance Hahn, senior pastor of Bridgeway Christian church in Rocklin, California.  has written a new book, The Master's Mind.  This book is about changing our thinking with the truth of God's Word. Our thoughts can be under attack daily by all that we face each day, and we must know how to battle these onslaughts if we are to take every thought captive.

From the Back Cover:
Why are so many of us insecure depressed, and confused? This is not the condition God has in mind for us. In fact, the Master's overwhelming desire is to see us full of hope, strength, peace, joy, and love. So where do we go wrong? How do we overcome all the negativity we encounter?
As pastor Lance Hahn explains, what we think determines who we are. An identity that is not anchored in Christ's work on the cross ends up tossed about on the sea of a million random influences. Between the world, the flesh and the Devil, we don't know what to think. When someone other than God is running the show in our minds, our lives are filled with hurt, pain, and regret.
The Master's Mind shows just how much God wants to strengthen our minds and enable us to rise above the noise that seeks to overwhelm us. Pastor Lance know firsthand the power that comes from a mind at rest, trusting God's goodness despite the voices in our heads.
It's time for us to take back control of our minds, to master them and bring them back in alignment with the Master's will. It's time to return to the Master's mind.

My Thoughts:
I found that as I read this book, some of the statements were great insights that made me think through different aspects of my thinking. But other statements were frustrating to me, and left me wondering about his theology. I don't know if I'm just being too picky, but overall I really did not like this book. I think part of it had to do with his writing style that did not appeal to me. If you are determined to read this book, pick it up from your local library first. This is not a book that I would recommend to others.

My Rating: ★

***I received this complimentary book from Handlebar Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own. 

Friday, October 27, 2017

The Dishonorable Miss DeLancey by Carolyn Miller

 If you like reading books from the Regency time period, then make sure to take time to pick up Carolyn Miller's newest book, The Dishonorable Miss Delancey. This novel is the 3rd book of the Regency Brides: A Legacy of Grace series.

This novel tells the story of Miss Clara DeLancey who has not had the greatest character traits in the previous novels from this series. But in this novel, Miss Clara has been shattered by heartbreak and is coming to some personal conclusions about herself and her character. When a dashing young man rescues her from death, she realizes that she wants to live her life and not succumb to the hopeless feelings of her heart. This dashing young man, Captain Benjamin Kemsley, has no idea who the young lady is because she is dressed in a dark cloak with a hood. After relaying the story to his sisters, the sisters decide they must find out who this mysterious lady is.

My Thoughts:
I enjoyed reading this story. Miss Clara DeLancey has a lot of changing to do. It was interesting watching her character change from how she had been brought up thinking more of herself to actually thinking more about people as people and not a stepping stone in the societal structure. The story moved at a good pace and kept me interested throughout the book. I liked that it was a clean romance story and look forward to reading more of Carolyn's works.

My Rating: ★★★★

**I received this complimentary book from Kregel Publications. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

All She Left Behind by Jane Kirkpatrick

Jane Kirkpatrick is known for writing books that are based on real history from America's past eras. All She Left Behind is no different and tells the story of an amazing woman named, Jane E. Pickett, also known as Jennie.

From the Back Cover:
Already well-versed in the natural healing properties of herbs and oils, Jennie Pickett longs to become a doctor. But the Oregon frontier of the 1870s is an unforgiving place--especially for a single mother. To support herself and her young son, Jennie finds work caring for an older woman. When her patient dies, Jennie discovers that her heart has become entangled with the woman's widowed husband, a man many years her senior. Their unlikely romance may lead her to her ultimate goal--but the road forward is uncertain.

My Thoughts:
I love that Jane Kirkpatrick writes about these amazing stories of women long forgotten by time, and brings their stories to life for a new generation. I have enjoyed her stories over the years, and this one is just as great. Jane Pickett's story is one of courage and determination to follow a life long dream even when it didn't seem possible. The author draws the reader into the story and connects her with the characters, which makes it hard to put the book down. The historical side of this story is so vivid and brings American history to life. And then the fact that these characters were real people back in the 1870's, makes the story that much grander. If you're looking for a great historical fiction book, then pick up Jane Kirkpatrick's newest book, All She Left Behind! It's a great book to add to your personal library.

