Wednesday, September 28, 2016

See the Newsboys in Concert with Adventures in Odyssey


Want to be entered for a chance to win a free trip for four to hear the Newsboys, the award-winning Christian music band, in Dallas? Sign up to be a part of the movement to protect religious freedom for future generations: Bring Your Bible to School Day! Students from kindergarten to college will be bringing their Bibles to school and sharing God with their friends on October 6.

By completing the information on this page, you're automatically entered to win the chance to see the Newsboys with Focus on the Family and Adventures in Odyssey. Don't miss out on the chance to see a fantastic band with your family!

Plus Sign Up for a Free Two-Week Trial of Odyssey Adventure Club


Getting used to a new school isn’t easy, especially for someone as paranoid as Buddy Norman. In “A Predicament of Biblical Proportions” he envisions wacky worst-case encounters with townsfolk who seem like mobsters, snoops and fairy-tale tyrants—until he gets to know them. He’s also a little confused about Bring Your Bible to School Day. What’s it about? Should he participate? See Odyssey through Buddy’s eyes in this witty celebration of religious freedom.

Listen to this story through a two-week trial only on the Odyssey Adventure Club

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Commit to Bring Your Bible to School October 6

Celebrate religious freedom with other students across the U.S. on October 6—Bring Your Bible to School Day! Students from kindergarten to college will be bringing their Bibles to school and sharing God with their friends in just a few short weeks. Sign up to be a part of the movement to protect religious freedom for future generations.

By signing up, you’ll receive a free guide with tips, downloadable posters, sticker and T-shirt designs, information on your legal rights, and other fun, interactive activities.

You’ll also be automatically entered for a chance to win a free trip for four to hear the Newsboys, an award-winning Christian music band, in Dallas!

Plus Bring Your Bible to School Comes to Adventures in Odyssey


Getting used to a new school isn’t easy, especially for someone as paranoid as Buddy Norman. In “A Predicament of Biblical Proportions” he envisions wacky worst-case encounters with townsfolk who seem like mobsters, snoops and fairy-tale tyrants—until he gets to know them. He’s also a little confused about Bring Your Bible to School Day. What’s it about? Should he participate? See Odyssey through Buddy’s eyes in this witty celebration of religious freedom.

Listen to this story through a two-week trial only on the Odyssey Adventure Club.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Wee Alphas by Wee Society

Look at these sweet little postcards from Wee Society.  There are 26 A to Z postcards included in this set.  Each animal has the alphabet letter hiding somewhere in it's cute little body. 

When my children saw these cards, they were pretty excited and couldn't wait to look through them.  Besides their original use of being postcards, I thought it would be fun to laminate them and let the kids play with them like flashcards. The cardstock they are printed on is heavy and will withstand constant use especially if they are laminated.
This is such a fun little product whether you want to send them out to others or keep them at home for your kids.

***I received these postcards free from Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

In the Field of Grace by Tessa Afshar

In the Field of Grace, is a novel about the life of Ruth and Boaz and what a beautiful story it is.  Tessa Afshar has done a fabulous job re-telling this story in novel form.  Find out why this book should be on your shelf.

From the Back Cover:
Love resurrected from lifeless dreams happens in the arms of a loving God. Without wealth or family, the widow Ruth left her people and followed Naomi, her beloved Hebrew mother-in-law, to rebuild Naomi's home in Israel.  Provisions gone and starvation at the door, Ruth used all that she had left--a strong back and a willing heart--to gather grain in a field, abandoned after the harvest.
Tormented by others, Ruth is shocked to find the owner of the field watching her. Talking to her. Bringing food to her and Naomi. Boaz tells himself his kindness toward Ruth is repayment for the love she has shown to his cousin Naomi. But his heart knows better.

My Review:
This was such a fun read. I really had a hard time putting it down. I love how the story brings out the  cultural things we really don't think about as we read the Biblical narrative.  It makes you stop and look again with fresh eyes as you read the account in Scripture. Of course, she takes some liberties adding in the parts we aren't told in Scripture. But much of the book, she has done a great job keeping true to the original account. I enjoyed her writing style and thought each chapter was compelling me on to the next. I'm excited to see what other books I can read by her.

