Friday, April 21, 2017

The Women of Easter by Liz Curtis Higgs

A new book came out just in time for Easter this year by Liz Curtis Higgs called The Women of Easter.  In the book, Liz highlights the stories of Mary of Bethany, Mary of Nazareth, and Mary Magdalene Beginning with the story of Lazarus' resurrection, Liz proceeds to tell the story of Christ's last days on earth surrounding the Passover, and brings the reader's attention to these special women who followed Christ.  There is also a study guide included at the back of the book.

This was such a great book to read during the Easter season, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I loved how Liz brought out the women's roles as they followed and served Jesus. It was so encouraging as I read again the story of Jesus death, burial and resurrection, but this time seeing how the women played such an important part to the story.  Liz does a great job putting together the 4 Gospels to get the whole story from 4 different perspectives. She also gives background information that helps the reader to understand the culture during that time period.  Her use of different translations is a help as our English language doesn't always capture what the Greek word is trying to get across in the text.  If you are looking for a great book that will take you through the Easter story or to give as a gift, pick up Liz's new book.

Click here to learn more about the Author.
Click here to read more about the book.

***I received this complimentary book from Blogging for Books.  I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

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