Friday, December 31, 2021

The Bible Recap Study Guide and Journal by Tara-Leigh Cobble


As we close out this year and look to the next, many of us make it a goal to read through our Bibles in a year. This year Bethany House has just published The Bible Recap resources by Tara-Leigh Cobble to help you in your Bible study time. These resources walk you through the entire Bible in chronological order.

The Bible Recap Journal has a simple format for each page and includes three questions for each day’s reading. The questions are:

1. Things I loved/learned/noticed

2. Questions/things I want to research

3. God shot (This is where you are supposed to list the attributes of God seen in your reading. I’m not wild about the name for this section.) 

The Bible Recap Study Guide has thought-provoking questions for each day’s reading.  There could be as little as 3 or as much as 9 questions for each section’s reading. 

I like that the journal is simple and great for those who do not have a lot time to do in-depth Bible study, but would like to write down a few thoughts after their reading for the day.  I was pleasantly surprised with the quality questions in the study guide. This guide will definitely take more time than the journal, and does ask questions that will require some thought and sometimes research. 

 If you’re looking for something to encourage your goal of reading through the Bible this year, The Bible Recap Study Guide and Journal are great resources to check out. 

*I received these complimentary books from Bethany House publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Friday, November 19, 2021

The Get It Together Planner by Ink & Willow

Each year around this time, many people begin looking for a perfect planner for the new year. Did you know that Ink & Willow published a planner this year? The Get It Together Planner came out in June 2021 and might be the product you've been looking for to get your day organized!

This planner is an undated 52-week planner, so you can start whenever you'd like, and it also includes wonderful tools to help keep you organized during your week like:

 A Yearly Calendar for 2021-2026, A Vision Board, Evaluation Page for the Past Year, Stickers, Budget Tracker and Menu Planner


This shows the end of the year evaluation page and how each monthly page looks throughout the planner. Below the calendar, there is space to list what your goals are for these categories: Family, Wellness, Relationship Health, Work, Emotional Health, Spiritual Growth and Special Projects.

 This is the menu planner that is included for each month. I thought this was a great addition to this planner. I love the layout and the ability to plan a whole month's worth of meals!

 This is the weekly part of the planner. There is plenty of room to write in the columns for each day, and along the sides there are additional features for tracking daily habits like: prayer, Bible reading, water and recharging. There are also 4 non-titled sections for you to add your own daily habits.


 There are stickers included in the back of the book to use in your planner. This is the only part that I really was kind of disappointed about. As you can see in the final picture I added below, one of the sticker didn't remove very cleanly from the page. I  only removed the month stickers, so I'm not sure if it would happen on any of the others. The stickers didn't seem like they were very high quality.


Stickers aside... overall, I thought this was a great product and well laid out. I was impressed with the quality of the paper, and the planning tools they have included to help get you organized for the year. So if you're looking for a new planner for this coming year, check out Ink & Willow's planner and see if it just might be a good fit for you!

***I received this planner from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

The Wish Book Christmas by Lynn Austin

The Christmas season is almost upon on us; although, I must say, for some of my friends, it is already in full swing. What better way to enjoy this fun, holiday season than by picking up a new, Christmas book to enjoy reading on these cold, winter nights! Lynn Austin's first Christmas book has released! It's a novella that continues the story she wrote in her book published last year called If I Were You. (You can check out my review of that book by clicking on this link.) This sweet story between two friends has some more unexpected twists and turns coming up ahead.

From the Back Cover:

A nostalgic and charming tale that evokes the wonder and miracle of Christmas

Best friends Audrey Barrett and Eve Dawson can't wait to celebrate Christmas in postwar America. They are thrilled about starting new traditions with their five-year-old sons, even daring to hope there might be fresh beginnings for both of them, too. But when the 1951 Sears Christmas Wish Book arrives and the boys start obsessing over every toy in it, Audrey and Eve realize their most task is teaching them the true meaning of the holiday by giving presents, not just asking for them. 

