Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Way to the Savior: A Family Easter Devotional by Jeff and Abbey Land

Easter is coming up soon and there is a new product published by B& H Kids called The Way to the Savior: A Family Easter Devotional by Jeff and Abbey Land.

From the Back Cover:
Prepare your hearts for Easter!
Amid the bustle of springtime chores and storefront bunnies, reminding your children of the true meaning of Easter can be a challenge. But this forty-day devotional brings the family together during Lent for a meaningful Easter season focused on Christ instead.
The Way to the Savior guides families through eight aspects of Lent and ends with a focus on Jesus' last days and resurrection.
With activity ideas and space to add Easter memories as well, this collection of devotions will become a family keepsake, bringing family together to celebrate the Easter season and the way to the Savior year after year.

My Thoughts:
This devotional book is meant to be read during the season of Lent, and there are 40 days included in the book. The authors include a note to the parents in the beginning to help them understand how to use this book during the days leading up to Easter. There are 8 themes covered in this book--Hope, Love, Thanksgiving, Commitment, Forgiveness, Trust, Obedience, and Jesus' Last Days. Each day a main verse is focused on with a devotional thought, short written prayer and an application thought or question for the family to answer. The illustrations are just as beautiful as the cover, and will definitely draw the eyes of little ones. I thought that the short devotionals were useful in pointing the family to Jesus and helping to keep Him the focus in the days leading up to Easter. This is a good resource to help bring the importance of Easter into family devotional time without adding the burden of a huge time commitment.

My Rating: ★★★★

Here is a trailer for the book from B&H Publishing!

***I received this complimentary book from B&H Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Jesus Rose for Me by Jared Kennedy (boardbook)

With Easter right around the corner, you might be looking for a new book for your toddler or preschooler that shares the true reason we celebrate Easter. Jared Kennedy has written a new book for this age group called Jesus Rose for me.

This sturdy boardbook shares the story of Jesus beginning with his ride into Jerusalem, and then proceeds through the stories of the Last Supper, Jesus dying on the Cross and concludes with His resurrection. The book is well written in language that toddlers or preschoolers can understand, and the illustrations are bright and colorful drawing the eyes of little ones.

This Easter, pick up Jared's new book to share and enjoy with your toddler or preschooler as you share with them the beautiful message of the gospel!

My Rating: ★★★★

***I received this complimentary book from New Growth Press. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

The Brightest of Dreams by Susan Anne Mason (Canadian Crossings series, Book 3)

The final book in Susan Anne Mason's Canadian Crossings series, The Brightest of Dreams, just released in February 2020. This last book of the series tells the story of Quinten Aspinall as he crosses the ocean to search for his three siblings who were sent away from England to Canada as part of re-homing orphans as indentured laborers until the age of 18.

From the Back Cover:
He crosses an ocean to reunite his family. But meeting her makes him question everything.

Quinten Aspinall is determined to fulfill a promise he made to his deceased father to keep his family together. To do so, he must travel to Canada to find his younger siblings, who were sent there as indentured workers while Quinn was away at war. But before he leaves, his employer offers him a deal. If Quinn can find the man's wayward niece, who ran off with a Canadian soldier, and bring her back, then he will receive his own tenant farm, enabling him to provide a home for his ailing mother and siblings.

Julia Holloway's decision to come to Toronto has been met with one disaster after another. When her uncle's employee rescues her from a bad situation, she fears she can never repay Quinn's kindness. So when he asks for her help to find his sister, she agrees. The quest draws the two of them together, but soon afterward, Julia receives devastating news that will change her life forever.

Torn between reuniting his family and protecting Julia, will Quinn have to sacrifice his chance at happiness to finally keep his promise?

My Thoughts:
I thought this was a good concluding story to this three book series. Quinten's story is one that has the reader routing for him to pull his family back together again even though it seems impossible. Not all stories are "rosy," and the author portrays that well with the heartbreak that happened with the British children who were brought over from England to Canada to work on farms. So many children were frightened and hoping for a good home, but many ended up with awful situations. I was not aware of this time in history until I read Carrie Turansky's book, No Ocean Too Wide.  I'm glad to see authors bringing to light this part of Canada's history, and helping readers to understand all that these children went through. Although, Quinten finding his siblings is only part of this grand story. Quinten finds that his plans are beginning to change once he encounters the beautiful Julia Holloway. Now, he must choose between family obligations and a woman he loves. It was interesting to see how his character changes throughout the story battling inside himself to do what it right. I thought the author did a great job creating tension and resolution throughout this story. It kept the story moving and the reader interested.
You can read my review of the other two books in this series by clicking on these links.  The Best of Intentions (book 1);  The Highest of Hopes (book 2).

My Rating: ★★★★

***I received this complimentary book from Bethany House Publisher and the author. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

The Highest of Hopes by Susan Anne Mason (Canadian Crossings Book 2)

Imagine finding out that the father you were told died of a broken heart is actually alive and living in another country? This is the story of Emmaline Moore. She always believed herself to be an orphan, but has found out that her father is alive and in Canada.

From the Back Cover:

For years she searched for somewhere to belong. But is she looking in the right place?

