Saturday, December 9, 2017

Little Iffy Learns to Fly by Aaron Zenz

Are you looking for a fun, new book for a young child in your life?  I am so excited to be a part of a blog tour for Little Iffy Learns to Fly by Aaron Zenz. This book was just released in October and is great for kids ages 1-5 years old.

Little Iffy is a fun, sweet character who happens to be a griffin who is afraid to fly. His friends are concerned, but Little Iffy is content to stay down on the ground. Iffy's friend, Eggs Pegasus, is determined to help Iffy and has devised a plan. But will Eggs' plan work?

I thought the book was great, and enjoyed looking at all of the beautiful art that Aaron has drawn. The illustrations will definitely keep a little one's attention.  My two boys, ages 3 and 5, thoroughly enjoyed reading this story with me. In fact, my three year old even thought that he would try flying like Little Iffy and Eggs. This was definitely worth videoing.

I loved how the story naturally leads into some great questions you can have with your children.  Little Iffy struggles with being scared of trying something new, and I think that all kids can relate to that in some way. It's a great story to show that it's normal to be afraid of trying new things, but we shouldn't let that keep us from trying. I also loved how Little Iffy's friends are all around him encouraging him to try something new. It's a good example of how friends can stick together and support one another.

If you're looking for a great, new book to add to your home library, make sure to pick up Little Iffy Learns to Fly to enjoy with your kids.

My Rating: ★★★★★

Now, make sure to hop over to these other blogs to find out what they are saying about Little Iffy too!

Mile High Reading:
Seven Impossible Things:
100 Scope Notes:
Librarian's Quest:
Kids Talk Kid Lit  :
Nerdy Book Club  :
Picturebooking Podcast  :

***I received this complimentary book from the author. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

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