Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The CSB Study Bible for Women, Hardcover

 This new Christian Standard Study Bible for Women from Holman Bible Publishing is made available through B&H Publishing. The Bible pictured here for this review is in a hardcover, but this Bible also comes in leather binding too.

 The pages are beautifully decorated and include various Bible helps for study. The main questions (Who, What, When and Why) are answered on the first page of each book of the Bible. Also included is an outline of the book, and a timeline of biblical and world events.  Along with the chapters are footnotes for study, and the following sections: Doctrines, Word Study, Hard Questions and Character Profiles. At the back of the Bible is a concordance and several maps.

This is such a great Bible. It is visually appealing with all the added color and graphics, and has a great number of resources for women to study their Bibles well. I appreciate all the thought that went into creating such a great product for women. If you are looking for a new study Bible or are looking for a gift for a friend, then make sure to pick up this new product from B&H Publishing to enjoy for years to come.

B&H has this video to check out more information about this new Bible:

***I received this complimentary Bible from B&H Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

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