Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Fiddler by Beverly Lewis

I don't know what it is about the Amish, but Englischers are sure fascinated by their lifestyle.   Maybe it is their peaceful living or the way they adhere to strict rules yet seem happy.  One thing is for sure, a lot of books have been written about them!  The Fiddler by Beverly Lewis is another great story involving the Amish people.  Amelia Devries is a concert violinist who seems to have everything--boyfriend, promising career and a loving, devoted family.  Yet deep inside she is struggling with if she is truly happy following the plans that others have made for her.  Through a series of events, Amelia meets an Amishman named Michael who is struggling with many of the same things she is.  The two of them hit it off, but both wonder if an Englischer and an Amishman could ever be together.

Beverly Lewis created an interesting plot using music as Amelia's background.  I enjoyed this facet since I myself am a musician.  I guess I never thought about the Amish and what they allow for music.  Music is such a part of my life, I can't imagine not being able to enjoy classical or many other genres.  It is always interesting to read about the Amish people and their lifestyle.  It's so foreign to our way of thinking.  I'm so glad that God doesn't look at what we do to merit any favor with Him, and that our relationship with Him is based only on Christ's finished work.  Overall, this book was a good read and one I would recommend.

**I received this book free from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for an honest review.

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