Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Action Storybook Bible Kindle Fire Giveaway

Are your kids into graphic novels? Then here is a product you should check out! David C. Cook has released The Action Storybook Bible which is a Bible that merges the graphic novel idea with a paraphrased Bible. Read below and find out this new product for kids.
About the book:

The Action Storybook Bible invites families with children ages 8 and under explore God's redemptive story together.
From the sleek and amazing creatures God created at the beginning of the world to the powerful kings who reigned over ancient Israel to Jesus's gift of eternal life for you and your family-God has a beautiful and exciting plan for the world. Where do you fit into that plan? How are the truths found in God's Word reflected in your life?
This Bible storybook features 15 episodes highlighting key milestones in God's story, packed with dozens of scenes-combining stories from God's Word with brand-new captivating illustrations from Brazilian master-artist Sergio Cariello, illustrator of the bestselling The Action Bible. Discover your family's place in God's redemptive story and together put your faith into action!
Interactive features include:
-Fifteen episodes loaded with over 350 brand-new illustrations from master-artist Sergio Cariello.
-Short and easy reading for all ages. Take turns telling God's redemptive story!
-The Life, Faith, Action! feature wraps up each episode and helps your family recognize how God is moving through each story, discover how that relates to your daily lives, and feel inspired to put your faith into action.
-Heroes Hall of Fame index, where you can look up your favorite Bible characters and discover their stories!

My Thoughts:
I thought that merging these two ideas together was interesting. I know that graphic novels have caught my daughter's attention, and she enjoys reading them. This product is great for kids who love those types of books and would get them interested in reading Bible stories. This Storybook Bible is for ages 8 and younger. The younger kids would be able to "read" the story by the pictures making it great for the younger generation who is beginning to read. Be aware that this Storybook Bible is more like reading a storybook and not a literal Bible translation. This Storybook Bible gives an overview of the whole story beginning in Genesis with creation and ending with Christ's return in Revelation. Each chapter ends with a section called Life, Faith, Action! This section gives the overall thought from the chapter that has been read, and ways your family can put into action what you've just learned.  Then there is also a chapter included at the end of the book that is a summary based on the entire Bible along with an index called a Hall of Fame Visual Index. This index is unique in that there are pictures from the pages throughout the Storybook Bible along with the Bible character's name and then a description. Overall, I think it's a fun product for kids and gets them to read more about God's big story being accomplished through the people of scripture. And like I said, I would treat this like a storybook rather than a literal Bible.
Don't forget to enter the Kindle Fire Giveaway by clicking on the graphic below. Contest ends on September 29th! And take some time to check out the blog tour by clicking here and find out what others had to say about this book.
 ***I received this free Bible from Lituse Publicity Group. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

About the authors:

Catherine has written more than twenty-five books for children, including the bestselling "Adventure Bible Storybook." As publisher of children's resources at David C Cook, she leads product development for The Action Bible® collection, which has sold more than a million copies. Catherine lives with her husband, their three children, and their big furry dog in the Colorado forest. ||**|| Brazilian-born Sergio Cariello has been an accomplished artist since childhood, drawing a regular comic strip for his city's newspaper at age 11. He spent many childhood hours poring over "The Picture Bible" (Portuguese edition), never dreaming he would illustrate an updated edition ("The Action Bible") decades later. Sergio has worked for Marvel Comics and DC comics and has illustrated Batman, Spiderman, Superman, Iron-Man, Wonder Woman, Fantastic-Four, and dozens more comic book characters.
Find out more about Catherine and at http://www.theactionbible.com. 
Giveaway Information: 
Discover your family's place in God's incredible story and together put your faith into action with the new The Action Storybook Bible from David C Cook! Explore God's redemptive story together with your children ages 8 and under in the 15 episodes highlighting key milestones in God's story. Master-artist Sergio Cariello created more than 350 brand-new illustrations to captivate your family and help you recognize how God is moving through each story. 
Join the adventure to begin to figure out where you fit into God's beautiful and exciting plan for the world by entering to win the Kindle Fire giveaway!

One grand prize winner will receive:
Enter today by clicking the icon below, but hurry! The giveaway ends on September 29. The winner will be announced October 2 on the Litfuse blog.

Monday, September 25, 2017

The Two of Us by Victoria Bylin

Sometimes our hurt motivates us to move in a totally different direction in order to escape the pain. But as each of these characters must see first hand in their own lives, only God can heal their hearts. Check out Victoria Bylin's newest novel, The Two of Us, below and find out more about Mia and Jake's story.

From the Back Cover:
After two broken engagements, Mia Robinson is done with dating. From now on, she's focusing on God and her goal to join an international aid organization as a nurse practitioner. But when her 18-year-old sister, Lucy, calls with an invitation to her Vegas wedding, it throws a wrench into Mia's plans.
Jake Tanner has recovered from the injuries he sustained as a police officer--on the outside. Inside, he's yet to heal from losing his partner in the tragedy, but finds some solace in keeping an eye on her young adult son, Sam, who's asked him to be best man at his wedding.
Mia expects a mess when she arrives to sort out the situation with Lucy, but she wasn't expecting Jake, who views the marriage a little differently. As Jake's and Mia's lives slowly become more intertwined, could his courage and her caring heart be enough to bring them a lifetime of healing?