My Rating: ★★★★

***I received this complimentary book from Revell Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Action Storybook Bible Kindle Fire Giveaway

Are your kids into graphic novels? Then here is a product you should check out! David C. Cook has released The Action Storybook Bible which is a Bible that merges the graphic novel idea with a paraphrased Bible. Read below and find out this new product for kids.
About the book:

The Action Storybook Bible invites families with children ages 8 and under explore God's redemptive story together.
From the sleek and amazing creatures God created at the beginning of the world to the powerful kings who reigned over ancient Israel to Jesus's gift of eternal life for you and your family-God has a beautiful and exciting plan for the world. Where do you fit into that plan? How are the truths found in God's Word reflected in your life?
This Bible storybook features 15 episodes highlighting key milestones in God's story, packed with dozens of scenes-combining stories from God's Word with brand-new captivating illustrations from Brazilian master-artist Sergio Cariello, illustrator of the bestselling The Action Bible. Discover your family's place in God's redemptive story and together put your faith into action!
Interactive features include:
-Fifteen episodes loaded with over 350 brand-new illustrations from master-artist Sergio Cariello.
-Short and easy reading for all ages. Take turns telling God's redemptive story!
-The Life, Faith, Action! feature wraps up each episode and helps your family recognize how God is moving through each story, discover how that relates to your daily lives, and feel inspired to put your faith into action.
-Heroes Hall of Fame index, where you can look up your favorite Bible characters and discover their stories!

My Thoughts:
I thought that merging these two ideas together was interesting. I know that graphic novels have caught my daughter's attention, and she enjoys reading them. This product is great for kids who love those types of books and would get them interested in reading Bible stories. This Storybook Bible is for ages 8 and younger. The younger kids would be able to "read" the story by the pictures making it great for the younger generation who is beginning to read. Be aware that this Storybook Bible is more like reading a storybook and not a literal Bible translation. This Storybook Bible gives an overview of the whole story beginning in Genesis with creation and ending with Christ's return in Revelation. Each chapter ends with a section called Life, Faith, Action! This section gives the overall thought from the chapter that has been read, and ways your family can put into action what you've just learned.  Then there is also a chapter included at the end of the book that is a summary based on the entire Bible along with an index called a Hall of Fame Visual Index. This index is unique in that there are pictures from the pages throughout the Storybook Bible along with the Bible character's name and then a description. Overall, I think it's a fun product for kids and gets them to read more about God's big story being accomplished through the people of scripture. And like I said, I would treat this like a storybook rather than a literal Bible.
Don't forget to enter the Kindle Fire Giveaway by clicking on the graphic below. Contest ends on September 29th! And take some time to check out the blog tour by clicking here and find out what others had to say about this book.
 ***I received this free Bible from Lituse Publicity Group. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

About the authors:

Catherine has written more than twenty-five books for children, including the bestselling "Adventure Bible Storybook." As publisher of children's resources at David C Cook, she leads product development for The Action Bible® collection, which has sold more than a million copies. Catherine lives with her husband, their three children, and their big furry dog in the Colorado forest. ||**|| Brazilian-born Sergio Cariello has been an accomplished artist since childhood, drawing a regular comic strip for his city's newspaper at age 11. He spent many childhood hours poring over "The Picture Bible" (Portuguese edition), never dreaming he would illustrate an updated edition ("The Action Bible") decades later. Sergio has worked for Marvel Comics and DC comics and has illustrated Batman, Spiderman, Superman, Iron-Man, Wonder Woman, Fantastic-Four, and dozens more comic book characters.
Find out more about Catherine and at 
Giveaway Information: 
Discover your family's place in God's incredible story and together put your faith into action with the new The Action Storybook Bible from David C Cook! Explore God's redemptive story together with your children ages 8 and under in the 15 episodes highlighting key milestones in God's story. Master-artist Sergio Cariello created more than 350 brand-new illustrations to captivate your family and help you recognize how God is moving through each story. 
Join the adventure to begin to figure out where you fit into God's beautiful and exciting plan for the world by entering to win the Kindle Fire giveaway!

One grand prize winner will receive:
Enter today by clicking the icon below, but hurry! The giveaway ends on September 29. The winner will be announced October 2 on the Litfuse blog.

Monday, September 25, 2017

The Two of Us by Victoria Bylin

Sometimes our hurt motivates us to move in a totally different direction in order to escape the pain. But as each of these characters must see first hand in their own lives, only God can heal their hearts. Check out Victoria Bylin's newest novel, The Two of Us, below and find out more about Mia and Jake's story.

