Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Attributes of God vol. 2: Deeper Into the Father's Heart by A.W. Tozer

For many, A. W. Tozer is a well-known name among Christian circles. He has a great many books written about God that invite people to join him on this journey to know God better.
In this book, Tozer covers the following attributes of God:
God's Self-Existence, God's Transcendence, God's Eternalness, God's Omnipotence, God's Immutability, God's Omniscience, God's Wisdom, God's Sovereignty, God's Faithfulness and God's Love. This book also comes with a study guide in the back to further help your study.

I enjoyed reading through this book.  Tozer's thoughts were compelling; although, sometimes I felt as though they were repetitious.  I was disappointed with the study guide in that it basically rehashed what Tozer had already said.  I felt that it could of been more of a help to the reader if it would of dove deeper into the study of the attribute being discussed. Maybe even additional Scripture for the reader to study or questions to apply what had been learned about the attribute of God.  Overall, the book is a great starting point for study of the attributes, but I felt like it just touched the surface, and wasn't that deep.

***I received this free book from Moody Publishers.  I was not required to write a positive review.  All opinions are my own.

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