Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Sarah Sundin’s ‘Anchor in the Storm’ All Hands on Deck Giveaway

The second book in Sarah Sundin's Waves of Freedom series is out!  Anchor in the Storm is another great book filled with mystery, romance and lots of great history.  Find out below why you should pick this book up and add it your library!  Also, take time to enter the awesome giveaway that is full of great prizes. Find out how to enter below.

My Review:
Anchor in the Storm tells the story of Jim's sister, Lillian Avery and Jim's best friend, Arch Vanderberg. Lillian has so much to overcome with her disability of a missing leg from the knee down.  Not only do people stare and recoil from her, but it is also hard to find a job!  I enjoyed seeing her character flourish throughout the story by overcoming such hard obstacles, but she also had much to overcome with her heart.  Lillian was good at closing people off so that she could protect her heart, but in reality she was only hurting herself. Arch has something to overcome as well in this story. He has experienced a lot of prejudice from others because of the wealth of his family.  Both of these characters have a hard time accepting the fact that people could really love them just because of who they are and not because of physical appearance or money.  This story was a good read.  I enjoyed seeing the characters grow and watching them both try to solve the problems happening both aboard the USS Ettinger and at Lillian's pharmacy job.  I would say some of the book was a little predictable, but a great story non-the-less.  Look for book 3 in the Waves of Freedom series coming in Spring 2017 which will the tell story of Lt. Dan Avery and Quintessa Beaumont.

See what others are saying about this book on the blog tour by clicking here.

Giveaway Info:

 In a time of sacrifice, what price can one put on true love? Pharmacist Lillian Avery and Ensign Archer Vandenberg are about to find out in Sarah Sundin's new book, Anchor in the Storm. During the darkest days of the war, Arch's destroyer hunts German U-boats in vain as the submarines sink dozens of merchant ships along the East Coast. Still shaken by battles at sea, Arch notices his men also struggle with their nerves—and with drowsiness. Could there be a link to the large prescriptions Lillian has been filling? As the danger rises on both land and sea, the two must work together to answer that question. But can Arch ever earn Lillian's trust and affection?

Celebrate the release of Sarah's Anchor in the Storm by entering to win her All Hands on Deck Prize Pack!

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One grand prize winner will receive:
  • A signed copy of Anchor in the Storm
  • Nautical tote bag lined with anchor fabric
  • Anchor necklace made from copper reclaimed from the USS Constitution in Boston during restoration
  • 365 Devotions for Hope by Karen Whiting
  • Shine: Nautical Inspirational Adult Coloring Book
  • "Hope Anchors the Soul" journal
  • Set of two nautical tea towels
LF AIS full group 2 

Enter today by clicking the icon below. But hurry! The giveaway ends on June 8th. The winner will be announced June 9th on Sarah's blog.

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***I received this book free from Litfuse Publicity Group in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

1 comment:

Sarah Sundin said...

Thank you for the lovely review, Amanda! I'm glad you enjoyed Arch & Lillian's story!

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