From the Back Cover:
After two broken engagements, Mia Robinson is done with dating. From now on, she's focusing on God and her goal to join an international aid organization as a nurse practitioner. But when her 18-year-old sister, Lucy, calls with an invitation to her Vegas wedding, it throws a wrench into Mia's plans.
Jake Tanner has recovered from the injuries he sustained as a police officer--on the outside. Inside, he's yet to heal from losing his partner in the tragedy, but finds some solace in keeping an eye on her young adult son, Sam, who's asked him to be best man at his wedding.
Mia expects a mess when she arrives to sort out the situation with Lucy, but she wasn't expecting Jake, who views the marriage a little differently. As Jake's and Mia's lives slowly become more intertwined, could his courage and her caring heart be enough to bring them a lifetime of healing?

My Thoughts:
I thought that this story was a fun, easy read. The author did a great job at keeping the story line moving. It was not hard to pick this book up whenever I had a free moment. I thought the characters were easy to relate to, and each character was well-developed. While this is one I wouldn't add to my shelves as a treasured favorite, I would recommend it as fun, light reading. So if contemporary fiction is your thing, make sure to check out Victoria Bylin's newest novel, The Two of Us.

My Rating: ★★★

***I received this free novel from Bethany House Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Brave Beauty: Finding the Fearless You (Faithgirlz) by Lynn Cowell

Do you remember that awkward stage going from little kid to teenager? It can be full of uncertainty as you are growing up. Lynn Cowell has written a 100 mini chapter devotional to help girls ages 8-12 think through all of the situations they are facing and to approach them in the light of their relationship with God.

From the Back Cover:
100 Courage-Building Ways to Find Your Confidence in God
What's Ahead? Where do I fit in? What am I good at?
Whether you put these concerns into words or struggles inside with these thoughts, it's normal to have questions like these on your heart. Proverbs 31 Ministries speaker Lynn Cowell offers 100 courage-building ways for readers to find answers by growing confident in God.

My Thoughts:
Brave Girls goes through many different topics for girls in that 8-12 year range. The topics vary from relationships with friends and family, to changes your body goes through with puberty. The first section deals with salvation which i think is a great place to start as these young girls begin to think through all that a relationship with Christ means for their lives. I was disappointed that the author didn't really go into more depth about our salvation in Christ. It seemed like she approached it from kids who grew up in the church hearing about Christ every Sunday. Sin wasn't really explained in any depth, and I would of liked to of seen more of a firm background as to why we even need a Savior in the first place. Besides this first part, the everyday practical things are addressed in a causal, conversational manner between author and reader. The reading is easy and kids could read through this book on their own. The author gives a general thought, some Scripture, a getting to know you or becoming brave section and then ends with a courageous call. Overall, I wasn't really thrilled with this book. It's okay, but I don't think I'll be passing it on to my daughter who is 9 years old. I would like something with a little more "meat" to it.

My Rating: ★★

***I received this free book from Handlebar. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Monday, September 18, 2017

God Made the World by Debbie Rivers-Moore & Emma Haines

Do you have a friend or family member who is expecting an arrival of a new baby in the family? This sweet little cloth book is a great gift for a new baby. It is soft and great for babies who put everything into their mouths. The front page is very crinkly which infants love to hear and investigate. The story is simple and printed on colorful pages. The illustrations are cute, and I like the final page being a mirror. Babies love seeing the "other" baby in the reflection. If you're looking for a fun little gift for a baby, pick up this great cloth book. I think it would make a great addition to any present.

*** I received this free book from Kregel Publications. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Friday, September 15, 2017

My Heart Belongs in the Shenandoah Valley by Andrea Boeshaar

Andrea Boeshaar has released a new novel set in the Shenandoah Valley in 1816.  My Heart Belongs in the Shenandoah Valley is an interesting story that is worth checking out.

From the Back Cover:
Captain McAlister "Mac" Albright has purchased land in the Shenandoah Valley. However, the land belongs to Lilyanna Laughlin--or so she erroneously thinks. Mac set her straight and despite a poor start, the two become friends...if only he were financially stable enough to offer her more.
When Lily's life is threatened and his whole future goes up in flames, Mac truly becomes a man without means, and Lily is forced to make the impossible choice between a loveless marriage with a man twice her age or the man who has shown her what true love could be. How can she choose between love and economic security? Her family is depending on her. Is her heart destined to break?
Journey into Virginia's Shenandoah Valley of 1816 where a woman's dreams and future happiness are on the line.

