Friday, December 9, 2011

A Great Amish book for Christmas for 30% off

Anyone still shopping for the perfect gift for a book lover?  Consider purchasing the Amish book, The Christmas Singing by Cindy Woodsmall.  Below you can check out the first chapter and watch a video about this book.  To top it all off, Waterbrook is offering 30% off and free shipping on The Christmas Singing (and any other title) when you use promo code CHRISTMAS11 at checkout on The coupon code expires on December 20th, 2011, so take advantage of this great offer while you can on some great Christmas gifts!

You can read the first chapter below.
The Christmas Singing (Chapter 1 Excerpt)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Lasting Impression by Tamera Alexander

I'm so excited to tell you about this great book I just finished.  This book is another historical fiction book...I just love this kind of book.  You can read a great story and learn some interesting historical facts a long the way too.  The book is set in 1866 and follows a young girl named Claire who is an aspiring painter.  She begins her journey in New Orleans and then travels up to Nashville, Tennessee.  As she seeks to distance herself from her family's past misconduct and make a new start, she encounters a life changing decision she must make....coming clean about her past life or trying to hide it.
I really enjoyed this book!  Tamera Alexander did a great job pulling me into her story line and keeping me interested throughout the entire book.  The book talks a lot about the art world and I found that very interesting.  Majority of the book is centered around a huge mansion called the Belmont Mansion in Nashville, Tennessee.  Tamera Alexander describes the scenes well and makes you feel as though you are right there.  The characters learn so much through their journey, and many of their life lessons are difficult ones that they must overcome.   I would highly recommend this book! 
**I received this book free from Library Thing's Early Reviewers Program in exchange for an honest review.

BLIND DESCENT by Brian Dickinson

  Have you ever wanted to climb a mountain? I can say that thought has never crossed my mind. Scaling the highest peaks has never been on my...