Monday, June 1, 2015

Bible Dominoes by Juliet David; Illustrated by Jo Parry

Are you looking for a fun game that your child ages 3 and up can play?  I know finding a fun game for this young age can be challenging.  Bible Dominoes by Juliet David is a fun little game that a three year old can understand.  The game comes with 28 tiles that are thick and very sturdy for little hands.  They are also quite large for being dominoes as you can see from the picture below.  I love the vibrant colors and the fun characters on the tiles.  Each of the pictures used come from a different Bible stories.  The game comes with a little booklet that tells all of the stories that are used on the different tiles.  The pictures used come from the following stories:

Noah and his Ark
Joseph and his Amazing Coat
Moses, Prince of Egypt
Daniel Saved from Lions
Jonah and the Great Fish
Jesus Talks to a Crowd
A Big Lunch
Stop, Storm!
The Good Shepherd
The Stranger Who Helped

I like that the number and color tiles are the same.  You can see in the photo that all the red tiles are groupings of six.  Therefore, the child can match by color or number.  This is a great tool for learning colors and counting.  And you can also talk about the many Bible stories!  The author for this game has also written another book that I reviewed,
99 Stories from the Bible by Juliet David and Illustrated by Elina Ellis.

So, if you're looking for a fun new game for your little one, pick up Bible Dominoes!

***I received this game free from Kregel Publications in exchange for an honest review.  All opinions are my own.

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