Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Chasing Shadows by Lynn Austin


One of my favorite authors has released a new stand alone novel set during World War IIFind out why Chasing Shadows by Lynn Austin should be the next book you pick up for your home library!

From the Back Cover:

The lives of three women change instantly when the Nazis invade the neutral Netherlands, forcing them into a complicated dance of choice and consequence. 

Lena is a wife and mother who farms alongside her husband in the tranquil countryside. Her faith has always been her compass, but can she remain steadfast when the questions grow increasingly complex and the answers could mean the difference between life and death?

Lena's daughter Ans has recently moved to the bustling city of Leiden, filled with romantic notions of a new job and a young Dutch police officer. But when she is drawn into Resistance work, her idealism collides with the dangerous reality that comes with fighting the enemy. 

Miriam is a young, Jewish violinist who immigrated for the safety Holland offered. She finds love in her new country, but as her family settles in Leiden, the events that follow will test them in ways she never imagined.

The Nazi invasion propels these women onto paths that cross in unexpected, sometimes-heartbreaking ways. Yet the story that unfolds illuminates the surprising endurance of the human spirit and the power of faith and love to carry us through.

My Thoughts:

I loved this book! I don't think I have ever read a historical fiction World War II story from the perspective of the people from the Netherlands before. This story was fast-paced and hard to put down. I loved reading about the incredible courage of the Dutch people. The sacrifice they made for others was truly remarkable. The main characters were so well written, and each character went through incredible changes as they faced the trials of war. I could identify with these characters... with their fear, mistrust, depression, looking for a glimpse of hope. 

Lynn has so many beautiful passages. Here are just two of the ones that I loved.

    "She used to believe that the enemy of faith was doubt, but she'd learned that faith's destroyer was fear. 'Let your fear drive you into the arms of God,' her father had said." (p. 9)

    "You're wound so tightly, worrying about every little thing, trying so hard to hang on to control, but you were never in control to begin with. It's an illusion. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll put everything into God's hands and find some peace and maybe even gets some sleep at night." (p.63)

This beautiful story that Lynn has crafted is a timely story as we have faced our own battle against fear this past year and half. Covid has struck fear in people's hearts, but this fear should be driving us into the arms of God. We too need to let go and be reminded that we are not in control of our lives. Our lives, as well as the lives of our loved ones around us, are His.

So make sure to pick up this wonderful book. I can't recommend it enough. I'm sure it will touch your heart as it has mine!!

Rating: ★★★★★

Lynn Austin's Website: https://lynnaustin.org

***I received this complimentary book from the author. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

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