Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Scripture Memory MAP For Women

 Scripture memory is something we know we should do, but often it gets pushed aside in the busyness of life.  Psalm 119:105 tells us that God’s Word is lamp that lights our path. And in Psalm 119:11 God tells us that we should treasure His Word in our hearts so that we don’t sin against Him. Barbour Books has just released a tool to help you add scripture memory into your daily life.

Each two page spread has space for you to not only write the verse your memorizing, but also help you to think through the verse and how it applies to your life.  I appreciate that they encourage you to apply the verse. In the back of this book, there are 145 suggestions of verses to memorize to get you started in case you don’t know where to begin. There are a total of 32 two-page spreads for memorizing your verses, and the book only costs $7.99.
So if you are wanting to add scripture memory to your bible study time, pick up this little resource to help you build a habit in your life to hide God’s truth in your heart!

My Rating: ★★★★★

***I  received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review. 

Friday, September 13, 2019

Finding Lady Enderly by Joanna Davidson Politano

Are you looking for a book full of adventure?  Maybe a story built around some mystery? Joanna Davidson Politano's newest book, Finding Lady Enderly, is sure to take you on quite a ride back to 1871 to London's East End. It's a Cinderella story that is not what it seems.

From the Back Cover:
Raina Bretton is a rag woman in London's East End when a handsome stranger appears in a dank alley, offering her a glittering smile and a chance for adventure. Rothburne Abbey has a unique position for her, one that will take her away from her hardscrabble life and give her a chance to be a lady.
Though Raina has traded squalor for silk and satin, something about the abbey is deeply unsettling. As she wrestles with her true identity, the ruin, decay, and secrets she finds at the heart of the old mansion tear at her confidence and threaten to reveal her for who she really is. Only one man stands between her and the danger that lurks within--and only if he decides to keep her biggest secret hidden.

My Thoughts:
The beginning of this book got my attention. I liked how the author starts with a mysterious scene as the reader is trying to put together who everyone is and where they are coming from. At first it may seem far fetched that the rag girl, Raina, would even entertain leaving town with a stranger, but with the man she loves missing or more likely dead and living in rags herself, a step up in life would be too tempting. I like how the main character, Raina, grows and changes throughout the story. The imagery used about the middle rooms in the Abbey make for such a great comparison to the inner thoughts of her heart. I enjoyed trying to figure out the mystery of Lady Enderly along with the mysterious stranger and his role in this whole plot. So if you're looking for a bit of mystery, pick up Joann's new book and find out what happens when a rag woman tries to become Cinderella.

My Rating: ★★★★

***I received this complimentary book from Revell. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

BLIND DESCENT by Brian Dickinson

  Have you ever wanted to climb a mountain? I can say that thought has never crossed my mind. Scaling the highest peaks has never been on my...