The heartwarming tale that unfolds reminds us all that sometimes the most meaningful gifts are the ones we least expect and often don't deserve.

 My Thoughts:

What a lovely Christmas story Lynn has written. She has penned a story that will bring back the nostalgia of 1951.  The author gives us a glimpse of the life Audrey and Eve have carved out for themselves and their sweet boys. All seems well and cheery, but deep down both women have past hurts and regrets they need to forgive and surrender over to God. And it seems as though, two little boys have a lesson to learn, too. I love how each character changes throughout the story, and how the story makes the reader pause to remember the greatest gift ever given to us... Jesus! This book is a delight, so pick one up for your Christmas reading this season!

 Rating: ★★★★★

About the Author:

I’m often asked if I’ve always wanted to be a writer. The short answer is, “No.” I was never the type of kid who always had her nose in a book or who wrote stories in her journal every night by lamplight. I was too busy living in my imagination all day like the little boy with the stuffed tiger in the cartoon “Calvin and Hobbes.” I would imagine wild, dramatic stories wherever I went.

After attending Hope College in Holland, Michigan for three years, I married my husband Ken, and completed my degree in psychology at Southern Connecticut State University. Then we set off on a real-life adventure, living in Bogota, Colombia for two years where I taught 4th grade in a Colombian school and Ken performed in the symphony orchestra. With no TV and plenty of time to read, I became an avid reader for the first time in my life. That’s when I began to dream of writing the kind of books I loved—books that made me laugh, made me cry, and made me think.

The demands of our growing family postponed my writing career until Ken’s work took us to Thunder Bay, Ontario, and later to Winnipeg, Manitoba. It was during those long Canadian winters at home with my children that I finally started carving out a few hours of writing time each day while they napped. The moment I started writing, I discovered how much fun it was to use my imagination again and create wonderful characters and stories. I was hooked! As my children grew, I returned to teaching and learned to squeeze in writing time amid the busyness of family life. For eleven years, I studied how to craft good fiction, and endured all the ups and downs of trying to get published. My first novel was finally published in 1995—and it was the same book I had started writing during naptime: Gods and Kings. It evolved into a five-book series, Chronicles of the Kings.

While researching this series, I had a chance to pursue one of my “bucket list” dreams, volunteering on an archaeological dig. My son Joshua and I traveled to Israel during the summer of 1989 to take part in a month-long dig at the ancient city of Timnah. This experience not only provided background information for the Chronicles, it also inspired my novel Wings of Refuge.

In 1992 I decided it was time to resign from teaching to write full-time. Since then I’ve published twenty-three novels and one non-fiction book, Pilgrimage: My Journey to a Deeper Faith in the Land Where Jesus Walked. Eight of my novels have won Christy Awards for excellence in Christian Fiction, and I was honored to be named to the Christy Award Hall of Fame in 2013. Fire by Night was one of only five inspirational novels chosen by Library Journal for their top picks of 2003, and All She Ever Wanted was chosen as one of the five inspirational top picks of 2005. My novel Hidden Places has been made into a movie for the Hallmark Channel, starring actress Shirley Jones. She received a 2006 Emmy Award nomination for her portrayal of Aunt Batty in the film.

Our children are now grown and I’m experiencing the joy of grandchildren. Ken and I live in Western Michigan where the woods and beaches of Lake Michigan inspire me every day.

 Check out her website:

***I received this complimentary book from the author. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

The Whole Bible Story (Young Reader's Edition) by Dr. William H. Marty and Troy Schmidt


As a parent, I like to check out the new Bible resources for my kids from christian publishing houses. Bethany House has just published this new young reader's edition of Dr. William H. Marty's book The Whole Bible Story: Everything That Happens in the Bible.

From the Back Cover:

From Genesis . . .
"In the beginning, God created everything out of nothing."

What do all the Bible stories actually mean?
Will the Bible be too boring for me?
Why is the Bible so long?

Have you ever asked--or been too embarrassed to ask--any of these questions? This young reader's edition of The Whole Bible Story will help you understand what the stories in the Bible are actually all about and how every single one of them fits together to tell one big story about God and his love for people--including you!

