Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Revisiting the Adventures in Odyssey's Imagination Station books

Since Tyndale House Publishers is doing their annual Summer Reading Program this year, I decided to pick up the Imaginations Station books and read them with my daughter this time around.  We have been thoroughly enjoying reading through them together.  She is always begging to read just one more chapter before bedtime. 

Voyage with the Vikings is the first book in the Imagination Station series.  The imagination station is a time machine that a local inventor has at his workshop.  The machine transports the children back in time to Greenland in the year 1000 during the time of the Vikings.  They learn a lot as they work together to find a mysterious item called the sandstone that they must retrieve before going back home.  The book shows how doing the right thing may be hard, but it is always the right choice.  The book ends with another mystery that must be solved which leads into the next book of the series: Attack at the Arena (book 2).  I think there are a total of 15 books now in this series!  The series is recommended for children ages 7 and up.  That being said, my 6 year old is really enjoying them this year.

This series would be great for a child to read on his own or to read it together as a family.  The plot was laid out well and the mystery makes you desire to keep reading more and more.  I thought the ending was great in that it led to another mystery to be solved in the next book.  The books not only teach history, but they also teach good moral principles too.  I would highly recommend this series to anyone with children 7 and up.  This would also be a great series to encourage kids who are not excited about reading.  I think it would keep their attention and show them that reading can be fun!  You can read a sample of the book here. And you can buy the book from here.

Make sure to check back to read about the next books in the series as my daughter and I finish them!


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