My Thoughts:
I thought that this story was a fun, easy read. The author did a great job at keeping the story line moving. It was not hard to pick this book up whenever I had a free moment. I thought the characters were easy to relate to, and each character was well-developed. While this is one I wouldn't add to my shelves as a treasured favorite, I would recommend it as fun, light reading. So if contemporary fiction is your thing, make sure to check out Victoria Bylin's newest novel, The Two of Us.

My Rating: ★★★

***I received this free novel from Bethany House Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Brave Beauty: Finding the Fearless You (Faithgirlz) by Lynn Cowell

Do you remember that awkward stage going from little kid to teenager? It can be full of uncertainty as you are growing up. Lynn Cowell has written a 100 mini chapter devotional to help girls ages 8-12 think through all of the situations they are facing and to approach them in the light of their relationship with God.

From the Back Cover:
100 Courage-Building Ways to Find Your Confidence in God
What's Ahead? Where do I fit in? What am I good at?
Whether you put these concerns into words or struggles inside with these thoughts, it's normal to have questions like these on your heart. Proverbs 31 Ministries speaker Lynn Cowell offers 100 courage-building ways for readers to find answers by growing confident in God.

My Thoughts:
Brave Girls goes through many different topics for girls in that 8-12 year range. The topics vary from relationships with friends and family, to changes your body goes through with puberty. The first section deals with salvation which i think is a great place to start as these young girls begin to think through all that a relationship with Christ means for their lives. I was disappointed that the author didn't really go into more depth about our salvation in Christ. It seemed like she approached it from kids who grew up in the church hearing about Christ every Sunday. Sin wasn't really explained in any depth, and I would of liked to of seen more of a firm background as to why we even need a Savior in the first place. Besides this first part, the everyday practical things are addressed in a causal, conversational manner between author and reader. The reading is easy and kids could read through this book on their own. The author gives a general thought, some Scripture, a getting to know you or becoming brave section and then ends with a courageous call. Overall, I wasn't really thrilled with this book. It's okay, but I don't think I'll be passing it on to my daughter who is 9 years old. I would like something with a little more "meat" to it.

My Rating: ★★

***I received this free book from Handlebar. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Monday, September 18, 2017

God Made the World by Debbie Rivers-Moore & Emma Haines

Do you have a friend or family member who is expecting an arrival of a new baby in the family? This sweet little cloth book is a great gift for a new baby. It is soft and great for babies who put everything into their mouths. The front page is very crinkly which infants love to hear and investigate. The story is simple and printed on colorful pages. The illustrations are cute, and I like the final page being a mirror. Babies love seeing the "other" baby in the reflection. If you're looking for a fun little gift for a baby, pick up this great cloth book. I think it would make a great addition to any present.

*** I received this free book from Kregel Publications. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Friday, September 15, 2017

My Heart Belongs in the Shenandoah Valley by Andrea Boeshaar

Andrea Boeshaar has released a new novel set in the Shenandoah Valley in 1816.  My Heart Belongs in the Shenandoah Valley is an interesting story that is worth checking out.

From the Back Cover:
Captain McAlister "Mac" Albright has purchased land in the Shenandoah Valley. However, the land belongs to Lilyanna Laughlin--or so she erroneously thinks. Mac set her straight and despite a poor start, the two become friends...if only he were financially stable enough to offer her more.
When Lily's life is threatened and his whole future goes up in flames, Mac truly becomes a man without means, and Lily is forced to make the impossible choice between a loveless marriage with a man twice her age or the man who has shown her what true love could be. How can she choose between love and economic security? Her family is depending on her. Is her heart destined to break?
Journey into Virginia's Shenandoah Valley of 1816 where a woman's dreams and future happiness are on the line.

My Thoughts:
I thought that the author did a good job with the storyline, keeping it moving along and pulling in the reader. I always find the historical aspect of these stories interesting since it is so different from the time period we live in today. Andrea Boeshaar did a great job with painting a picture of a different time in history. I liked the interaction between the characters and how a young, naive woman learns that life is not always as it appears. I wished that the ending would of been a little longer and wrapped things up a little more than it did. It seemed to rushed at the end for me. That being said, the ending will not keep you hanging.

My Rating: ★★★★

***I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review. All opinions are my own.

The Big Picture Interactive: Bible Story Coloring and Activity book by B&H Kids

The Big Picture Interactive has a lot of great products for different kid's Bibles and devotionals.  "The Big Picture Interactive has been creating products that focus on the big story, draw our attention to God, and point us to Jesus at every turn." (pg. 3) Along with that line of products, B&H Kids has also released a coloring and activity book. The Bible Story Coloring & Activity Book is a great resource as you are reading through your Big Picture Interactive Bible. The coloring book begins with the Old Testament and creation, and proceeds through the main stories of the Old Testament. Then also covers the New Testament too. There are not only coloring pages but also word searches, matching, hidden pictures, mazes, secret codes, hidden messages, color by number and more. This coloring book would be great for kids ages 4-8 years old.
I like how the stories tie-in to the Big Picture Interactive Bible to reinforce the story your teaching. And I like how they have included lots of fun activities to keep the kids engaged with learning. This is a great resource that would make a fun gift for your kids.