***I received this book free from Moody Publishers (River North) in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Seated with Christ by Heather Holleman

Are you looking for a book that will get you thinking more about Jesus and less about yourself?  Heather Holleman has a wonderful new book out called, Seated with Christ: Living freely in a Culture of Comparison.  Who doesn't fight with comparing yourself to your peers around you?  It is so easy to get wrapped up in ourselves and forget our true mission and calling in this life.

From the Back Cover:
calm, connected, and secure--the power of seated living

Many of us life half alive.  We compare, compete, self-analyze, and self-promote in our endless, busy pursuit of perfection.
Seated with Christ heralds a new kind of living.  If it's true what Scripture says, that we are treasured by God and given a place at His table, then all we need to do is take our seats.  Heather Holleman shows us how.
Joyfully sharing her journey to seated living, she invites us to walk out on the fight for acceptance, stop comparing ourselves to others, and leap from cycles of shame.  She tells of a confidence that lets us celebrate the seats of others and be perfectly content with our own.
Take your seat and live--simply, freely, fully--because of Jesus, for Jesus, and in love of Jesus. Quit trying: be free.

My Review:
I absolutely loved this book.  It was well written and flowed from start to finish.  I know what it is like to crave acceptance as the "not cool" girl at school.  I loved her story at the beginning of the book (pgs. 32-33) about talking with her own daughter concerning the girls at the "cool" table shunning her.  Heather's comment was, " Don't think about them anymore.  You have a seat at the best table already. You're wanted there. Jesus chose you for His table." (p.33) What a thought to share with your daughter about the beautiful image Paul paints for us as being seated in Christ.
Towards the end of the book, Heather takes all that she has learned and applies it now to the mission of outreach in her own community.  This part of the book was beautiful.  I sat and wept as I read chapter 10. I've struggled with reaching out to people.  It's hard to speak up especially if you're more introverted.  But when you quit fearing and are broken over how shallow your life has been seeking your own pleasure instead of God's, you can begin to see how God can use you in your own community.  Being available and willing is the first step.  I love how she says she just talks to all her neighbors as if they are believers.  Instead of fearing rejection or wondering what will they think, she just says, "Hey guess what I learned about from my Bible reading today?"  And you know what?  People didn't reject her.  They listened and some of them received Christ.  And that is what broke my heart.  Here I am, age 40, and I have wasted so much of my life on myself. This is a new way of thinking, a new way of engaging with those who are in my natural pathway that God has placed before me. There is so much more that I could say about this book, but I think I'll leave you with one last quote that spoke to me.  "My motivation isn't to please God or to earn His favor; that's already decided. My motivation is to enjoy Jesus more and more and to allow His Holy Spirit to lead me into deeper freedom and intimacy with Jesus." (p. 139)
Pick up this book.  It will encourage your heart and point you to Jesus just like everything in life should do.

Here is a link to a video on Vimeo where Heather talks about Seated with Christ.
And click here to see her website.

***I received this book free from Moody Publishers in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

God Gave Us Thankful Hearts by Lisa Tawn Bergren

Can you believe we are inching closer to Thanksgiving already? Thanksgiving is such a great holiday where we stop and remember all of our wonderful blessings from God. 
This Thanksgiving consider picking up Lisa Tawn Bergren's newest book, God Gave Us Thankful Hearts. This children's book is for ages 3 to 8 years old and has a great theme to share with your children.  Little Pup is feeling sad as the weather begins to change from Fall to Winter and he knows that many of his friends will be hibernating soon and not able to play anymore.  Mama reminds Little Pup that he should be thankful for all that he does have during this season of life and not to focus on the things he doesn't have.
This book is full of colorful pictures that will stir your child's imagination.  The story is cute and easily adaptable to engage your kids in thinking about what every day things they have to be thankful for from God.  This book is another great story in Lisa's collection of God Gave Us books.  I've enjoyed reading her series and look forward to sharing this book with my young children.
You can read more information about this book by clicking here.

About the Author:

About Lisa Tawn Bergren

Lisa T. Bergren is the author of over forty books, with nearly two million copies sold. Her work includes children’s books, historical and contemporary fiction, women’s nonfiction, and gift books. A freelance writer and editor, Lisa lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She and her husband, Tim, are the parents of three children.

***I received this book free from Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

BLIND DESCENT by Brian Dickinson

  Have you ever wanted to climb a mountain? I can say that thought has never crossed my mind. Scaling the highest peaks has never been on my...