Along with the story of the Bible in words you can easily understand, in every chapter you will find great bonus material like exciting illustrations, fun facts and trivia about the Bible stories, simple lists of important characters and places, and easy-to-follow ways to apply the themes to your own life.

After reading The Whole Bible Story, you will understand what's so exciting about the Bible and why God's Word matters to you!

. . . to Revelation
"God has all of history-- past, present, future-- in his hands."

My Thoughts:

Like the title says, this book is the young reader's edition of Dr. Marty's book The Whole Bible Story which was written back in 2011 for adults. This book gives a concise overview of the whole Bible in 19 chapters with a total of three hundred pages. It is for kids ages 9-12 years of age. Each chapter has a Who's Who section that tells all of the main characters for the chapter, a Where are We? section that lists all the main places covered during the chapter, and an Interesting Stuff section that lists interesting facts to know before you read the chapter. The chapter ends with a What's the Point? section that wraps-up the main thoughts from the chapter.

There were things I liked about this book and some that I was not thrilled about. First, I liked the fact that the book gives an overview and lays out all the history of Israel for kids in a way that they can understand. I especially enjoyed this with Israel's kings for the northern and southern kingdoms. With so many changes of leadership, it was great to have it all laid out in order.

Now for the things I didn't like... I understand that this book is for 4th thru 6th graders, but I don't believe making the Bible "hip and modern" will draw kids in much more than just telling what the Bible says. 

For example:  In the Who's Who section for the chapter--From Creation to Babel

"God (the Lord)--God creates the world and then his people go and mess it all up

Adam and Eve--the first couple ever created; they run around naked

Satan--he shows up and ruins all the fun

Cain and Abel--two brothers who brought new meaning to 'sibling rivalry'

Noah--the guy who made the first cruise ship... for animals" (p. 7)

I was not impressed with the "funny." I guess when it comes to God's Word, I believe that we should show respect not add to the disrespect that is already prevalent in our culture. I'm all for humor, but not something that borders on irreverent.  

Another issue I had with this book was the writing made it seem like God was caught unaware of what was about to happen, or that He didn't know that beginning from the end. In the story about when Adam and Eve sinned against God and hid from Him, this is what the book said:

 "God showed up, wanting to see his favorite creations, and wondered where everyone was." (p. 11) 

It's subtle, but God never wondered where they were. He is all-knowing and knew exactly what they had done and where they were. One more example is from the times of the kings. On page 157, the author writes this about the evil king Manasseh. 

"Manasseh even sacrificed his own son to a god and talked to astrologers and people who claimed they talked to the dead. He shed so much innocent blood, God couldn't wait to get him off the throne." (p. 157)

It almost implies that God's hands were tied until Manasseh died and then finally He could get someone else on the throne of Israel. I don't know about you, but I don't want my kids to see anything except that God always has a plan, and His plan is always accomplished. Was He pleased with Manasseh's evil deeds? No, but Manasseh was on the throne to accomplish what God had plan for Israel. 

I think I've probably said enough. The way Scripture is handled matters a great deal to me. And while there were a few things I liked about the material, there was far more that I disliked. So, I would not recommend this book to others.

Rating: ★


About the Author:

Dr. William H. Marty

Dr. William H. Marty has taught at Moody Bible Institute for 40 years. His main emphasis has been teaching an Old and New Testament survey to freshman at the Chicago campus, and the fruit of his focus on teaching the storyline of the Bible has been published in The Whole Bible Story. Dr. Marty has also written The World of Jesus and The Jesus Story and coauthored A Quick-Start Guide to the Whole Bible. Bill lives in Chicago with his wife, Linda, and they have two children and two grandchildren. Bill is an active triathlete and has competed at the national and international levels.




***I received this complimentary book from Bethany House Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Come Back to Me by Jody Hedlund (Series: Waters of Time Bk. 1)

 This new series from Jody Hedlund, Waters of Time, is quite the tale. Mystical water, realistic visions, dangerous men and the reality of possible death await you in Jody's exciting, first book, Come Back to Me.