After her beloved grandfather's death, Emmaline Moore is shocked to discover that her deceased father is actually alive in Canada. Having no other family, Emma decides she must find him, and so embarks on a journey across the ocean, accompanied by her best friend Jonathan. Unfortunately, Randall Moore and his family aren't thrilled by her arrival, fearing her sudden appearance will hinder his chance at becoming mayor of Toronto in 1919. Despite everything, Emma remains determined to gain their affection.
Jonathan Rowe has secretly loved Emma for years and hopes that during their trip he can win her heart. Concerned that Randall might reject her, Jonathan is ready to console Emma and bring her home. But when she informs him that she has no intention of returning to England, Jonathan fears he'll lose her forever. Is there any way to convince her that the love she seeks could be right in front of her?

My Thoughts:
After reading the first book, I was not sure where this next book would pick up. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the author is going to tell the stories of three individuals that met by chance on their ocean voyage from England to Canada. The first book, The Best of Intentions, tells the story of Grace Abernathy, and this book, The Highest of Hopes, tells the story of Emmaline Moore.
I thought it was a good story and found the mystery surrounding Emma's mom and dad interesting. What truly happened when she was born, and why would a father abandon a newborn? There was a lot of tension throughout this whole story between Emma, her father's family, and also at times with Jonathan. Emma's character is a bit on the reckless side rushing ahead of sound advice to do whatever her heart dictates. She seems like one of those people that has to learn things the hard way. Her best friend Jonathan is definitely more level-headed, but struggles to share his true feelings for Emma. The reader is left to wonder whether they will ever get together. Throughout the story, both of these character have a lot to learn about love and acceptance not just from each other, but especially how God sees them too.

I would suggest that the series be read in order since the characters do appear in all three of these books. Susan's third book, The Brightest of Dreams, just released in February 2020, so watch for my review of that book coming soon!

My Rating: ★★★★

***I received this complimentary book from Bethany House Publishers and the author. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Breaking Anxiety's Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises by Dr. Michelle Bengtson

Anxiety and depression are becoming common words used today, but it hasn't always been this way. The church is attempting to do better in this area, and it is a good change to see happening. Maybe it's because people who have actually been down this road are finally writing to help others. Dr. Michelle Bengtson is one of those people. She has faced worry, anxiety, and fear, and is using her experience to help point others to Jesus.

From the Back Cover:
No question, we have a lot to worry about. Children, jobs, homes, health, finances, and more. The solution isn't to rid ourselves of the sources of anxiety--as if we could. Instead, we need to recognize that anxiety originates from a spiritual influence and that we can fight back using the God-given weapons of power, love, and a sound mind.
Sharing her own story of emerging from the battle with anxiety as well as the stories of others, Dr. Michelle Bengston reminds you of your identity as a follower of Christ and of the peace he promises you in spite of everything. She provides tools to cope with the crushing emotional burden of anxiety now and, more importantly, shows you how to reclaim God's peace as a way of life so that you can break anxiety's grip.

My Thoughts:
I thought this book was a good read. I liked how the author took the time to define the terms we often throw around--Worry, Anxiety, Fear and Panic. Dr. Bengtson then talks about how each of these characteristics are birthed in our lives through physical, cognitive, emotional and spiritual avenues. She addresses worry, anxiety and fear in their own chapters and then ends with chapters on how God has given us power, love and a sound mind to fight against the spirit of fear.

I found a lot of great advice in Dr. Michelle Bengtson's book, but I did have an issue with chapter 9 Reclaim Your Power when the author states her interpretation of Psalm 91:1-7.

 "When we trust him as our refuge, he promises in verse 3 and 4 that he will rescue us from every trap set for us, protect us from deadly diseases designed to kill us, and hide us under his sheltering wings where we cannot be open prey."
"Verses 5-7 explain that when we trust God, we won't fear what could happen outside his safety, whether physical attacks on our body or the area around us, because God promises safety from such evil things." (page 148)

It sounds like she is saying that you won't get a deadly disease or physical attacks if we trust God. But I know from experience, friends, who loved Jesus with all their hearts, get diseases and die. So like with any book, you must read keeping in mind what you know to be true from Scripture because man's thoughts are just that... man's thoughts.
The few things I disagreed with are so small in comparison to the vast good material in this book that can be a huge help to those wanting to fight against fear, anxiety and worry. So I would still say that this is a book worth checking out!

My Rating: ★★★★

About the Author:
Dr. Michelle Bengtson is a board certified clinical neuropsychologist with more than 20 years of experience in the diagnosis and treatment of medical and mental disorders in children, adults, and seniors. She has been in private practice for more than a decade of that time. Speaker, author, and doctor, Michelle is also a woman—a wife, mother, and friend. She has experienced her share of trouble and trials and knows the pain of losing someone she loves as well as the despair that can follow trauma or illness.
Combining her professional expertise and personal experience with her faith, Dr. Bengtson is on a mission to instill hope in the hearts of those who are suffering from or caring for those with ADD/ADHD, learning disabilities, developmental disorders, head injuries, dementia, and the neurological side effects of illnesses such as Epilepsy, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, and Cancer, as well as psychiatric disorders such as Depression, Anxiety, and Bipolar Disorder.
Everyone goes through hard times, but you are not alone. Hope is the key to the survival of your soul. Dr. Michelle Bengtson provides sound practical tools, affirms worth, and encourages faith. She instills hope to unlock joy and relief—even in the middle of the storm.

***I received this complimentary book from Revell Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

BLIND DESCENT by Brian Dickinson

  Have you ever wanted to climb a mountain? I can say that thought has never crossed my mind. Scaling the highest peaks has never been on my...