Saturday, January 29, 2011

Book Review: Read and Share: Stories about Jesus by Gwen Ellis, Illustrated by Steve Smallman

My daughter and I read through the Read and Share Stories about Jesus book by Gwen Ellis, illustrated by Steve Smallman today.   This is a large board book written for Children ages 1-4.  It has 13 Bible stories about Jesus and after each story one or two questions are asked.  Also, under each title, the Scripture reference is listed of where the stories are located in the Bible.  The stories that are included in this book are: 

God's Baby Son Grows Up                       John Baptizes Jesus
Jesus Heals a Sick Boy                             Jesus Brings a Girl Back to Life
Jesus Walks on the Water                          Jesus Loves Children
A Very Short Man                                     A Blind Man Sees Again
Jesus Stops a Storm                                  One Lost Sheep
A Coin in a Fish                                       One Man Says Thank You
Jesus Goes to Heaven  

I think the illustrator did a great job with the art for this book.  His art was appealing and captured the attention of my lively two year old.   I like the fact that it is a large board book since little ones have a hard time being careful with thin pages.  The pages are really easy to turn for little hands, and the book should hold up for quite a while.  The questions at the end of the stories are a great idea to get children thinking and not just reading another story.  Many of the questions make them think about what it would be like if they had been right there with Jesus.
Some of the stories and questions could be too old for the intended reader.  The second story in the book is about Jesus' baptism.  The question then asked is, "Have you been baptized?"  Children ages 1 to 4 will have a hard time comprehending the full impact of baptism.  There is also no mention of belief in Christ before one can be baptism.  I would rate it as okay, but not outstanding. 

***I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Book Review: Voices of the Faithful by Beth Moore

I recently received the book Voices of the Faithful by Beth Moore to review for the Booksneeze book review program.  The book is a collection of missionary stories from many different countries.  The book is intended to be read one page a day similar to a daily bread.  Each day has a verse, missionary story and then concludes with a prayer.

I have mixed feelings about this book.  Generally, I like Beth Moore; although, I find that she has issues with interpretation at times.  This book has some of the same issues with it.  I really enjoyed reading the missionary stories since I myself was a missionary kid.  The stories are very inspiring, and I could identify with several of the stories.  I think it is an eye opening book for those who have never had the chance to go overseas and be a part of missions trip to get a glimpse of what missionaries go through in daily life.  On the other hand, there were many stories that revolved around dreams.  Dreams and visions are not happening in this day and age.  It sounds a lot like mysticism to me.

So, if you can overlook the periodic stories of dreams, the rest of the book is good reading.

**I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Book Review: Remember Why You Play

 I did not know what to expect when I picked this book up to read. I thought the story line sounded interesting and it intrigued me.  Once I began reading this story, I had a hard time putting the book down.  It was like watching a really great movie.  Remember Why You Play is written by sports journalist, David Thomas.  He followed Kris Hogan's football team from Faith Christian School in Grapevine, Texas for their 2007 football season.  Hogan's philosophy is that there is more than to life than winning or loosing a football game.  He teaches his players that living life for God is what this life is all about.  That 2007 season led up to an amazing event in the 2008 season that had everyone around the United States talking.  What was that amazing event in 2008?  A football game between Faith Christian and the Gainsville state Tornadoes would be the talk of the town.  Gainsville State was a team from a prison school.  Faith looked at this game differently then other schools.  They did not see it as an easy win (which it was), but as a way to minister to kids who had no hope.  Gainsville state had no fans to cheer them on in the stands or form a tunnel out of the locker room.  They had no one but the staff from the prison there for them.  Faith Christian sent some of their cheerleaders and fans to their side of the stands.  They cheered for them as if the Gainsville state tornadoes were their own team.  They formed a tunnel for them to run through.  The players were changed forever from the kindness showed to them in that game.
I really liked this book.  It was such an inspirational story of how one team impacted so many through such a small act of kindness.  I would highly recommend the book.
You can visit the official website about the author and book here.   You can also view the story about the team on YouTube here and here.  And be on the look out for a movie inspired by this story called One Heart in Fall 2011.

