Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Master's Mind: The Art of Reshaping Your Thoughts by Lance Hahn

Lance Hahn, senior pastor of Bridgeway Christian church in Rocklin, California.  has written a new book, The Master's Mind.  This book is about changing our thinking with the truth of God's Word. Our thoughts can be under attack daily by all that we face each day, and we must know how to battle these onslaughts if we are to take every thought captive.

From the Back Cover:
Why are so many of us insecure depressed, and confused? This is not the condition God has in mind for us. In fact, the Master's overwhelming desire is to see us full of hope, strength, peace, joy, and love. So where do we go wrong? How do we overcome all the negativity we encounter?
As pastor Lance Hahn explains, what we think determines who we are. An identity that is not anchored in Christ's work on the cross ends up tossed about on the sea of a million random influences. Between the world, the flesh and the Devil, we don't know what to think. When someone other than God is running the show in our minds, our lives are filled with hurt, pain, and regret.
The Master's Mind shows just how much God wants to strengthen our minds and enable us to rise above the noise that seeks to overwhelm us. Pastor Lance know firsthand the power that comes from a mind at rest, trusting God's goodness despite the voices in our heads.
It's time for us to take back control of our minds, to master them and bring them back in alignment with the Master's will. It's time to return to the Master's mind.

My Thoughts:
I found that as I read this book, some of the statements were great insights that made me think through different aspects of my thinking. But other statements were frustrating to me, and left me wondering about his theology. I don't know if I'm just being too picky, but overall I really did not like this book. I think part of it had to do with his writing style that did not appeal to me. If you are determined to read this book, pick it up from your local library first. This is not a book that I would recommend to others.

My Rating: ★

***I received this complimentary book from Handlebar Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own. 

Friday, October 27, 2017

The Dishonorable Miss DeLancey by Carolyn Miller

 If you like reading books from the Regency time period, then make sure to take time to pick up Carolyn Miller's newest book, The Dishonorable Miss Delancey. This novel is the 3rd book of the Regency Brides: A Legacy of Grace series.

This novel tells the story of Miss Clara DeLancey who has not had the greatest character traits in the previous novels from this series. But in this novel, Miss Clara has been shattered by heartbreak and is coming to some personal conclusions about herself and her character. When a dashing young man rescues her from death, she realizes that she wants to live her life and not succumb to the hopeless feelings of her heart. This dashing young man, Captain Benjamin Kemsley, has no idea who the young lady is because she is dressed in a dark cloak with a hood. After relaying the story to his sisters, the sisters decide they must find out who this mysterious lady is.

My Thoughts:
I enjoyed reading this story. Miss Clara DeLancey has a lot of changing to do. It was interesting watching her character change from how she had been brought up thinking more of herself to actually thinking more about people as people and not a stepping stone in the societal structure. The story moved at a good pace and kept me interested throughout the book. I liked that it was a clean romance story and look forward to reading more of Carolyn's works.

My Rating: ★★★★

**I received this complimentary book from Kregel Publications. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

All She Left Behind by Jane Kirkpatrick

Jane Kirkpatrick is known for writing books that are based on real history from America's past eras. All She Left Behind is no different and tells the story of an amazing woman named, Jane E. Pickett, also known as Jennie.

From the Back Cover:
Already well-versed in the natural healing properties of herbs and oils, Jennie Pickett longs to become a doctor. But the Oregon frontier of the 1870s is an unforgiving place--especially for a single mother. To support herself and her young son, Jennie finds work caring for an older woman. When her patient dies, Jennie discovers that her heart has become entangled with the woman's widowed husband, a man many years her senior. Their unlikely romance may lead her to her ultimate goal--but the road forward is uncertain.

My Thoughts:
I love that Jane Kirkpatrick writes about these amazing stories of women long forgotten by time, and brings their stories to life for a new generation. I have enjoyed her stories over the years, and this one is just as great. Jane Pickett's story is one of courage and determination to follow a life long dream even when it didn't seem possible. The author draws the reader into the story and connects her with the characters, which makes it hard to put the book down. The historical side of this story is so vivid and brings American history to life. And then the fact that these characters were real people back in the 1870's, makes the story that much grander. If you're looking for a great historical fiction book, then pick up Jane Kirkpatrick's newest book, All She Left Behind! It's a great book to add to your personal library.

My Rating: ★★★★

***I received this complimentary book from Revell Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

BLIND DESCENT by Brian Dickinson

  Have you ever wanted to climb a mountain? I can say that thought has never crossed my mind. Scaling the highest peaks has never been on my...