From the Back Cover:

The ultimate cure that could heal any disease? Crazy.

That’s exactly what research scientist Marian Creighton has always believed about her father’s obsession, even if it does come from a desire to save her sister Ellen from the genetic disease that stole their mother from them. But when her father falls into a coma after drinking a vial of holy water believed to contain traces of residue from the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, all of Marian’s assumptions must be questioned. He’s left behind tantalizing clues that suggest he’s crossed back in time. Insane. Until Marian tests his theories herself and experiences strange visions of medieval times.

With the help of one of her father’s colleagues, Marian discovers that she is not the only one interested in his research. Stalking, break-ins, and a kidnapping convince her that she must take the plunge and follow her father back to the 1380s or risk losing him—and her sister—forever.

My Thoughts:

This book was unlike most I have read. The thought that mystical water could somehow transport the mind back centuries to see visions of the past is a unique story line.  I thought it was well written and took readers in a direction they definitely wouldn't expect. The characters are interesting as you learn more and more about each one of them as the story unfolds. The mystery of who is trying to sabotage Marian's father's work definitely increases the intensity of the story, and the author does a good job at keeping you guessing as to who is the real threat. It'll be interesting to see where this story goes in the following book. 

Here's a fun book trailer that Revell published for Jody's book.


Rating: ★★★★


About the Author:

Jody Hedlund is the author of over thirty historicals for both adults and teens and is the winner of numerous awards including the Christy, Carol, and Christian Book Award.

Jody lives in central Michigan with her husband, five busy children, and five spoiled cats. Although Jody prefers to experience daring and dangerous adventures through her characters rather than in real life, she’s learned that a calm existence is simply not meant to be (at least in this phase of her life!).

When she’s not penning another of her page-turning stories, she loves to spend her time reading, especially when it also involves consuming coffee and chocolate.

You can find Jody's website by clicking here!



***I received a complimentary copy of the book from Revell. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Tacos for Two by Betsy St. Amant


A new contemporary romance has released by author Betsy St. Amant. This is the first book I've read by her, and it was a fun introduction to her writing style. Tacos for Two has a hallmark-like romance that leads your heart along hoping for that fantastic happy ending. 

From the Back Cover:

Food truck owner Rory Perez may not be able to cook, but she's determined to keep the family business out of the red. An upcoming contest during a food truck festival seems like the best way to do it. The prize money could finally give her solid financial footing, freeing up her time to meet the man she's been talking to via an anonymous online dating site.

Jude Strong is tired of being a puppet at his manipulative father's law firm, and the food truck festival seems like the perfect opportunity to dive into his passion for cooking and finally call his life his own. If he loses the contest, he'll be back at the law firm for good, so failure is not an option.

But things are about to get... complicated. Rory's chef gets mono, forcing her to cook after all. And Jude discovers that his stiffest competition is the same woman he's been falling for online. Will they sacrifice the futures they've envisioned for the sake of love? Or will there only ever be tacos for one?

My Thoughts:

I have always had a soft spot for the movie You've Got Mail.  My husband and I met overseas and then dated by writing many emails back and forth. So, You've Got Mail was one of the first movies we owned when we tied the knot about a year after we met. Tacos for Two has references to this movie all throughout the story. It was fun recognizing all the famous quotes from You've Got Mail as they came up in the novel. 

Like in so many romances, misunderstanding seems to be the theme for this book. Jude Strong's family is well-known in the community for being quite wealthy, and Rory Perez has to scrimp and save for everything. These two seem to have some assumptions about each other as they interact. Will they let these assumptions cloud their view of each other, or will they stop long enough to see the other person for who they really are?

If you're looking for a hallmark movie romance, make sure to pick up Tacos for Two, and enjoy a relaxing evening with a fun read.