My Thoughts:
I thought that the author did a good job with the storyline, keeping it moving along and pulling in the reader. I always find the historical aspect of these stories interesting since it is so different from the time period we live in today. Andrea Boeshaar did a great job with painting a picture of a different time in history. I liked the interaction between the characters and how a young, naive woman learns that life is not always as it appears. I wished that the ending would of been a little longer and wrapped things up a little more than it did. It seemed to rushed at the end for me. That being said, the ending will not keep you hanging.

My Rating: ★★★★

***I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review. All opinions are my own.

The Big Picture Interactive: Bible Story Coloring and Activity book by B&H Kids

The Big Picture Interactive has a lot of great products for different kid's Bibles and devotionals.  "The Big Picture Interactive has been creating products that focus on the big story, draw our attention to God, and point us to Jesus at every turn." (pg. 3) Along with that line of products, B&H Kids has also released a coloring and activity book. The Bible Story Coloring & Activity Book is a great resource as you are reading through your Big Picture Interactive Bible. The coloring book begins with the Old Testament and creation, and proceeds through the main stories of the Old Testament. Then also covers the New Testament too. There are not only coloring pages but also word searches, matching, hidden pictures, mazes, secret codes, hidden messages, color by number and more. This coloring book would be great for kids ages 4-8 years old.
I like how the stories tie-in to the Big Picture Interactive Bible to reinforce the story your teaching. And I like how they have included lots of fun activities to keep the kids engaged with learning. This is a great resource that would make a fun gift for your kids.

You can find this book online by clicking here.

My Rating: ★★★★

***I received this free book from B&H Kids. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Praying for Girls by Teri Lynne Underwood

Every mom wants the best for her children. Life is challenging, and we wonder how our kids will handle life as they are growing up in this world. Will they move closer to God or will they turn away? As a mom of a young girl who is a year away from middle school, I wonder how my prayer life could be better in praying for her. Teri Lynne Underwood has written a book called Praying for Girls that is a resource for parents in their prayer life as they pray for their daughters. As our world continues to grow darker, our life should be more and more filled with prayer. Teri covers 5 different areas of prayer for her daughter that she has focused on, and each of these 5 main topics covers 4 different character traits.

1. Prayers for Her Identity--Image-Bearer, Loved, Known, Accepted
2. Prayers for Her Heart--Pure, Kept, Content, Undivided
3. Prayers for Her Mind--Stayed, Renewed, Guarded, Peaceful
4. Prayers for Her Relationships--Humility, Wisdom, Generosity, Love
5. Prayers for Her Purpose--Salvation, Sanctification, Steadfast, Share

Each chapter begins with a verse and discusses the character trait. Teri then gives several examples of prayers that parents can pray for their daughter based on Scripture. For example: "Lord, may ___________ know her identity is found in You and rest in the knowledge she is made in Your image. (Genesis 1:27)"  She then has a paragraph called just for moms and finally in her girl talk section gives ways a parent can discuss the trait with their child whether a little girl, a "middle" girl or an older girl.
I think the book is a good resource in helping parents with their prayer life for their daughters. I appreciated that her prayer examples are directly related to Scripture. And I liked what she had to say at the end of the book about prayer.

           "Of all the lessons I've learned, this one stands out: Prayer changes me. Every time. When I     pray for her to love the Lord, He shows me how to love Him more. When I pray for her to have a pure heart, He reveals the areas I need to confess. When I pray for her to have a renewed mind, He gives me a new focus and passion for Him. When I pray for her to be loving in her relationships, He helps me learn to love others better. And when I pray for her to walk in the purpose He has for her, He points me toward the purpose He has for me as well."

Prayer is never a waste of time. It is not only a way we can take all of our heavy concerns about our children to our Father, but it also changes us. If you're looking for some direction in how to pray better for your daughter, pick up Teri's book, Praying for Girls, a great resource and addition to your home library.

