Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Night Night Blessings by Amy Parker, Illustrated by Marijan Ramljak

This children's book written by Amy Parker is just adorable!  The book walks children through some of the many blessings they have from God in their life.  "Thank You for yummy food to eat.  It helps me grow big and strong.  Syrupy pancakes stacked up high Get me zipping right along!"   This is just one of the many cute blessings Amy mentions in the book.  The reading level for this book is baby-preschool. 

I thought that this book was great!  Amy Parker does a great job putting this book together.  The wording was great and down on the level a little child could identify with.  I love the idea of encouraging little kids to thank God for the every day little things in life.  Gratitude is such an important part of life!  Marijan Ramljak's illustrations were beautiful and looked like a painting rather than graphics on a page.  I would definitely recommend this book for your child's library or to give as a gift to a new mom.

**I received this book free from Booksneeze in exchange for an honest review.

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