Monday, April 23, 2012

The New Voice Bible by Thomas Nelson Publishers

A little while ago, I received The Voice New Testament Bible from Thomas Nelson Publishers and the E-book version from Booksneeze to review.  This Bible is a whole new translation not based on any other previous translation.   It was translated by Ecclesia Bible Society and included 27 Bible scholars, 51 writers, and 36 others contributors. The Voice is written in a dialogue form rather than just chapter and verses.  Each Book has an introduction and the following verses are written in story form having the name of the speaker before the verse so you know who is talking.  For example, Jesus is listed at the beginning of John 3:10 because He is the speaker for the next 11 verses.

Below is a sample of translation of John 3:16:
"For God expressed His love for the world in this way: He gave His only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not face everlasting destruction, but will have everlasting life."

The introduction to this Bible has several lists for Readings to Celebrate Advent or Lent and Easter.  There is also a schedule for reading the New Testament in 24 weeks and 40 days of readings for personal growth.

I think that this translation is really unique in how it is written in story form.  I think the translation is well done and would be a benefit as a study companion Bible to be used with a literal translation Bible like NASB or ESV.  This Bible would lend itself well to dramatic presentational readings of Scripture since the speakers are well identified.  The Bible is well laid out in structure and content on the pages and it is easily read and understood since it is written in the language that we use in our current culture.  I would recommend this Bible as a good study companion to your literal translations.

***I received this free paperback Bible from Thomas Nelson publishers and the free e-book version from Booksneeze in exchange for an honest review.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Whole by Lisa Whittle

Lisa Whittle's book, Whole, is about the holes that we create in our lives when we turn to everything else to satisfy us instead of turning to God for that satisfaction.  Lisa writes, "Our comfortable religious traditions can make us feel spiritually productive, maybe even spiritually complete.  But in the process, they can obstruct our view of God.  The reality is that though we feel like we are making efforts toward loving Him, we may simply be in love with our religion." (pg. 25)  Lisa describes well how easy it is to get so busy being involved doing good things, yet not having a love for the One whom you are serving.

I appreciated her openness about the things she had learned in her life.  Lisa grew up as a PK (pastor's kid) and struggled with outward performance that didn't stem from an inward reality of love for Christ.  It is easy to get lost in trying to perform or do what is expected of you, yet miss what Christianity is really about--loving God first and foremost with all your heart.  There were parts where I kinda felt like that books was a little redundant, and sometimes didn't agree with  what she was saying about religion.  But overall it was a good read that made you think.

***I received this book free from Tyndale House in exchange for an honest review of this book.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Free Monthly E-book Downloads from Tyndale

Sign up for Tyndale's E-book Extra Newsletter and receive monthly free e-book downloads!!!  E-books up right now that are available for free are:

So, sign up and get some free books each month for your reader.  Remember that you don't need a reader to have e-books.  You can download a free kindle reader for your computer to get these books for free.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Simply Grilling by Jennifer Chandler

I was so excited when I saw that BookSneeze had a cookbook up to review!  Simply Grilling is written by Jennifer Chandler.  She has been featured on episodes of the Food Network's Dinner Impossible and Martha Stewart's Everyday Food XM/Sirius radio program.
The introduction to the book covers everything you need to know about grilling--both indoors and out.  The book is meant to make grilling easy with "quick-cooking items that you can dress up with a simple sauce or marinade." (pg. vii)  In her cookbook she covers 8 different categories--Starters, Poultry, Meat, seafood, Salads, Vegetables and Sides, and Sweet Endings.  Each recipe has a full page picture with it taken by photographer, Justin Fox Burks.

This book looks great!  The photography is outstanding and I love that each recipe has a picture.  I am partial to pictures and love to see a finished product of what I am making.  The recipes sound so delicious and I can't wait to get out the grill and try some of these amazing recipes.  Jennifer Chandler has done a great job putting together recipes that not only sound delicious but they look very appealing too.  Jennifer also has 2 other books called--Simply Suppers and Simple Salads.  You can take a look at this book on by clicking on this link.  You can also read more about Jennifer at her website and Facebook page. 

**I received this book for free from BookSneeze in exchange for an honest review.

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