My Rating: ★★★

**I received this free book from Bethany House Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

The Legacy by Michael Phillips (Secrets of the Shetlands book 3)

If you have been following along in the Secret of the Shetland series by Michael Phillips, then you'll be excited to know that the third and final book in the series has been released. The Legacy is the book to wrap up all these loose ends and bring this Shetland Island story to an end.

From the Back Cover:
Loni Ford's unexpected inheritance of substantial real estate--not to mention a title--in the Shetland Islands has caused more than a stir in the quiet fishing hamlet of Whales Reef. How can life ever be the same with an outsider--and a woman at that--playing such a pivotal role in the life of this traditional community? But it isn't just the locals who have deep misgivings about the current situation. Loni herself never imagined this in her wildest dreams and wonders whether she's cut out for it.
Loni would hardly let herself acknowledge that she's falling in love--with Whales Reef, with its hardy people, and with local chieftain David Tulloch, whose inheritance she has usurped, at least in the eyes of some. Or has she merely been seduced by the simple, peaceful way of life that exists here?
Yet life in Whales Reef is rarely without drama. Deep rifts exist between certain lifelong neighbors, and when a dead body is discovered, suspicion is cast in the direction of the Tulloch family. How Loni and David face up to this challenge will profoundly shape their relationship, as well as the future of the island.

My Thoughts:
This book is another long one, 466 pages in length.  Unlike the first two books, this book does not have a lot of action in the story to make it fast-paced.  It was a little harder for me to get through it, but the story did help to tie up many of the questions the first two books bring to light in Loni's past. Michael Phillips brings in a lot of the Quaker's ideologies and he also includes his favorite author George MacDonald too. I thought it was fun how he brought in some familiar references from another of his series, The Secret of the Rose. Overall, I thought that this book was more just factual in telling their stories and really didn't draw me in to the story like the first two. But I did like how the author wrapped things up, and gave the reader the hidden story from the past.

You can check out my review for the first two books of this series by clicking on these titles, The Inheritance (Book 1) and The Cottage (book 2).

My Rating: ★★★

**I received this complimentary book from Bethany House Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Get Out of That Pit by Beth Moore

Have you ever had that feeling of being stuck in life? Maybe it's a pit you've thrown yourself into willingly because you really wanted something you knew was not best. Or maybe it's a pit that you just slipped into unsuspectingly or it's a pit that you have been literally thrown into by someone else. All of us have been through some kind of pit in our lives and many of us are still living in one. Beth Moore has written a book about the pits we tend to fall into and gives advice on how to get out of the pits we find ourselves in.

I thought that the book had a lot of good information that can help many who are stuck in different pits. I appreciated the study guide in the back of the book too. It had questions from the chapter that was read, but also personal application questions too. The verse that Beth's book is based on is Ps. 40:1-3--"I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the LORD." Beth describes a pit as "an early grave that Satan digs for you in hopes he can bury you alive." How do we know when we're in a pit?  You know you're in a pit when... you feel stuck, can't stand up and have lost your vision. If you've been through tragedy that's thrown you in a deep pit or find yourself in a circumstance that is headed in the wrong direction and you can't see a way out, pick up Beth's book and find some hope in Scripture.  God can rescue you from your pit.

My Rating: ★★★

***I received this complimentary book from Handlebar Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

God's Crime Scene for Kids' Mystery Investigation Kit Giveaway

J. Warner Wallace (a cold-case detective and former atheist) has come out with another great detective book for kids. This book revolves around a mysterious shoebox in Jason's Grandmother's attic in which there is a letter address to him! He and his friends must use their detective skills to solve the mystery.  At the same time, Detective Jeffries uses the opportunity to show the kids in his Jr. Detective Academy how they can also use their detective skills concerning the universe around them.  And how everything points to a grand Creator.

I thought this book was a fun way to get kids to think about the evidence that God has given us of Himself in His creation all around us. This book helps them to take the different thinking skills they have learned through the fictional story and apply them to their real life surroundings. I like books that encourage critical thinking. If you're looking for a fun book for your child ages 8-12 yrs old, pick up this fun book that will get them thinking about how they can see evidence for God all around them. Below is the link for a giveaway contest for a Mystery Investigation Kit.  So make sure to enter soon.  The contest ends on August 31st. Also, head over to the blog tour for this book and see what others are saying about God's Crime Scene for Kids by clicking here.