Rating:  ★★★★

About the Author:

Betsy St. Amant Haddox is the author of over fifteen inspirational romance novels and novellas. She resides in north Louisiana with her hero of a hubby, two total-opposite young daughters, a vast collection of coffee mugs, and an impressive stash of Pickle chips. Betsy has a B.A. in Communications and a deep-rooted passion for seeing women restored in Christ. When she’s not composing her next book or trying to prove unicorns are real, Betsy can usually be found somewhere in the vicinity of a white-chocolate mocha–no whip. She blogs frequently at, a devotional site for women.

Betsy is proud to be represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of The Steve Laube Agency.




***I received a complimentary copy of the book from Revell. I was not required to give a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Help Your Kids Learn & Love the Bible by Danika Cooley

 Are you looking for a great resource to give you ideas of how to teach your kids about the Bible? We know that helping our children grow in a relationship with God should be our primary priority, but when life gets going, it can become a big struggle. And knowing where to start with this important task can be difficult! Danika Cooley has written a new book called Help Your Kids Learn & Love the Bible to help parents implement family Bible study in their home. 

From the Back Cover:

As parents, we deeply desire the best for our kids. We look for the right schools, we make them eat right and exercise, and we get them involved in extracurricular activities. We take our job as parents seriously.

But are we also putting our time and energy into teaching them the Bible? Giving them the life-changing, soul-nourshing words of Scripture is nor only doable, it's an essential part of parenting kids for Jesus. And the good news is, studying God's Word as a family doesn't have to be difficult!

This book will give you the tools and confidence to study the Bible as a family. It will help you identify and overcome your objections and fears, give you a crash course in what the Bible is all about and how to teach it, and provide the guidance you need to set up a family Bible study habit. 

You will finish this book feeling encouraged and empowered to initiate and strengthen your child's relationship with the Lord through his Word. 

My Thoughts:
I thought Danika's book was great! This book was such an encouragement to me and gave me some great ideas to help aid me in my job to teach my kids the Bible. I appreciated that she walks through different subjects like:
  •  Making the bible approachable for your kids
  • Appropriate reading for the different age groups (toddlers to high school)
  • Building a daily routine
  • Seeing the bible as a whole
  • Exegesis ("...the study of the Bible, searching for the meaning intended by the author."p. 101)
  • Asking good questions to facilitate learning
  • Memorizing Scripture
  • Praying the Word together

 Not only are there some great topics that she discusses, but she also recommends some additional resources to help with your family Bible study. I also appreciated that the author ends her book with a chapter called, "Study the Word When You're Not Feeling It." We all know those days do come here and there, and Danika gives some ideas of what to do when we face those kind of days. 

I would definitely recommend this book as a great resource. It was encouraging to read through as I was contemplating how to implement Bible time into our schedule for our current homeschool year.

My Rating:

About the Author:

I hold a degree in Interdisciplinary Visual Art from the University of Washington, and my background includes working with children with severe disabilities and volunteer teaching. My children and I love visiting the zoo, the science museum, and the theater. Hiking, read-alouds, science experiments, and art projects are frequent activities in our home.
Check out her blog ( to learn more about her Bible curriculum: Bible Road Trip and many other products she has for kids.

*I received this complimentary book from Bethany House publishers. I was not required to write a positive reviews. All opinions are my own.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Chasing Shadows by Lynn Austin


One of my favorite authors has released a new stand alone novel set during World War IIFind out why Chasing Shadows by Lynn Austin should be the next book you pick up for your home library!

From the Back Cover:

The lives of three women change instantly when the Nazis invade the neutral Netherlands, forcing them into a complicated dance of choice and consequence. 

Lena is a wife and mother who farms alongside her husband in the tranquil countryside. Her faith has always been her compass, but can she remain steadfast when the questions grow increasingly complex and the answers could mean the difference between life and death?

Lena's daughter Ans has recently moved to the bustling city of Leiden, filled with romantic notions of a new job and a young Dutch police officer. But when she is drawn into Resistance work, her idealism collides with the dangerous reality that comes with fighting the enemy. 

Miriam is a young, Jewish violinist who immigrated for the safety Holland offered. She finds love in her new country, but as her family settles in Leiden, the events that follow will test them in ways she never imagined.

