Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Plugged-In Parenting by Bob Waliszewski

Have you ever had conflicts with your children over what they should watch or listen to?  Have you wondered how to approach the subject of entertainment without driving your children down a road of rebellion?  Focus on the Family has this great website called Plugged In Online.   They review movies, TV programs, videos, video games and music on their site so that parents can review entertainment and know what is appropriate and what is not.  I know that my husband and I have used this site several times before going to see a movie.  It has been a great help!  The director of that website, Bob Waliszewski, is the author of this newest book Plugged-In Parenting.  This book addresses three different areas: Part 1--Deciding Where You Stand as a Parent, Part 2--Making Rules Without Making Enemies, Part 3--Keeping the Peace and Passing it on.  He gives many examples of how corrupt entertainment has affected young people in a negative way, and gives steps you can take to make sure that your family's entertainment is honoring to God.

The author does a great job relating the importance of this subject and how it can affect children of all ages.  I like how he gives ideas of how to approach the subject without making enemies.  If we just enforce the rules without any explanation, we just feed the spirit of rebellion.  It's easy to lay down the law, but much more time consuming to instruct and teach their heart through the Word.  This book was challenging to me and made me think about what I allow in my house for viewing.  I need to have a plan in place now so in the future when we are past watching Curious George and Word World I can make a wise choice in what my little girl should watch.  I would definitely recommend this book.

**I received this free book from Tyndale House Publishers in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Her Mother's Hope by Francine Rivers

Have you ever researched your family history and found an amazing story?  Francine Rivers has included some of her own family history into the writing of this fictional novel.  The first part of the book follows the story of a young girl named Marta who grows up in a rough situation, yet pursues her dream even through heartbreak.  The story begins in Steffisburg, Switzerland, 1901.  Her life takes many twists and turns and she travels from place to place learning all she can so that she can fulfill her longtime dream of owning her own hotel.  When she unexpectedly finds love, she has to give up her dream for her husband and children.  One of her daughters, Hildemara Rose, is vulnerable both physically and emotionally.  Marta not wanting her daughter to completely be dependent upon her (because of past situations in her own family) pushes Hildemara more than the other children.  The second part of the book follows Marta's daughter, Hildemara Rose and her struggle with her mother.  Will Hildemara and Marta ever work things out between them?  This is the first book in a two part series.  The second book is called Her Daughter's Dream.

I really enjoyed this book.  It is a lengthy one at 483 pages, but did not take me long to read at all.  I simply couldn't put the book down.  I love history and I love a good story. The author did a wonderful job weaving the story and all the historical events together.  I would highly recommend this book!  I'm looking forward to reading the second book.

**I checked this out from my local library to read for the tyndale summer reading program.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Blogging for Books is Giving Free Books to Readers

Blogging for books is now setting aside free copies of various titles to be given to blog readers each month. Anyone who reads and ranks my review will automatically be entered to win a free copy of the book that I reviewed.  Blogging for Books will notify you by email if you are chosen as a winner.  You can find a list of reviews to rank under the Rank My Reviews tab at the top of the page.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Prayer Walk by Janet Holm McHenry

PrayerWalk by Janet Holm McHenry (Chapter 1 excerpt)

Have you ever made the commitment to exercise and then failed to follow through especially when life became hectic?  Have you ever wanted to have a great prayer life, but find other things getting in the way of having that alone time with God? This book that I have just finished reading called PrayerWalk actually puts those two things together.  Now, who wouldn't want to add exercise and prayer to their life!!  I really enjoyed Janet's book on the subject because I struggle with both of these areas.  I'm a mom to a three year old with a house full of projects and chores, and I frequently neglect exercise and taking the time to pray.  PrayerWalk is an encouraging book because it shows you that it can be done.  It also made me realize that if I don't plan the time to do these things, they will never happen.  She talks about all the health and spiritual benefits that prayerwalking did for her.  She used to suffer from depression....something that has plagued me for many years since the death of my brother and my 3 miscarriages.  Janet says in chapter 2 that after 3 months of prayerwalking her depression was gone and it hasn't come back.  Included in this book is a study guide and a 30 day PrayerWalk challenge.  You can read more about Janet Holm McHenry at her website and her blog.  You can also read the first chapter of the book at the top of this blog post.
I'm looking forward to putting this plan into action and accomplishing two very important things in my life at the same time.  If you are stuggling with these two areas, you should consider reading this book. I highly recommend it!

**This book was provided by WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group in exchange for an honest review.

BLIND DESCENT by Brian Dickinson

  Have you ever wanted to climb a mountain? I can say that thought has never crossed my mind. Scaling the highest peaks has never been on my...