My Rating: ★★★★★

About the authors:

J. Warner and Susie Wallace have been training young people in the church setting for over a decade. J. Warner is a cold-case homicide detective who has been featured on Dateline, FOX News, Court TV and other crime-related television shows. A former atheist, he is the author of "Cold-Case Christianity: God's Crime Scene," "Forensic Faith," and "Cold-Case Christianity for Kids." He has a master's degree in theology and is the founder of Susie has a master's degree in speech pathology and co-writes (and edits) all the kids books in this series. J. Warner and Susie have four children and live in southern California.
Find out more about J. Warner and at

*** I received this complimentary book from Litfuse Publicity Group. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.



Giveaway Info:

Join your children in learning how to determine the most reasonable cause for everything we see in creation with a real-life detective! In God's Crime Scene for Kids, J. Warner Wallace shows kids ages 8 to 12 what skills are needed to solve Jason's mystery. Jason uncovers a mystery in his grandmother's attic. He and his friends, Hannah, Daniel and Jasmine, enlist the help of Detective Jeffries at the Jr. Detective's Academy. Your kids will look at evidence in the universe that demonstrates God is the creator and ultimately learn how to make their own case for God's existence.

Help your kids become detectives who investigate creation for signs of God and His creativity by entering to win the Mystery Investigation Kit!

One grand prize winner will receive:
Enter today by clicking the icon below, but hurry! The giveaway ends on August 31. The winner will be announced September 1 on the Litfuse blog.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Super Hero Kids Giveaway with David C Cook!


Now is your chance to have DC and Marvel illustrator Sergio Cariello make your child's dream come true!


David C Cook is proud to introduce the newest book in the Action Bible collection: The Action Storybook Bible (coming October 2017). Pre-order The Action Storybook Bible from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or to reserve your copy today. Plus click the graphic below to enter to have a chance to win an illustration of your child as a super hero by Action Bible artist Sergio Cariello (who has also illustrated comics for DC and Marvel!).

The giveaway is open until September 11, 2017, 5:00pm MST. Your entry must be received by then to be eligible. Five winners will be chosen at random from eligible entrants.


Families see the Bible in motion and put their faith into action! The Action Storybook Bible invites families with young children to explore God's redemptive story together. An entry point into the world of The Action Bible, it tells of the amazing creation story, powerful kings who reigned over ancient Israel, God's miraculous gift of eternal life through Jesus, and more! God's promise for the world is displayed throughout every page. Discover your family's place in God's incredible story and together put your faith into action! Interactive features include:
  • Fifteen key episodes from God's Word-each one loaded with several stories along with over 350 brand-new illustrations throughout.
  • Short and easy readings-for children ages eight and under with rich, colorful images.
  • Life, Faith, Action! features-conclude every episode and invite families to talk about how God moves in the stories, how to see God in life today, how to put faith into action, and how to easily talk to God with a suggested prayer.
  • Hall of Fame visual index-the place to look up favorite Bible characters by discovering their icon connections and finding them in the stories.
Learn more and purchase a copy here.

Friday, August 18, 2017

A Name Unknow by Roseanna M. White

Roseanna M. White has released a new series called Shadows Over England. Her first book, A Name Unknown, is about a young woman named Rosemary Gresham whose certain set of skills has landed her a job that will provide a lot of needed money for her and those she cares for. Rosemary has learned the art of pickpocketing since she was small and her talent has led her to larger items of greater value. When the mysterious Mr. V asks her to spy on a man named Peter Holstein, she is lured by the amount of  money he offers to find out who Peter loyal to--England or Germany.

This is a great story. I loved how the story is weaved together pulling you into the mystery at hand. It will have you guessing along the way as to who the villains is, what is the real story behind Peter Holstein and what will Rosemary uncover about him. Mystery and romance is a great combination in a historical novel and the author has done a wonderful job in crafting her story. Make sure to pick up this first book of her new series. This novel is a great one to add to your library.

You can read more of what others thought of this book by clicking here to go to the blog tour page.

My Rating: ★★★★★

**I received this complimentary from Litfuse Publicity. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own. 

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Captivating Lady Charlotte by Carolyn Miller

The Captivating Lady Charlotte** is the second book in the Regency Brides: A Legacy of Grace series.  This book is for readers who enjoy the regency era and a good, clean, romantic story.