The Nazi invasion propels these women onto paths that cross in unexpected, sometimes-heartbreaking ways. Yet the story that unfolds illuminates the surprising endurance of the human spirit and the power of faith and love to carry us through.

My Thoughts:

I loved this book! I don't think I have ever read a historical fiction World War II story from the perspective of the people from the Netherlands before. This story was fast-paced and hard to put down. I loved reading about the incredible courage of the Dutch people. The sacrifice they made for others was truly remarkable. The main characters were so well written, and each character went through incredible changes as they faced the trials of war. I could identify with these characters... with their fear, mistrust, depression, looking for a glimpse of hope. 

Lynn has so many beautiful passages. Here are just two of the ones that I loved.

    "She used to believe that the enemy of faith was doubt, but she'd learned that faith's destroyer was fear. 'Let your fear drive you into the arms of God,' her father had said." (p. 9)

    "You're wound so tightly, worrying about every little thing, trying so hard to hang on to control, but you were never in control to begin with. It's an illusion. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll put everything into God's hands and find some peace and maybe even gets some sleep at night." (p.63)

This beautiful story that Lynn has crafted is a timely story as we have faced our own battle against fear this past year and half. Covid has struck fear in people's hearts, but this fear should be driving us into the arms of God. We too need to let go and be reminded that we are not in control of our lives. Our lives, as well as the lives of our loved ones around us, are His.

So make sure to pick up this wonderful book. I can't recommend it enough. I'm sure it will touch your heart as it has mine!!

Rating: ★★★★★

Lynn Austin's Website:

***I received this complimentary book from the author. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Monday, May 31, 2021

The Nature of a Lady by Roseanna M. White (Book 1 in The Secrets of the Isles series)


Roseanna M. White has a brand new series called The Secrets of the Isles, and the first book has just released. The first book is called The Nature of a Lady, and this story takes place back in the year 1906 on the beautiful Isles of Scilly.

From the Back Cover: 


Lady Elizabeth "Libby" Sinclair, with her love of microscopes and nature, isn't favored in society. She flees to the beautiful Isles of Scilly for the summer and stumbles onto the dangerous secrets left behind by her holiday cottage's former occupant, also named Elizabeth, who mysteriously vanished.

Oliver Tremayne--gentleman and clergyman--is determined to discover what happened to his sister, with the help of the girl now living in what should have been Beth's summer cottage...especially when he realizes it's the curious young lady he met briefly two years ago, who shares his love of botany and biology. But the hunt for his sister involves far more than nature walks, and he can't quite believe all the secrets Beth had been keeping from him.

As Libby and Oliver work together, they uncover ancient legends, pirate wrecks, betrayal, and the most mysterious phenomenon of all: love.  

My Thoughts:

I loved the setting for this book. I had never heard of these islands before, so it was fun to learn about a new location.  The characters were enjoyable. I loved Lady Elizabeth's fascination with nature, and how her view of plant life gives her a different perspective for all of life. Oliver also has a different view of life from most. While he too sees the beauty of nature all around him, he also has been touched deeply through the pain of loss giving him a different perspective. Each of the characters in this first book, both main and secondary, has great appeal in their backstories which provides for a great story. But in addition to the characters, the tales that are being told about long-forgotten pirates and treasure hunting is a fun added mystery. I enjoyed trying to solve the mystery as I read through the story, and it was satisfying to see it come together at the end.  My only complaint is that I usually can read through a book pretty quickly, and this book took me a lot longer to finish. I wasn't speeding through the pages like I have done before with Roseanna's books. However, I would not let that discourage you from reading this novel. I think it has a lot to offer, and I'm looking forward to reading the next book in her series when it comes out. 

Rating: ★★★★
Roseanna M. White is a bestselling, Christy Award nominated author who has long claimed that words are the air she breathes. When not writing fiction, she’s homeschooling her two kids, editing, designing book covers, and pretending her house will clean itself. Roseanna is the author of a slew of historical novels that span several continents and thousands of years. Spies and war and mayhem always seem to find their way into her books…to offset her real life, which is blessedly ordinary. You can learn more about her and her stories at
 ***I received this complimentary book from the author. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.  


