Saturday, January 29, 2011

Book Review: Voices of the Faithful by Beth Moore

I recently received the book Voices of the Faithful by Beth Moore to review for the Booksneeze book review program.  The book is a collection of missionary stories from many different countries.  The book is intended to be read one page a day similar to a daily bread.  Each day has a verse, missionary story and then concludes with a prayer.

I have mixed feelings about this book.  Generally, I like Beth Moore; although, I find that she has issues with interpretation at times.  This book has some of the same issues with it.  I really enjoyed reading the missionary stories since I myself was a missionary kid.  The stories are very inspiring, and I could identify with several of the stories.  I think it is an eye opening book for those who have never had the chance to go overseas and be a part of missions trip to get a glimpse of what missionaries go through in daily life.  On the other hand, there were many stories that revolved around dreams.  Dreams and visions are not happening in this day and age.  It sounds a lot like mysticism to me.

So, if you can overlook the periodic stories of dreams, the rest of the book is good reading.

**I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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