*** I received this book free from Tyndale House Publishers for this review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

God Gave Us So Much--Book Review

About a week ago, I was so excited to find another book review program for bloggers. It's called Blogging for Books, and they have quite an assortment to choose from. I just received my first book, God Gave Us So Much by Lisa Tawn Bergren in the mail today, and I was able to read through it tonight. I had seen this series of books in retail stores before, but I had not had a chance to read them. This particular book is a limited edition three book treasury. The three books included together are: God Gave Us the World, God Gave Us Love, and God Gave Us Heaven.

Each of these stories is about the life of a polar bear family of five--Papa, Mama, Little Cub and her two younger siblings. In God Gave Us the World, the family visits a bear exhibit, and Mama teaches Little Cub about God's great creation. In God Gave Us Love, Little Cub encounters a group of rambunctious otters who get her a little upset. Little Cub's Grandpa subtly reminds her of God's great love for her and the how she needs to love the otters. In God Gave Us Heaven, Little Cub asks Papa some very innocent, childlike questions about what heaven is like and what she will do there.

I enjoyed reading through these stories especially the first two. They provide great opportunities for discussions with your children. The last story, God Gave Us Heaven, was a little vague on how we actually get to heaven. I believe that is one thing that should never be vague especially in dealing with children. Also, I would probably wait on reading the last story until my two year old daughter was a little older. I think it is a little too early to be talking about death with her; although, you have to judge each child individually in matters like these. I absolutely loved the illustrations by Laura J. Bryant. She did a great job with the art for this book. The polar bears look adorable and cuddly, and the colors are delightful, bright and cheery.

I would recommend this collection of books as great bedtime reading; although you may have to read a little at a time as the stories are on the longer side. Be prepared to add what is not explicitly stated such as the Gospel. The opportunity is given, and it would be really easy to add.

** I received this book free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Living WIth Confidence in a Chaotic World by Dr. David Jeremiah

Do you feel like you can live with confidence in a world that is in spinning out of control?  In his book Living With Confidence in a Chaotic World, Dr. David Jeremiah gives ten ways in which we can live in confidence even though the world is falling all around us.  We can stay calm, compassionate, constructive, challenged, connected, centered, confident, consistent, committed and convinced all because of Christ in us.  In his book, he reminds Christians that the answers to life's difficulties is Christ.

I really enjoyed reading this book.  It was easy to read and comprehend.  I appreciated his use of Scripture and the fact that he upheld the Word of God as our sole source for confidence.  Our citizenship is not of this world, and it was a good reminder that my focus should not be on the things around me, but on God, His Word and that He is in ultimate control.  The author does a great job helping his readers to really think through and weigh the issues of life.  I would definitely recommend this book to anyone struggling with focusing too much on all that is going on around them in the world and not enough on Christ who can supply all the strength they need.

**I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

The Least Among You DVD Review, a Lionsgate Production

The Least Among You is an inspired true story based on the life of Richard Kelly.  Richard was arrested in the 1965 Watts riots and as a result ended up at an all white seminary on probation.  The story is one of racial tension that must be faced with faith instead of fear.
I started watching this movie with great expectation of a good story since the plot seemed interesting and I love watching movies based on true stories.  The movie had a good message.  It did remind me of all the suffering that people have caused others because of judging people based on the outward appearance.  The acting was good which was great to see in a Christian film.   But there were times that I got lost with some of the dialogue and parts of the movie seemed to drag.  Overall, the movie was good, but it is not one that I would watch again and again.
I received this dvd free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

BLIND DESCENT by Brian Dickinson

  Have you ever wanted to climb a mountain? I can say that thought has never crossed my mind. Scaling the highest peaks has never been on my...