Monday, April 19, 2021

The Indebted Earl by Erica Vetsch and a Giveaway!!!


The third book in the Serendipity & Secrets series is here! The Indebted Earl tells the story of the Duke of Haverly's sister, Lady Sophia Haverly.

From the Back Cover:

Captain Charles Wyvern owes a great debt to the man who saved his life--especially since Major Richardson lost his own life in the process. The major's dying wish is for his love to be relayed to his finacee, and for the captain to look after her needs. But along the way, Charles learns of another obligation that has fallen on his shoulders: due to a death in the family, he is now the Earl of Rothwell.

His new role includes an estate in need of a leader and a trio of orphaned girls, all wards of the former earl. Wyvern understand war; young ladies and properties he does not. As a solution, Charles proposes a marriage of convenience to the late major's betrothed, the bereaved Lady Sophia Haverly. 

Sophie is surprised to find she isn't opposed to the idea. It will help her care for Richardson's elderly mother, and she's already fallen in love with the wayward girls on the Rothwell estate. This alliance is a chance to repay the captain who has done so much for her care, and a distraction from her grief. When Wyvern returns to his commission at sea, she'll stay behind to oversee his property and wards.

It sounds so simple. Until the stalwart captain is arrested on suspicion of smuggling, and Sophie realizes how much he's come to mean to her. Now she must learn to fight, not only for his freedom but also for his love.

My Thoughts:

Erica has written another delightful, adventurous tale. The beginning of the book is filled with sadness at the loss of young love, and a Captain's guilt over how it happened. His guilt motivates him in this new life after being stranded on land because of his injuries. And now he must fulfill a promise he made to his friend, Rich, as he died in order to ease his guilt. The Captain is a stern man only accustomed to the sea, but as he wonders how much he must do to ease the guilt he feels, he surprises himself with growing feelings for Sophie. Lady Sophia also goes through her own challenges. When Captain Wyvern arrives on her doorstep, she is faced with forgiving the man who says he is responsible for Rich's death. And even though she just buried her fiancee, her mother is already planning parties for her to meet a prospective mate. How can she grieve, forgive, and go on with life?
It's a good thing the story doesn't stay sad for long. While there is the hint of their grieving Rich, there is also an adventure to the sea that brings more adventure than they were wanting.  This was probably my favorite part of the story. There is this growing suspicion that things are not as they seem in the quaint little town of Gateshead village. The very place that Captain Wyvern is now an Earl. And it takes quite a crew to get to the bottom of things! It was a great way to end the book with a climatic ending.

Overall this was a charming series that you should pick up and read for your next reading adventure! You can find out more about the first two books in this series by clicking here for book 1-The Lost Lieutenant or by clicking here for book 2-The Gentleman Spy.

My Rating: ★★★★

***I received this complimentary book from I Read With Audra book tours. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Information About the GIVEAWAY!!!

Make sure to head over to Erica's website to enter this giveaway by Tuesday, April 20, 2021. Click Here to visit her website!

About the Author:

Erica Vetsch is a New York Times best-selling and ACFW Carol Award–winning author. 

She is a transplanted Kansan now living in Minnesota with her husband, who she claims is 

both her total opposite and soul mate.  

Vetsch loves Jesus, history, romance, and sports. When she’s not writing fiction, she’s 

planning her next trip to a history museum and cheering on her Kansas Jayhawks and 

New Zealand All Blacks. 

A self-described history geek, she has been planning her first research trip to England. 

Learn more about Erica Vetsch and her books at She can also 

be found on Facebook (@EricaVetschAuthor), Instagram (@EricaVetsch) and

 Pinterest (Erica Vetsch).

Monday, March 22, 2021

A Sneak Peek of Roseanna M. White’s newest book!

