Saturday, May 16, 2015

Whenever You come Around by Robin Lee Hatcher

Robin Lee Hatcher has written another Kings Meadow Romance novel.  Charity Anderson has a couple of past secrets that have haunted her life, and she has lived in fear of discovery.  No one knows the real her or sees how she is covering up the hurt except one man, Buck Malone.  But is she willing to let him in and are her secrets safe with him?

I thought this story was engaging and sweet.  The novel really didn't have a "dry" spot in it, and the story flowed smoothly from cover to cover.  I was able to read it in just a few short days, and anytime that happens, I know it's a keeper!  If you're looking for a fun romance series to take a long on vacation this summer, pick up this easy read and settle in for a sweet romance story.  You can read my thoughts on Robin's first book to mention King's Meadow, A Promise Kept, here.  And the first novel set completely in King's Meadow, Love Without End, here.

**I checked this book out from my local library.  All opinions are my own.

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