You can find this book online by clicking here.

My Rating: ★★★★

***I received this free book from B&H Kids. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Praying for Girls by Teri Lynne Underwood

Every mom wants the best for her children. Life is challenging, and we wonder how our kids will handle life as they are growing up in this world. Will they move closer to God or will they turn away? As a mom of a young girl who is a year away from middle school, I wonder how my prayer life could be better in praying for her. Teri Lynne Underwood has written a book called Praying for Girls that is a resource for parents in their prayer life as they pray for their daughters. As our world continues to grow darker, our life should be more and more filled with prayer. Teri covers 5 different areas of prayer for her daughter that she has focused on, and each of these 5 main topics covers 4 different character traits.

1. Prayers for Her Identity--Image-Bearer, Loved, Known, Accepted
2. Prayers for Her Heart--Pure, Kept, Content, Undivided
3. Prayers for Her Mind--Stayed, Renewed, Guarded, Peaceful
4. Prayers for Her Relationships--Humility, Wisdom, Generosity, Love
5. Prayers for Her Purpose--Salvation, Sanctification, Steadfast, Share

Each chapter begins with a verse and discusses the character trait. Teri then gives several examples of prayers that parents can pray for their daughter based on Scripture. For example: "Lord, may ___________ know her identity is found in You and rest in the knowledge she is made in Your image. (Genesis 1:27)"  She then has a paragraph called just for moms and finally in her girl talk section gives ways a parent can discuss the trait with their child whether a little girl, a "middle" girl or an older girl.
I think the book is a good resource in helping parents with their prayer life for their daughters. I appreciated that her prayer examples are directly related to Scripture. And I liked what she had to say at the end of the book about prayer.

           "Of all the lessons I've learned, this one stands out: Prayer changes me. Every time. When I     pray for her to love the Lord, He shows me how to love Him more. When I pray for her to have a pure heart, He reveals the areas I need to confess. When I pray for her to have a renewed mind, He gives me a new focus and passion for Him. When I pray for her to be loving in her relationships, He helps me learn to love others better. And when I pray for her to walk in the purpose He has for her, He points me toward the purpose He has for me as well."

Prayer is never a waste of time. It is not only a way we can take all of our heavy concerns about our children to our Father, but it also changes us. If you're looking for some direction in how to pray better for your daughter, pick up Teri's book, Praying for Girls, a great resource and addition to your home library.

My Rating: ★★★

**I received this free book from Bethany House Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

The Legacy by Michael Phillips (Secrets of the Shetlands book 3)

If you have been following along in the Secret of the Shetland series by Michael Phillips, then you'll be excited to know that the third and final book in the series has been released. The Legacy is the book to wrap up all these loose ends and bring this Shetland Island story to an end.

From the Back Cover:
Loni Ford's unexpected inheritance of substantial real estate--not to mention a title--in the Shetland Islands has caused more than a stir in the quiet fishing hamlet of Whales Reef. How can life ever be the same with an outsider--and a woman at that--playing such a pivotal role in the life of this traditional community? But it isn't just the locals who have deep misgivings about the current situation. Loni herself never imagined this in her wildest dreams and wonders whether she's cut out for it.
Loni would hardly let herself acknowledge that she's falling in love--with Whales Reef, with its hardy people, and with local chieftain David Tulloch, whose inheritance she has usurped, at least in the eyes of some. Or has she merely been seduced by the simple, peaceful way of life that exists here?
Yet life in Whales Reef is rarely without drama. Deep rifts exist between certain lifelong neighbors, and when a dead body is discovered, suspicion is cast in the direction of the Tulloch family. How Loni and David face up to this challenge will profoundly shape their relationship, as well as the future of the island.

My Thoughts:
This book is another long one, 466 pages in length.  Unlike the first two books, this book does not have a lot of action in the story to make it fast-paced.  It was a little harder for me to get through it, but the story did help to tie up many of the questions the first two books bring to light in Loni's past. Michael Phillips brings in a lot of the Quaker's ideologies and he also includes his favorite author George MacDonald too. I thought it was fun how he brought in some familiar references from another of his series, The Secret of the Rose. Overall, I thought that this book was more just factual in telling their stories and really didn't draw me in to the story like the first two. But I did like how the author wrapped things up, and gave the reader the hidden story from the past.

You can check out my review for the first two books of this series by clicking on these titles, The Inheritance (Book 1) and The Cottage (book 2).

My Rating: ★★★

**I received this complimentary book from Bethany House Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

BLIND DESCENT by Brian Dickinson

  Have you ever wanted to climb a mountain? I can say that thought has never crossed my mind. Scaling the highest peaks has never been on my...