Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mercy Come Morning by Lisa Tawn Bergren

 Growing up with a tragic family history has greatly influenced Krista Mueller.  Krista's relationship with her mother has been plagued with misunderstandings and a lack of loving communication.  With Alzheimer's disease affecting her mother's mind, Krista flees to another state to escape the emotional turmoil she feels inside and leaves her mother's care to others.  When Krista receives a call from Dane (a past love) that her mother is in her last days, she reluctantly comes back.  Krista will have to deal with everything she has been running from these past years including Dane, the man she keeps pushing away. 

Alzheimer's disease is not something that I'm really familiar with.  It has touched my husband's family though.  His grandmother suffered from this horrible disease.  It was interesting to learn a little bit about how this disease affects the patient as well as the family members taking care of them.  I really enjoyed this book.  I was able to read it in a day and thought that the book was well written.  I would recommend this book.

**I received this book free from Library Thing Early Reviewers program in exchange for an honest review.

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