From the Back Cover:
All She wants is to marry for love. And as the belle of the season, Lady Charlotte Featherington should have her choice of suitors. But even this captivating lady must obey her noble papa's wishes--and the marquess has determined that his daughter will wed a widowed duke, not a dashing lord.
All the ninth Duke of Harington wants is for the lady who has captured his heart to love him in return, despite their arranged marriage. But the betrayal of his first wife and the scandal she dragged him into make it nearly impossible for William to believe a woman's heart can ever be trusted.
Now this wounded widower and the romantically inclined young lady must find a way to negotiate a future together and learn the real meaning of both trust and love. Can the legacy of grace help them to find healing and hope?

My Thoughts:
I enjoyed reading about the story of Lady Charlotte. I'm always glad when I can find a romance novel that is clean and wholesome. It was fun to watch Lady Charlotte grow in her character. With being so young, she had much to learn about the real world she had been sheltered from. I also appreciate a good mystery and this book didn't disappoint in that aspect. It added to the overall theme of trust and love that the author was trying to communicate throughout the novel.
The first book in this series, The Elusive Miss Ellison**was released earlier this year in February, and her third book in the series, The Dishonorable Miss Delancey**, will be released this fall on October 24th. As far as needing to read the books in order, there was enough in the novel that I could tell there was a whole story I missed with not reading the first book.  But on the other hand, it did not hinder me from enjoying the story of Lady Charlotte. This was the first book I have read by the author, and I would definitely pick up another of Carolyn's novels.

Visit the Author site by clicking here to find out more about her books.

My Rating: ★★★

*I received this complimentary book from Kregel Publications.  I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

**I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. 

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

You Are Free by Rebekah Lyons

This was my first exposure to Rebekah Lyons' books.  This is the second book she has written.  The first was Freefall to Fly. These books have also been made into Bible studies guides to help apply the ideas within the books. You are Free not only has a study guide, but also has videos to watch with it. Since I had recently done the study guide and videos online for this book through's free online bible studies, I decided to read the book too.
The study had some good things to say, but I am concerned that others may think that their depression or anxiety needs a "grand experience of healing" in order to be free from it.  Or that they just aren't doing things right if they continue to struggle with depression. Experience can be misleading and God doesn't work the same way in each of us. Another thing that concerned me as I read the book, was chapter 5--Free to Thirst.  In this chapter she describes a dream in which she has a clear random phrase as if God was directly speaking to her and the phrase sounded biblical. She then proceeds to back up her dream phrase with different passages from Scripture.  In chapter 6--Free to Ask, she feels led to ask for the gift of healing. From my study of Scripture, I find these things disturbing.  So while she has some good things to say in sections of the book, I cannot endorse this book at all or recommend it.

My Rating:★

***I received this complimentary book from BookLook Bloggers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

A Matter of Trust by Susan May Warren (Book #3, Montana Rescue series)

The next great adventure in the Montana Rescue series by Susan May Warren is out! A Matter of Trust (Montana Rescue) tells the story of Gage Watson, an EMT on the PEAK Rescue team.

Gage is an amazing snowboarding champion, but has gone into hiding after a horrible mistake in the past that costed someone their life.  He's come to Montana trying to re-carve a life for himself, but the past is hard to ignore. When Ella Blair shows up after not seeing her for 3 years, Gage doesn't know how to handle seeing the woman who ruined his life. As the past seems to be catching up with him, Gage must make a choice to face it head on or run again into hiding.

This story was great! I stayed up and finished this book in a little over a day. Needless to say, it is so good you will have a hard time putting this story down! Gage and Ella's story is filled with adventure, danger, and heroism. Their characters are fun to read about, and I loved reading about the thrill of snowboarding. I haven't been on a snowboard, but I have been skiing. The thrill of flying down a hill or doing moguls is definitely exciting, and I'm glad that the author added this fun sport to the story.  Of course, this story also fills you in on some of the mystery surrounding Ian Shaw's missing niece. I like how there is the running mystery throughout the series that hooks the books together. Book 3 is just as good as the other books, maybe even better.
If you're looking for a new series to pick up, grab the Montana Rescue series and be ready to fly through some great reading.

My Rating:

***I received this complimentary book from Revell Publishing.  I was not required to write a positive review.  All opinions are my own.

 ***I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

BLIND DESCENT by Brian Dickinson

  Have you ever wanted to climb a mountain? I can say that thought has never crossed my mind. Scaling the highest peaks has never been on my...