 Want a sneak peek of Roseanna M. White’s newest novel Nature of a Lady? Sign up using this link to receive your exclusive sneak peek! Sneak peek begins April 1st! 
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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

When Twilight Breaks by Sarah Sundin



Sarah Sundin has crafted another wonderful story! When Twilight Breaks takes readers back in history to the beginning of  WWII when tyranny began to reign in Nazi Germany. 

From the Back Cover:

Evelyn Brand is an American foreign correspondent determined to prove her worth in a male-dominated profession and to expose the growing tyranny in Nazi Germany. To do so, she must walk a thin line. If she offends the government, she could be expelled from the country--or worse. If she does not report truthfully, she'll betray the oppressed and fail to wake up the folks back home.

Peter Lang is an American graduate student working on his PhD in German. Disillusioned with the chaos in the world due to the Great Depression, he is impressed with the prosperity and order of German society. But when the brutality of the regime hits close, he discovers a far better way to use his contacts within the Nazi party--to feed information to the shrewd reporter he can't get off his mind.

As the world marches relentlessly toward war, Evelyn and Peter are on a collision course with destiny.

My Thoughts:

I enjoyed reading this book! I thought the historical information was so interesting and the story really made the history come alive. It really was amazing how the German government could spin stories about one group of people in order to lead others to hate them.

I enjoyed the characters and all the different layers that were peeled back as time went on throughout the novel.  Evelyn is a tough lady trying to make it in a man's world. She seems to hold her own pretty well. I like her spunk! On the other hand, Peter was taken in by all that seemed so good about Germany only to find out things were not as they seemed. I loved that this story was full of spying and action. There were definitely some tense situations.

If you're looking for a book that will bring the past to life and keep you up to find out what happens next, then pick up Sarah Sundin's newest book! It's definitely a keeper!

My Rating: ★★★★★

*** I received this complimentary copy of the book from Revell. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Dreams of Savannah by Roseanna M. White

The Civil War is a dark period in America's history. Slavery is a tough subject for any author to take on, but Roseanna does it with great care and truth. Her newest book, Dreams of Savannah, is set in the deep south in Savannah, Georgia. The story follows the lives of two main prominent families: the Owens and the Dunns. 

From the Back Cover:

Cordelia Owens can weave a hopeful story around anything and has long since won the hearts of Savannah's society with her whimsy. Even when she received word that her sweetheart has been lost during a raid on a Yankee vessel, she clings to hope and comes up with many a romantic tale of his eventual homecoming to reassure his mother and sister.

But Phineas Dunn finds nothing redemptive in the horrors of war. Struggling for months to make it home alive, he returns to Savannah injured and changed. The beliefs he once held about slavery and the entire war have been upended, and he;s all too sure that he is not the hero Delia seems determined to make him.

When the Confederacy deems Savannah a lost cause and the future wavers, Phin and Delia must both decide where the dreams of a new America will take them---and if they will go there together.

 My Thoughts:

This story courageously confronts the horrors of slavery head-on giving readers a glimpse into the past where people were treated horribly just because of the color of their skin. The reader gets to tag-along as both Phin and Delia's eyes are opened to what they have been taught about the slaves their families own. Many times change doesn't happen overnight, and it is a long steady process of choosing to think about the things we've just obeyed without thought because they have "always been this way." I thought Roseanna did a great job building a story with not only adventure and heroism, but also truth, awakening and change. I would definitely recommend this book. 

Click here to read an excerpt from Dreams of Savannah, and head to Baker Publishing to find out more about this book! Buy the book here.

My Rating: ★★★★★

About the Author:

Roseanna M. White

Roseanna M. White ( is a bestselling, Christy Award-nominated author who has long claimed that words are the air she breathes. She pens her novels beneath her Betsy Ross flag, with her Jane Austen action figure watching over her. When not writing fiction, she's homeschooling her two children, editing and designing, and pretending her house will clean itself. Roseanna is the author of numerous novels, ranging from biblical fiction to American-set romances to Edwardian British series. Roseanna lives with her family in West Virginia. Learn more at


***I received this book from the author. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

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